What is mixed in a B&B? Benedictine and brandy What's the order of consumption of lemon, salt, and tequila? Salt, tequila, lemon What would you be examining if you used a tastevin? Wine What Italian liqueur is made from bitter almonds? Amaretto What Jamacan rum is named for a Welsh pirate? Captain Morgan What color is bianco wine? White What's the basic flavoring of Kahlua? Coffee What drink is made up of rum, coconut milk and pineapple? The Pina Colada What's bottled in Jerboams? Champagne Where are wine glasses placed at a table setting? To the right? What's the beer that made Milwaukee famous? Schlitz What cocktail do you concoct with whisky and sweet vermouth? A Manhattan What do you chase whisky with in a boilermaker? Beer What drink was named for the mode of transportation used by the inventor? The sidecar What's known as "The Queen of Drinks"? The Bloody Mary What term applies to the aroma of wine? Bouquet What are the barrels used to age Bordeaux made of? Oak What's the traditional drink at the Kentucky Derby? The mint julep What packs the punch in an Aztec Punch? Tequila What two ingredients make a Black Velvet? Champagne and stout What flavor is Grand Marnier? Orange How many bottles are there in a magnum of champagne? Two What do you get when you mix tequila, triple sec and lime juice? A Margarita What should the bartender ring the glass with when serving a Margarita? Salt What does V.S.O.P. stand for on a bottle of brandy? Very Superior Old Pale What drink does gin, honey and lemon juice make? A Bee's Knees What's the most popular cocktail in the U.S.? The martini What renowned sour mash whisky is made in Lynchburg Tennesse? Jack Daniel's What yellow Italian liqueur goes into a Harvey Wallbanger? Galliano What does the J&B stand for on the scotch? Justerini & Brooks What color bottles do go Rhine wines come in? Brown What's mixed with Kahlua or Tia Maria to make a Black Russian? Vodka What do you get by mixing gin and vermouth? A martini What was known as "The Englishman's Drink"? Port What do you get when you mix fresh fruit to red wine? Sangria What makes a Black Russian black? Kahlua or Tia Maria What do Mexians submerge in a glass of beer to make a submarino? Tequila What drink is formed of tequila, orange juice and Galliano? A tequila Sunrise What do you get by mixing giner ale with grenadine and a cherry? A Shirley Temple What drink contains as many types of rum as possible? A zombie