Dear Author or Shareware Publisher, Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). We take the "ASP" mark as a symbol of distinction, and work to maintain the highest possible standards for the benefit of all our members. Because the procedures for Author and Publisher membership are similar, we have combined the forms and files into one package. Admission to ASP is not automatic. You must demonstrate that one of your products (e.g., a program and related documentation) meets ASP standards; and you must guarantee that, if you are accepted, your other shareware will meet the same standards. First, I'll explain the various files you have just received, and then we'll take a look at what ASP is all about, and how your application will be processed. ========= THE FILES ========= This file, AUTPUB.TXT, contains all of the information you will need to join the ASP. However, you should first review the ASP Author standards contained in AUTSTD.TXT. AUTPUB.FRM is an application form. Detailed instructions for filling it out and submitting it are here in AUTPUB.TXT. You may find the contents of SHAREW.TXT a useful addition to your product's documentation. Feel free to include any or all of it in your docs. The file INCENTIV.TXT contains many suggestions for registration incentives. And REASONS.TXT goes over many of the reasons for joining ASP. ================ WHAT IS THE ASP? ================ The ASP is an association for shareware authors and distributors with the general goals of educating shareware authors and distributors and the public, setting standards and sharing resources and information among members. ================== WHAT IS SHAREWARE? ================== For the ASP's purposes, "Shareware" is software which meets all of the following general criteria: It is a "complete" program, ie: it performs all of the major functions normally expected of a program of its type, unlike a "commercial demo" which normally has a major function disabled. It is copyrighted (as opposed to uncopyrighted software which is "public domain"). It may be copied for others to try, possibly subject to copying restrictions: you might restrict copying in conjunction with any business enterprise; you might place limits on copying for a fee; registration fees may be required from the user as a condition of continued use of the program beyond a trial usage period. (Note that a "$0" registration fee is valid. You might want to distribute "$0 Shareware" to build a mailing list, for example.) ============= THE MECHANICS ============= "How long will it take to become a member?" is a common question. Two to four weeks is typical, but if there are questions or a long reviewer delay, it could take longer. The closer you follow these instructions, the better your chances for submitting a complete, easy to review application package. Your application goes through several steps: 1. The ASP Executive Director ("ED") receives your application and checks it for completeness. Some folks don't read the application directions carefully enough and fail to send in what is required. Some of them forget to send in their program. Others forget the check. When that happens, the ED has to send you a letter, then you have to go back over all the instructions and resubmit. 2. Once your application is complete, the ED sends you a notification card in the mail, and uploads your application form to the ASP forum on CompuServe for members of the Author Membership Committee ("AMC"). 3. The AMC assigns a reviewer for your program. There are several common hang-ups at this stage: (1) Your program's "Registered" version may not be identical to the "Freely Distributed" version. While there are a few permitted differences, they are narrowly defined, and must be followed carefully. (2) your program's "commercials" -- also known as Nag Screens or Registration Reminder Screens (RRS) -- in the Freely Distributed version may be a problem. You are allowed to have RRS, but they must meet very strict rules. See INCENTIV.TXT for many registration incentive suggestions. (3) You forgot to include the ombudsman statement in your doc. See the sections below and AUTSTD.TXT for details on these requirements. If your app fails to clear this first hurdle, you will hear from one of the members of Assistant Author Membership Coordinators (AAMC). Your AAMC will work with you to bring your product into compliance. 4. When you pass the first hurdle, the AAMC reviewer runs your program through its paces, and writes a review. The review simply notes each ASP requirement in turn, and measures your product against the requirements; there is no "secret evaluation sheet", nor are there any undocumented evaluation points. Your program is also tested for "triviality" (described below), and checked for obvious bugs. Results of the review are posted in the committee section of the ASP CIS forum. This allows other AMC members to keep up to date, and to comment or discuss problems if need be. Any questions about policy or procedure are immediately passed on to the Board of Directors: the AMC is not a policy-making body. The AMC is given a week to examine your application and the results of the review in detail. 