Welcome to the Forte Free Agent beta release! =============== Free Agent requires the following: 1. Windows 3.1 or greater, or Windows NT 3.5. 2. A TCP/IP driver that supports winsock 1.1 applications. Agent has been tested with the following drivers: - Trumpet Winsock 2.0B - NetManage Chameleon 3.11N - Microsoft TCP/IP-32 for Windows for Workgroups 3.11 - Microsoft Windows NT 3.5 TCP/IP - Microsoft Windows 95 with Microsoft TCP/IP 3. Access to an NNTP news server. For posting email, access to an SMTP mail server. =============== Follow these steps to install Free Agent: 1. Create a directory on your hard disk for Agent and copy the contents of this ZIP file to the directory. 2. Make an icon for Agent in Program Manager. To do this, choose New from the File menu and select the Program Item option. Fill in the Program Item Properties dialog box as shown in the example below: Description: Free Agent Command Line: c:\agent\agent.exe Working Directory: c:\agent 3. The first time you run Agent, it will prompt you for the information it needs to operate. 4. Once you have supplied the necessary setup information and Agent is operational, press F1 to display the online help. You may want to start by reading the Getting Started topic. To view this topic, click on the phrase Getting Started on the Agent Contents page or search help for "Getting Started." =============== RELEASE NOTES =============== Version 0.38 =============== First release for public beta.