-[ BOARD MASTER INSTRUCTIONS ]- SCENARIO: You are the Sysop of your own Bulletin Board System. OBJECTIVE: To gain as many points as you can by making your BBS the biggest and best around. This is accomplished by buying equipment, having lots of doors and files (cdroms), performing maintenance when needed, adding more nodes, etc., etc.... The rise to the top will be slow at first. But be patient and shop smart. Only the strong will survive! Try to save for the items you really want rather than settling for second best. This approach will seem to slow your progress a little, but overall it is the best strategy to becoming the biggest BBS around. The Sysop that earns 100,000 points first, wins!. BOARD MASTER is a little different than most door games in that most of the actual game updates are done at night on your real sysop's board. Almost everything you do when you play will be taken into consideration at night. The maintenance program that your sysop will run calculates all of the available information and decides how many points and users, if any, are to be credited to your board. This doesn't mean that you can sit on your laurels and expect to earn mega points or draw the biggest number of users. Quite the contrary. BOARD MASTER uses real world scenarios (just like if you had a real bbs) in calculating what happens to your board. Have fun with the game, and don't get too frustrated if it seems a little tough at first. It gets easier as you go along. - MENU'S - STATS - The initial menu you will see is the Stats menu. It shows you how your board is setup, what components you have, and basically lists everything about your board. This is the primary menu from which other vital menu's can be accessed. Like 'Work on board','Read mail','Computer store", etc... LIST - This will allow you to list all the other sysops that are competing against you and that are in the current game. WORK - Allows you to perform several different maintenance tasks on your board, from making new menu's to verifying new users. STORE- The computer store has a big list of items that are regulary used on BBS systems and sold to BBS operators like yourself. Anything from CPU upgrades to modems to doors can be bought here. One unique thing about this computer store, is that trade in's for certain items are automatic. ie. Some items have a trade in value, for those items, you will recieve 1/2 the original cost of purchase when you buy something new, automatically. READ - Reading and replying to your mail is among the many things any good sysop does on a regular basis. It lets the users know that there's someone on the other end that actually cares. Reading your mail is good, but replying to your mail is even better. - NOTES - Any message net or SLIP fees will be deducted from your account each night. The amount deducted is 1/30th of the monthly cost. If you run out of money, BOARD MASTER will automatically deactivate the appropiate net(s) and/or connections. All 5 of the WORK tasks can only be performed once a day unless you get more new users, in which you would beable to VERIFY those new users. When buying modems, you will be asked how many. This refers to the number of nodes you want to add. The price of the modem includes the cost of setting up an additional phone line. New users and Users are viewed differently in BOARD MASTER. New Users are users that have joined your board but still require verification. You will only gain a small percentage of points for new users. Once you verify the new users, they will be added to your user database, and more points are given for each of them. After someone has earned 100,000 points and they re-enter the game, the game will automatically be reset. Goodluck on your journey to the top!