Lets Have Fun! History Notes v1.9 - Changed so that math problem numbers could be different (Enhanced Randomize Routines). - added XFOSSIL to the LNUMADD.CTL procedure. Sorry bout that, folks! If your baudrate is locked at 38,400 or higher, this will work now. :) In theory, if your system can run LORD, it can run this IGM! - Added file locking of PLAYER.DAT and LNUMADD.DAT. This should fix the problems with the program runtime erroring out or telling you it couldn't open one of the 2 files in a multi-node environment. Sorry about that!! - MAJOR BUG FIXED!!!! :) -- In LHFUN!.DOC of v1.8, it said there was a LHFUN!.APP application file. THERE WAS NONE! I forgot to put it in!! *blush* Sorry! Its in there now. :) - Kickstarted comm routines up some more. v1.8 - Added multi-level scoring - Fixed Locked Baudrate bug - v1.8 now creates its own LNUMADD.CTL file. John, hehe...nice suggestion. Glad ya helped me think of it. :) - Added Registration Key File. You *MUST* have the UNREGISTERED key in the MAIN LORD directory, or Lets Have Fun will *NOT* operate! - Rewrote LNUMCFG.EXE to support all these new changes. :) v1.5 - Added support for a few nifty little things your users will like :) - Fixed runtime error that happened if ya pressed enter twice at the main menu of the game - Added support for Player Plays IGM 1 time ONLY per day - Started giving out more experience (150 now for a right answer) per player, per day. This was because of the limit of only 1 time in the game per day - Fixed up comm routines a bit - Took out a *LOT* of bugs that I hadn't noticed in my first version. I am really sorry, folks!! *sigh* Anytime there are ANY bugs, be *SURE* to let me know, and I will fix them!