8.6 Pick Lists - How to compile (NOT IN FREEWARE VERSION) In Section 5.5.1, Search, it is explained how to use "pick lists" of words in the database (or various parts of it) to construct queries - so you don't have to guess at what might turn up a "hit". The 'picKlists' command on the List screen is used to compile these lists, as often as you wish to refresh them. There are four different kinds of pick list you can create for any one database, depending on which part of the database is scanned for words: Key, Topic, Both, or Global. All are just alphabetically sorted lists of words (ASCII sequence, to be precise), each stored in its own file in the same directory as the database. Files take the same name as the database, and have extensions of .PLK, .PLT, .PLB, and .PLG, respectively. ---------------------------------------------------------- Key (".PLK") lists all words isolated from the Key line Topic (".PLT") lists all words isolated from the Topic line Both (".PLB") lists all words isolated from the BOTH Key and Topic lines Global (".PLG") lists all words isolated from the entire database You do not HAVE to compile all four: the choice is merely for your convenience - and to maximise the odds of a hit. Compilation can be a little slow, because of the sorting. ---------------------------------------------------------- Click 'picKlists' or type K on the List screen. A panel or dialog box pops up, with a button for each kind of pick list. Click the appropriate button or type the relevant capital letter - K, T, B or G. Now the pick list is compiled. You can interrupt this at any time (resulting in a partial list) by hitting any key. ---------------------------------------------------------- Pick lists can be compiled at any time, in or out of select mode, and apply to the DATABASE, not just the List. ----------------------------------------------------------