Lingo, Version 1.0 ReadMe Lingo 1.0 is a freely distributed program. To run Lingo, unzip LINGO.ZIP using PKUnzip version 2.04g or greater. If you want, you can put Lingo in it's own directory. You can either keep the .VBX files in the Lingo directory or in your Window's System directory. Lingo requires the Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Library, version 3 (VBRUN300.DLL). This file, although not included in the Zip file, is availible on America Online. Type VBRUN in the Search box to find it. Lingo 1.0 is a text-editing program, designed to make your life easier by utilizing Microsoft Window's capabilities. Some of Lingo's features are: *Toolbar and Status Bar *Enhanced 3D look and feel *Message panel for quick help *KeyState panel for info on CAPS, NUM, INS, and SCROLL locks *Quick access buttons Please download and enjoy Lingo. New improvements and advancements are being made as we speak (or read), so get your copy of the latest version today! John Surovec P.S. Please send your comments and suggestions to