5. If you clear this final hurdle, you will receive a full membership package in the mail shortly thereafter. If you have a CIS account, you will also receive an email notifying you of acceptance. If your application does not meet ASP standards, it will be referred to the Board of Directors for a re-review and notification. If you disagree with any action of the AMC, you may appeal directly to the Board of Directors, by writing to the Executive Director (address below). When you start feeling frustrated about the delays, keep one thing in mind: with the exception of the "ED", this entire process, beginning to end, is run by volunteers who have myriad demands on their time. ====================== HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? ====================== As of Jan 1, 1994, the following rates apply: --------------------------------------------- When you apply, you will send in a check (or authorize a credit card charge) for $100. That amount covers your first year's dues. Technically, it's spread out over four calendar quarters, at $25 per quarter, starting in the quarter your application is submitted. If you apply after the first quarter, any excess is credited towards your second year's dues. As a member you will have unlimited submission rights to the ASP monthly CD ROM mailing. This replaced the previous disk based mailing that cost members $500-800 PER MONTH. ======================== WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO JOIN? ======================== Author membership is open to programmers who are authors of at least one "nontrivial" product which is currently marketed (or is in final beta test stage) and supported as shareware, who agree to abide by standards adopted by the association, and whose membership, in the judgment of the Membership Committee, will not be detrimental to the goals or reputation of the ASP. Note, while this 'product' is usually a computer program, books, tutorials, clip art collections, et al. can also qualify. Publisher members might not be the author of a program, but have exclusive rights to distribute an application. There are other types of members: CoAuthors, for example, may apply providing at least one of the authors of the product in question is an ASP member. Membership is also open to Vendors and Bulletin Board operators. These other types of members have their own application procedures. Please contact the Executive Director for details (address below). Companies with a controlling interest owned by programmers ALL of whom are ASP Members or CoAuthor Members, are considered Company Members; there is no additional membership fee. Companies with a controlling interest owned only partially by ASP Members are also considered Company Members; there are additional dues of $100 per year, pro-rated by quarter. =============== TRIVIALITY TEST =============== The product submitted with your application is checked for "triviality"; perhaps a better term would be "substantiveness". If the reviewer judges the program to be trivial, a BOD member also does a review. If they concur, the entire Board of Directors then votes on the application. In general a program is "trivial" if a good programmer with the right tools can substantially duplicate the product in two days or less. That is a rule of thumb, not a definition. =============== HOW DO I APPLY? =============== (Please study these instructions carefully. If your application is returned it only adds to the delay and the confusion....) A: Read the rest of this document. B: Follow the instructions in this document to answer all the questions in AUTPUB.FRM. Fill out the AUTPUB.FRM electronically, i.e., on disk. We MUST have an electronic file called AUTPUB.FRM, properly completed, in order to process your application. C: When you complete the application, print it out, then sign and date the printout where indicated. Include this in your application package along with the on-disk copy. D: Print all of your product's documentation files. (Documentation and tutorial material only: not program listings!) This is to make the reviewer's job easier. If a doc or help file is not normally printed you do not need to include a printed copy. (Eg, many Windows applications have extensive help files that are never printed, but only referenced while running the program.) E: Put ALL of the following into one package: 1) The file AUTPUB.FRM on disk. 2) A signed and dated printout of the file AUTPUB.FRM 3) Printouts of all of your product's documentation files 4) The "Freely Distributed" version of your program 5) If there is any difference between "Freely Distributed" and "Registered" versions of your program, also include a copy of the "Registered" version, clearly marked. 6) Any material (such as a manual or a newsletter) that is normally included in the "Registered" version 7) If you have an Non-Shareware Version of your product (see below), the entire retail package 8) Either: A) A check for $100, in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank; or, B) The completed credit card charge authorization located at the end of AUTPUB.FRM All files should be submitted on IBM diskettes. Mac and Amiga files, may be submitted on any common media for those machines, but should be clearly marked as such. Note that there is a $20 is a non-refundable processing fee if your application is not accepted. The remainder will be refunded. F: Mail the package to: Executive Director Association of Shareware Professionals 545 Grover Road Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 =========================== THE INSTRUCTIONS =========================== You are to submit one product (e.g., a program and associated documentation) with your application. That product is reviewed to make sure it meets the criteria described in AUTPUB.TXT. When you are admitted to the ASP, you will have 60 days to make all of your products conform to ASP standards. You might want to look at the text included in the file SHAREW.TXT, modify it to apply to your product, and include it in your documentation. You'll also need to insert the ASP-required statements into your documents before you submit them with your application. Then the AMC can readily verify that all of your documentation is in order. Remember, though, that you are not permitted to release anything including the ASP logo, Ombudsman statement, etc., unless and until you are formally admitted as a member. At this point, you should take a look at the file AUTPUB.FRM, and follow along as we step you through the form. Incomplete application forms are a major cause of