IMPORTANT: INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS!! PLEASE READ NOW!! To enjoy the reports in the shareware archive JAPN5WN.ZIP, unarchive the ZIP file to a directory of your choice and name this directory so that it will be easy to remember, perhaps \japan. IF YOU HAVE THE REGISTERED VERSION OF EARLY MYTH AND AMATERASU IN NEOLITHIC AND MEDIEVAL JAPAN, COPY ALL FILES FROM EACH OF THE DISKS TO THIS WORKING DIRECTORY. The book and glossary are contained in three files with a special, proprietary format. These files, which can be identified by the .rpl extension, must be viewed and printed with REPLICA, a state of the art document viewing and printing system for Windows that a) eliminates the need to own any Windows word processor and b) preserves the formatting, design and graphics which were part of the original document. YOU MUST FIRST START REPLICA ITSELF WHICH IS EMBEDDED IN THE FILE JPREADME.EXE. YOU MUST BEGIN WITH JPREADME.EXE AS REPLICA IS NOT CONTAINED IN ANY OF THE OTHER FILES IN THIS ARCHIVE. If you attempt to view .rpl files in any other text viewer or word processor they either will not open or you will only see unreadable garbage on the screen. After placing all your files in the \japan directory, start Windows (if you have not already done so) and open File Manager or whichever shell program you use for directory and file viewing. Open the file list display of the directory \japan. SIMPLY DOUBLE CLICK ON THE ICON FOR JPREADME.EXE IN THE FILE LIST WINDOW. THAT IS ALL THERE IS TO IT! REPLICA will start and display the file jpreadme. Please read it in its entirety: it contains much useful information. You may now read each of the documents that comprise EARLY MYTH AND AMATERASU IN NEOLITHIC AND MEDIEVAL JAPAN. View each .rpl file by using Open on the Replica File Menu. Replica has a well written Help Menu. If opening, viewing, searching and printing files is not intuitive; USE THE HELP MENU! REMEMBER THAT EACH DOCUMENT HAS THE EXTENSION .RPL NOT .DOC. You may, of course, set up a program item within a group of your choice for jpreadme.exe as you would for any executable program. If you do so, EARLY MYTH AND AMATERASU IN NEOLITHIC AND MEDIEVAL JAPAN will now be resident within Windows as would any program and you only need click on its icon in order to start REPLICA. The preview of the E-book in the shareware version is japn15sh.rpl. The E-Book in the registered version consists of three files: japn15b1.rpl (pp 1-29) and japn15b2.rpl (pp 30-96). The glossary is the file jpglossh.rpl (shareware) or jpgls15b.rpl (registered version). The filenames given in jpreadme may be slightly different than these. These filenames are the latest versions of each file and are most accurate. I do hope you become intrigued enough to register. If you do so, you will receive the complete 96 page illustrated book plus an illustrated copy of the glossary. This book is not available in a paper edition; it is an original E-Book. The file jp15reg.rpl is the order form. A complete catalog of all the publications of Reality Software may be found at the end of jpreadme and also in the ASCII file catalog.txt.