++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HATCH PROGRAM REGISTRATION for hardware inventory FREE REGISTRATION OF PC INVENTORY THROUGH THE HATCH PROGRAM-through 5-1-95: Only a short while after the release of PC INVENTORY we have seen hundreds and downloads and many questions and ideas from the users. It has become apparent that we need a programmatic approach to the burgeoning of this package, We have called this the HATCH PROGRAM. The idea of PC INVENTORY is to make it very cheap (order of single $'s in mass quantity) so that it can literally become a part of the operating system for dos-win-os2 pcs. This means that literally hundreds of hardware and software manufacturers will over time auto- update the inventory. To facilitate a smooth integration we have decided to give away free registration of hardware and the upcoming software inventories to selected owners of these hardware and software items. In return we ask the participants to work with us and the manufacturers to verify auto update features for their product, and to talk to us as well as other program participants and exchange ideas. TO JOIN, fill out the hatch program info, below, and email it in. Accepted participants will get a registration number. The program is presently concentrating on the hardware inventory. Please fill this out and mail it to me at the address below. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NAME, ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE: SERIAL NUMBER: (GET IT FROM MAINMENU | REGISTRATION-I need this to issue a registration number ) HARDWARE INFORMATION: (type in your pc type and the hardware resources i.e. the cards in your pc, that you wish to autoupdate, or if you have already filled in your PC INVENTORY use your export feature: MAINMENU|HARDWARE INVENTORY|EXPORT TO TEXT FILE, and send in INFTABLE.TXT, that would be your machine's hardware profile). SOFTWARE INFORMATION: (type in the MAJOR software that you wish to autoupdate in your inventory, or send in the inventory exported as text.) ========================================================================== NOTE: by sending this in you implicitly agree to participate in the hatch program, i.e. you will be asked to work with us and your hardware manufacturer to verify that the auto update feature works, and to share your experience and ideas with us. MY MAILING ADDRESS IS: 7432 lake willis dr. Orlando Florida 32821 If the above info is short (message length) email it to me at 73143,1534@compuserve.com.