delays. (Note that the following instructions are, by and large, an English translation of the Bylaws of the ASP, Inc., and formal ASP policies, rules and requirements. All of the policies have been passed by at least a 2/3 majority of members. If there are any conflicts between these instructions and the formal legal documents, the formal documents in AUTPUB.TXT take precedence. If you are concerned about precise wording and definitions, please refer to the formal documents.) ============= THE TOP BLOCK ============= Fill in your name and address. If you have access to CompuServe, note your CompuServe i.d. number; we will try to contact you through CompuServe whenever possible, and you should check your CompuServe mail every few days while your application is being processed. CONTACT NUMBER - The ASP publishes various lists that can contain the number to be used for the general public to reach you. Many shareware users will want to contact you before registering to be sure you are still in business and that the address they have for you or the registration price is current. The ASP office receives many calls where users, press, publishers, etc. are trying to reach an author. The "Phone, day" number may be at a daytime job where you do not wish to receive calls pertaining to your shareware business. Your "Phone, evenings" number MAY be the number you wish to use for people to reach you, but we can't read your mind and don't wish to give out this number unless you want us to do so. Many authors have a different daytime job and place an answering machine on their home phone with a message asking for an evening or weekend number to return the call. In this case, you will probably have the same number for "Contact" as your "Phone, evenings" number. Or, you may wish to use the "Phone, day" number - you must let us know as we can't decide this for you. DO NOT give us a number that is some other company's that is ONLY used to take your registration orders. This is an optional entry and if you leave it blank we will generally not give out your number. If you check "Yes" on "Mailing List OK", or leave the question blank, your name and address may be provided to outsiders. The mailing list consists solely of names, addresses and the optional Contact number. You may change your choice at any time by notifying the ASP Executive Director in writing. Please indicate the name you commonly use to describe your product. If it's an acronym, you can spell out the name in the Description field. When you describe the program, you may assume a reasonable level of knowledge about computers, but you should indicate any significant requirements or restrictions. For example, Product Name..... 3CPO__________ Description...... An AutoCAD add-on that prints circles ___ under three inches in diameter___________ or, say, Product Name..... FoldEmUp______ Description...... VisualBasic Folder Manager, nests Folders up to 10 deep____________________________ ================ SOFTWARE SUPPORT ================ All ASP members' shareware products must include support, as part of in the purchase price, for a minimum of three months from the date of registration. Support may be provided for a fee after this initial period has elapsed. The support policy must be clearly stated in the shareware documentation -- that is, in BOTH the Freely Distributed and Registered versions. Support during the initial period may be one or more of the following: via the mail; by telephone (if this is the only support provided, at a minimum an answering machine must be available 4 hours per day; this support may be limited to thirty minutes of connect time at the option of the author); by BBS or major communications service, providing the Shareware product is a communications or communications-related product; or by any alternate method approved by the Board of Directors by a two thirds vote. The author must answer questions and fix serious bugs during the minimum three month period. For problems involving a specific hardware or software environment or feature, the author may choose not to modify the program. In that case, if a problem is reported within three months after purchase, then the author shall offer to refund the user's purchase price. Any money sent to an author to register an unsupported product shall be promptly returned with an explanation that the product in question is no longer supported. Known incompatibility with other software or hardware, and major or unusual program limitations, must be explicitly noted in the documentation that comes with the Freely Distributed version of the product. Please verify that your support policy meets ASP requirements, and that the policy is clearly stated in your documentation (both Registered and Freely Distributed versions). When you are satisfied, check "Yes" on the application form, and describe your policy briefly. ============ REGISTRATION ============ Your documentation must clearly describe how to register the product and what goods and/or services the user will receive for registering. Fees must be expressed in fixed monetary amounts. Voluntary payments or contributions may not be solicited, although phrasing such as "if you use and like this product, please register" is allowed. Multiple levels of registration may be set, as long as each level individually satisfies the above two requirements. A "$0" registration fee is perfectly valid. This approach may be of interest to you, for example, to accumulate a mailing list Also, fees may be required only from specific types of users -- such as businesses and government, but not individuals -- if you wish. But you must clearly identify the different types of users and how much they must pay to register. Please verify that your registration policy meets ASP requirements, and that the policy is clearly stated in your documentation (the statement is required in the