----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PrankDos v0.1á-v0.8á - Copyright (C) 1995 Micropics, Ltd. PrankDos v1.0-v1.3 - Copyright (C) 1995 Micropics, Ltd. Micropics, Ltd. - President: Bryan Stanbridge, Vice-President: Kush Gulati ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=- Introduction -=- PrankDos was brought about after Kush and I saw other DOS pranks out there and decided to make our own. Basically all it does is run a program that cancels out normal DOS for the moment and installs PrankDos. It has a few programs listed in the directory X:\NO\MORE\COMPUTER\ and they all work. For information on contacting us please look below. -=- Disclaimer -=- This program was tested on a 486sx/33 and a Pentium/75 but in no way does that garauntee that it will work on your computer. We can only garauntee that it will take up hard drive space. Micropics, Ltd. and all employees can not be held responsible if something bad happens to your computer when trying to run PRANKDOS.EXE -=- FileList -=- PrankDos currently comes with these files. If there are more or less files then is listed on this list you may have a bad version and should contact the Forest of Wayreth BBS to get another copy. Please note: We are now using PKZIP's Author Varification. When you unzipped these files, if you did not see an -AV after each file AND this at the bottom: Authentic files Varified! # COT180 Micropics, Ltd. You may have a tampered version. Please contact the Forest for a 'correct' version. FILE_ID.DIZ <-- Description of PrankDos. Not necessary to run, you may delete it if you wish. DESC.SDI <-- Another description of PrankDos, for other systems. You may delete this file after installing. PRANKDOS.TXT <-- This file. PRANKDOS.EXE <-- Main executable for PrankDos. PDOS1.DAT /__ Data Files. Needed for operation, DO NOT PDOS2.DAT \ DELETE! REGISTER.FRM <-- Information on Registering PrankDos. BETAPP.FRM <-- Information on becoming a Micropics beta tester. WHATSNEW.TXT <-- What is new in this version of PrankDos? THANKS.TXT <-- Our thanks go out to people in this file... -=- Operation -=- NOTE: ANSI.SYS or another DOS compatible ANSI driver MUST be installed for this program to work. There are ANSI screens in this version of PrankDos. To install ANSI.SYS simply add this line to your CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS To install another ANSI drive please refer to proper documentation. To run PrankDos simply execute the file PRANKDOS.EXE. This file has only been tested in DOS, the results in windows are unknown as of yet and possibly a windows version will be released later on. For now please only run in DOS for that was what it was meant for. -=- How do I get out? -=- To exit PrankDos simply type FORMAT C: on the X:\> prompt. Have no fear this should not actually format your computer. -=- Registration -=- Please see the enclosed REGISTER.FRM for information on registering this fine software. Please note that PrankDos is PostWare, more information on PostWare in REGISTER.FRM -=- Beta Testers -=- Micropics, Ltd. Is currently on the look out for Beta Testers. If you'd like to be a Beta tester please look to the BETAPP.FRM enclosed with this archive. -=- Thanks! -=- See THANKS.TXT for our list of thanks. -=- For The Latest Version -=- To get the latest version have your local SysOp FREQ with the magic name 'PDOS' at the following addresses: 51:1400/304 54:810/11 21:21/0 100:1313/9 Or call the Forest of Wayreth and look for it in the Micropics Support section. -=- Where to reach us -=- We can be reached at the following locations: Bryan Stanbridge Kush Gulati Snail Mail: 36186 Fredericksburg 36332 Fort Sumpter Ct. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Internet: mantis555@aol.com wicket1500@aol.com bryan.stanbridge@tcb.ack.mi.org Through the Forest of Wayreth BBS, which is also official BBS for Micropics. The Forest's number is (810)553-2644 and it is open 24 hours a day. Handle: Sorcerer Wicket -=- Closing -=- In closing thanks for trying out PrankDos and we hope to have further products out for you later on in life. Feel free to E-mail either of us, I check my Internet mail once every few days, and my E-mail on the Forest every evening. Hope you have fun w/PrankDos and have a great 1995! -- Bryan Stanbridge --