Fm: PROMISE Technical Support Re: BETA Windows drivers 1/25/95 ------------------------- Beta Release Information ------------------------- DOSDRV.SYS V3.32B WDCTRL.386 V1.21B INT13.386 V1.12 The files DOSDRV.SYS, WDCTRL.386 and INT13.386 are the BETA disk drivers for Microsoft Windows 3.10 and 3.11 for the DC-4030VL/VL-1/VL-2 DC200/DC200M/DC420VL Disk Accelerators. Support for the LBA Partitions under Windows using 32-bit disk or 32-bit file access. Addition of "/NB" no Block Mode switch for erratic mouse operation. Fix Compatibility problem with Secondary IDE controller with attached CDROM to coexist with DOSDRV.SYS. First copy WDCTRL.386 and INT13.386 to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ directory. Add the following command lines in the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI file: device=[drive:][\path\]WDCTRL386 device=[drive:][\path\]INT13.386 DisksAccessMode= [/NB] [/W] The [drive:] and [\path\] point to the directory that contains the Promise drivers. The switches for the DisksAccessMode is as follows: /NB Disable Block "Burst" Mode - elimates erratic mouse operation /W 16-bit data mode for IBMSLC2 CPUs