-=- What's New with PrankDos? -=- + - Added Feature % - Fixed Problem/Bug - - Deleted Feature $ - Changed Feature v1.3 -- 3rd Public Release -- [7-20-95] + Brought back the ANSI! (yeah) It's not that spectacular, but it does save programming code to use ANSI so please remember to install ANSI.SYS + Added TREE.COM, MEM.EXE, and CHKDSK.EXE. Look like they would if you had actually run them from the DOS Prompt. $ changed the format of WHATSNEW.TXT around. Newer releases to the top of the file rather then the bottom. $ changed the PRANKDOS.TXT file around a bit, corrected the File List and added the sections For the Latest Version and Thanks! v1.2 -- 2nd Public Release -- [7-19-95] % when Quit option was invoked it returned run-time error 105. problem fixed. % when Undelete and CLS were invoked nothing happenend, my fault, I forgot to program them in. Shouldn't happen again.. :) % printing also invoked the run-time error of 105. Problem is now fixed. $ Exit actually exitted! How could I be so careless? :) Found the string that did it and made sure it wouldn't again(and it hasn't) $ changed WHATSNEW.TXT(this file) to say the date for 1.1 and 1.2 as 7-19-95, what they should have said(I thought it was the 18th when I wrote this.. WHOOPS! :) v1.1á -- [7-19-95] $ changed entire programming venue from QBasic to TurboPascal. All future PrankDos versions will be programmed with TurboPascal. - deleted Trapper. Really didn't find a reason to keep it in in this version it might make a comeback, however. - took out HDIR option. Occurred to me that it very well bordered around copyright infringement, so in order to be safe we took it out. I will however try to get in contact with the author to see if we can use it in future versions. - took out all ANSI. I didn't want to take the time to incorporate the ANSI into TurboPascal as of the moment. Plan on seeing it again in future ver. $ changed the prompt to look REAL! Somehow the trailing backslash and > evaded us when we started and it wasn't until Kush realized it right after we released v1.0 that we noticed it! $ changed the style of the docs around. Made it look fairly similar to other Docs I've written, to stay on pattern..:) $ changed FILE_ID.DIZ to reflect v1.1(won't say this ever again:) + added DESC.SDI for systems that don't handle FILE_ID.DIZ + added Exit and Quit options in directory listing. + added options that invoke the printer. v1.0 -- First Public Release -- [around 3:45pm 7-15-95] $ changed appearence of final ANSI segment $ changed files in DIR and DIR/W to say 9 rather then 7 + added FORMAT.COM to DIR and DIR/w like we meant to on v0.08á (somehow missed our attention.. :) $ changed Documentation around a bit(adding PRANKDOS.DAT and PRNKDOS1.DAT to file listing) $ changed FILE_ID.DIZ to reflect v1.0 v0.08á -- 5th Beta -- [around 2:45pm 7-15-95] $ TRAPPED.EXE now reads TRAPPER.EXE like it should have from the beginning + added C: or C:\ as "Invalid Drive Specification" $ changed some doc stuff around, mainly spelling. :) + added HDIR file + added FORMAT.COM to DIR, DIR/W, and HDIR listings $ changed end format segment to ANSI/color! - deleted Press ENTER option at end of program. v0.07á -- 4th Beta -- [later on 7-15-95] + Added HELP.COM option % Now when you fail drive A: it stays failed, won't say not reading from again v0.06á -- 3rd Beta -- [7-15-95] $ Changed MicroDos to PrankDos in last statement, nothing big, but with the wrong name it looks kinda weird.. :) v0.05á -- 2nd Beta -- [later on 7-14-95] + TRAPPER - A fake DefCon program, ever seen War Games? v0.02á -- 1st Beta -- [7-14-95] $ Re-named PrankDos + Added file sizes to DIR and DIR/W listings v0.01á -- MP Beta -- [7-13-95] Was named MP in first Beta.