Freely Distributed version, and recommended in the Registered version). When you are satisfied, check "Yes" on the application form. =================== OMBUDSMAN STATEMENT =================== The ASP Board has set up an office of Ombudsman and appointed as ASP member as Ombudsman. The Ombudsman's sole role is to mediate disputes between ASP members and their customers. The Ombudsman reports to the Board situations where he/she feels Board action or knowledge is appropriate. All ASP Members and Associate Members are required to cooperate with the Ombudsman when so requested. The Registered and Freely Distributed versions of your products must contain the following text: "This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536." The first sentence may be replaced by " is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP)." If a member's company qualifies under the company name policy, the company name may be used instead of . (As noted above, companies with a controlling interest owned by programmers ALL of whom are ASP Members or CoAuthor Members, are considered Company Members; companies with a controlling interest owned only partially by ASP Members are also considered Company Members, although there are additional dues.) Packages of the registered version, essentially identical to those sent to registered shareware users, intended for sale in retail establishments or primarily retail mail order firms need not have an Ombudsman statement included. However, if the version contains any reference to shareware, it must also contain the Ombudsman statement. The Ombudsman statement may not be hidden in a file or other manner which 60% of the Board of Directors regards as obscure. Please verify that you have an Ombudsman statement in your product that meets ASP requirements. When you are satisfied, check "Yes" on the application form. ======================================== REGISTERED = FREELY DISTRIBUTED VERSION? ======================================== This is the most-often-confused part of joining ASP. Please read the regulations carefully, and note that they are interpreted very, very stringently. The principle behind shareware is "try before you buy." ASP believes that users have a right to try a fully functioning shareware program in their regular computing environment. Accordingly, ASP members' programs must conform to the following: The executable files (and/or items linked in with executables) in the Registered and Freely Distributed versions will be the same (with the permitted exceptions noted below). All the program's features will be fully documented. Registration encouragement procedures which in the judgment of the Board are either unreasonable or unprofessional are not allowed. Detailed rules are in the next section. If your program meets these standards, and the Registered version of your product is identical to the Freely Distributed version (or the only difference between the two versions is a printed manual), check "Yes", and skip down to the question on Non-Shareware Versions (NSV). ===================================== REGISTRATION ENCOURAGEMENT PROCEDURES ===================================== The Freely Distributed version of your product may have registration encouragement procedures absent from the Registered version. (Equivalently, your Freely Distributed product may include registration encouragement procedures which can be disabled with a code only provided to registered users.) The term "registration encouragement procedure" means a method for alerting users to their duty to register the program. Permitting registration encouragement procedures is not to be construed as a means of avoiding the general rule that Registered and Freely Distributed versions be the same. The most common type of "registration encouragement procedure" is a Registration Reminder Screen (RRS, also known as a Nag Screen or "commercial"). There are very exacting requirements for RRSs in ASP members' programs: RRSs may be displayed at most twice each time the program runs, or twice per day for long-running programs such as TSR's. The user must be able to bypass the RRS with one or two keystrokes. The RRS should not take control of the computer away from the user for more than three seconds. Practices such as creating undocumented hidden files or printing a registration form without the user's knowledge or consent are prohibited. If you have a Registration Reminder Screen(s), please verify that it (they) meets the above criteria, then fill in the details specified on the application form. If you have a registration encouragement procedure other than an RRS, please explain what it is in the "location in program" field on the application form. ============ SAMPLE FILES ============ To reduce the size of the Freely Distributed file(s), the Registered version of your product may include sample files not included in the Freely Distributed version. These files must not in any way affect the user's ability to evaluate the product. If you have sample files in the Registered version that are not in the Freely Distributed version, give file names and sizes, and explain their function. ============================================ TUTORIAL AND ADDITIONAL EXPLANATORY MATERIAL ============================================ To reduce the size of the Freely Distributed file(s), the Registered version of your product may include tutorials and/or other explanatory material not included in the Freely Distributed version. This material must not in any way affect the user's ability to evaluate the product. Note, in particular, the overall requirement that all the program's functions must be documented -- in the Freely Distributed version. If you have a tutorial or additional explanatory material in the Registered version that is not in the Freely Distributed version, give file names and sizes, and describe them. ============================= SMALL