To install Unixcorn, 1. Copy all of the files to your hard drive (preferably someplace on your path like C:\WINDOWS). 2. Start Unixcorn. Select File Run from Program Manager and type in unixcorn.exe, or double-click on unixcorn.exe in File Manager. This will not affect any of your Windows files or directories. 3. Select "Help..." from the system menu of the Unixcorn icon, or double-click the Unixcorn icon and then press the help button. Unixcorn has FULL ON-LINE DOCUMENTATION. If you are currently a Unixcorn user, be sure to read the "What's new" section! 4a. If you have purchased a license for Unixcorn, select "Enter Serial Number..." from the Unixcorn icon's system menu to enter your name and serial number off your proof of license card. 4b. If you are a shareware user, be sure to read "Unixcorn is Shareware (How to Register)". Directions for printing a registration form are in that section. - Randall R. Spangler