MB Scientific's PC INVENTORY(PCI)- shareware v 0.96 ============================================= BY Mike Baharmast 5-95 ============================================= Here is a simple windows program I wrote to let me keep track of what's in my computer. It has three components: HARDWARE INVENTORY, SOFTWARE INVENTORY and SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICS. It holds databases of technical info, e.g. settings, driver info, as well as manufacturer info such as phone, email&mail address etc. These databases can be filled manually or directly by a manufacturer's install/upgrade process. Hardware can be scanned and hardware inventory updated by a series of hardware specific scan and update programs, H$*.EXE, see HARDUPD.TXT for more. Software may be installed via pci automatically added to the inventory, see SOFTUPD.TXT. I have also simultaneously released an external update program that lets a manufacturer directly update the databases as a part of their installation and upgrade process. It is a freeware program packaged in with PC INVENTORY. Let your manufacturers(OEM) and suppliers know. For furthur info on this read READOEM.TXT. To enable the auto-update feature PC INVENTORY must be registered. Users can receive free registration by participating in the HATCH PROGRAM, see HATCH.TXT. All future updates are available from compuserve, windows shareware forum (GO WINSHARE) in library #4 (WIN. SYSTEMS UTILS.). The shareware version can only be manual updated. There are sample databases HIFILE.MBX(for hardware) and SIFILE.MBX (for software inventory) in this package. It has some records filled in to help start the user. Alter the records and add more records to reflect your system. To register fill in the REGISTRATION TITLE in REGISTER.TXT and send it to MBS with : 1) $10 US if you are an end use 2) $5 if you are an OEM (plan to build the PC INVENTORY into the windows operating environment, i.e. stick the icon in the accessories folder). 3) Large OEM quantity pricing- Call If you register you get: 1) The auto update feature activated, this would let the manufacturers directly tell you what they have installed in detail, and summary. And when trouble occurs you can send them your machine profile via the export feature so they can help you trouble shoot. 2) All free upgrades, announcements, from MBS 3) A direct EMAIL line to MBS, Once you get the registration number type it in (see MAINMENU | REGISTRATION) and you are registered. If you need to get in touch email me at: 73143,1534 @ comuserv.com (yep that's compuserv) The mailing address is: MBS 7432 Lake Willis Dr. Orlando Florida 32821 --------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION --------------------------------------------------------------- Simply run t2 under windows. Or place the icon in a folder, I reccommend accessories or main. The main PCI.96 file list is: t2.exe - the main exe t2.ico t2.hlp - on line help hifile.mbx - hardware inventory database sifile.mbx - software inventory database register.txt readme.txt pci.96 also comes with h$*.exe set of hardware scan/auto update modules and a number of text (info) files. NOTE- previous owners of PCI must delete the hifile,sifile.mbx here and make sure not to over write thier existing inventory databases.