VERSION / LARGE VERSION ============================= You may have two Freely Distributed versions of your product. One version -- the small version -- would be the Freely Distributed version in normal circumstances. For example, if your product is a collection of C tools, the small version may include tools applicable to only one operating system or environment. The other version -- the large version -- must be available from some public source (possibly for a small distribution fee), where it may be obtained for trial purposes. You should seriously consider distributing the large version yourself, for a shipping and handling fee. The small version's documentation must clearly describe how users may obtain the large version. If you have two different sizes/versions of your Freely Distributed product, make sure your versions conform to this ASP rule, indicate the size of each, and explain where the larger version is available -- and at what price, if there is an additional charge. ================================================== UNRELATED BONUS UTILITIES OR CONVENIENCE UTILITIES ================================================== The Registered version of your product may be include bonus utilities unrelated to (and which do not change) the basic functionality of the program. For example, a dictionary for a spelling checker is NOT "unrelated"; a telephone dialer provided as a bonus for a scientific equation solver IS unrelated. Registered users may be given utilities which provide a convenience but which are not essential to the function of the program. For example, if you can change screen colors in a program by editing hex codes -- and changing colors is not integral to the function of the program -- a fancy color picker would be a convenience utility. But if your product is a database package, the ability, e.g., to import dBase files into your program is NOT merely a convenience. These rules are interpreted in the strictest possible sense, and are not intended to undermine the basic requirement that Registered and Freely Distributed versions be the same. If you have unrelated bonus utilities or convenience utilities in the Registered version that are not in the Freely Distributed version, give file names and sizes, and describe them. ================= OTHER DIFFERENCES ================= If source code is offered with the Registered version, it may be withheld from the Freely Distributed version. Exceptions to any of the above requirements must be approved by the ASP Board of Directors, by a 60% vote. If you wish to apply for a Board exception, please describe. ======================= NON-SHAREWARE VERSION ======================= The author may provide a non-shareware version of the program so long as it is not (in the opinion of 60% of the Board of Directors) merely an attempt to circumvent these policies. The NSV should have a different name (e.g., "SmuggyWrap Plus") to minimize confusion between the Shareware and Commercial versions. The Shareware version must be a separate product that meets all ASP standards for support, documentation, etc. NSV may not be represented as a "Registered" version of the Shareware. If there is an NSV available, that fact must be made clear in the registration documentation. (The user should never be put in the position of registering a Shareware product only to discover that they would have preferred the retail version.) If you sell a retail version of the product that is substantially different from the Registered shareware version, please check where indicated. ======================================= OTHER SOFTWARE AVAILABLE FOR EVALUATION ======================================= If you are accepted as an ASP Member, you will have 60 days in which to alter all of your other products to conform to ASP rules. Note that these rules do not cover commercially distributed products, but they DO include almost anything that could be construed as Shareware, including Freeware, Demoware, Crippleware, or any other kind of "ware" that is freely distributed. In this section of the application form, please list the latest versions of all products you have available for user evaluation, i.e., anything you have written that is freely available. If you believe the product conforms to ASP rules, please put "(OK)" after the name (e.g., "3CPO (OK)"). ========================== MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS ========================== Take a second to review your application form. And please note that all ASP members are expected to abide by the following additional requirements: Your product must be thoroughly tested and should not be harmful to other files or hardware if used properly. Any discussion of the shareware concept and of registration requirements must be done in a professional and positive manner. You must respond to people who send registration payments, as promised in the program's documentation. At a minimum, you must acknowledge receipt of all payments. You will keep the ASP apprised of changes in mailing address and of any changes in the status of his programs. =========== FINAL STEPS =========== You should have an electronic version of AUTPUB.FRM ready to submit. Follow the instructions above ("HOW DO I APPLY?"). Print a copy of AUTPUB.FRM, date and sign it. Bundle everything together and send it to the ASP Executive Director. ================ HOW TO GET HELP! ================ If you have questions about your application, please contact the ASP Executive Director on CompuServe at 72050,1433, Voice 616-788-5131 or FAX 616-788-2765. If you do not have access to CompuServe, try the U.S. Mail: Executive Director Association of Shareware Professionals 545 Grover Road Muskegon MI 49442-9427 USA Thanks! We look forward to seeing your application.... Steve Estvanik [76703,3046] Author / Publisher Membership Committee Chair Revised: 21 Feb 1995