Notes for the 8510/1550 Series printer driver for Windows, v1.3 95.01.13: This driver has been developed for use with Windows v3.x. It should work with v3.0 and v3.11, but has only been tested with v3.11. It is shipped with the Windows Universal Printer Driver v3.1.4, and will copy this driver (UNIDRV.DLL) over any older version existing in your \windows\system directory. The diskette contains printer drivers for all models of 8510 and 1550, except the BEP, SEP and SCEP models. These printers emulate the IBM Graphics printer, and you should use that printer driver for for them. If you have an SCEP or SCEP+, use the Epson JX-80 driver for color printing. It also contains drivers for the C.Itoh C-310/C-315P and R, the C.Itoh C-310/C-315CP and CR and Apple Imagewriter series. Users of 7500AP or R printers should select '8510A'. Users of all models of Apple Imagewriter should use the 'Apple Imagewriter series' driver. This selection allows color printing and device font quality selection. I am no longer employed by C-TECH Electronics; I am now updating and supporting this driver on my own time, and ocasionally incur some small distribution costs. If you find this driver useful, I request that you send a contribution of $5.00 to me at the address below. Anyone who does so, and provides a means of contacting them, will be notified of any upgrades or bug fixes to this driver. If you experience any problems, or have any questions about the operation of this driver, contact Evan Burkitt at: CompuServe - 76474,211 Internet - US Mail - P.O. Box 17655, Irvine CA 92713-7655 version history: 1.0: original driver supplied by Microsoft. 1.1: first C-TECH supplied driver. Added multiple resolution, device font, color and wide carriage support. 1.2: removed unsupported reset command from 8510A/1550 initialization string. Including it caused a '1' to print in the upper left corner of the first page. 1.3: first independently-supplied driver (no affiliation with C-TECH). Added C-31x and Apple Imagewriter support.