============================================================= EXTERNAL UPDATE MODULE FOR MB SCIENTIFIC'S PC INVENTORY v.95 ============================================================= BY MIKE BAHARMAST 3-95 MBS's PC INVENTORY is a windows shareware that keeps track of what is inside pcs. It has a HARDWARE, SOFTWARE and a DIAGNOSTIC component. This module lets manufacturers update the hardware inventory database, HIFILE.MBX, and the software inventory database, SIFILE.MBX, directly. It is aimed for install/upgrade processes so that there will be a single source of information for the user to query his system's profile. It also allows the user to send out his machine profile for tech support assistance. This module is freeware, but please coordinate your work with me. I would like to be able to integrate the recognition of your hardware directly in to the INVENTORY code as time allows. There is one .obj file, ectupdo.obj, that you need to link to. It was written in ansi c, with msvc. I also wrote a sample main in extupd.c. It fills in a sample record structure and passes it to the .obj for insertion into the database. MODULE FILE LIST: extupdo.obj - holds the HIFILE and SIFILE database manipulation functions extupd.c - sample main to demonstrate use of extupdo functions extupd.h - the header file extupb.bat - the sample, extupd.exe, builder Technical details are in the extupd.c top comment section. You would also need the PC INVENTORY program to test you code. All updates in shareware form will be in compuserve windows shareware forum (GO WINSHARE) library 4 (WIN. SYSTEMS UTILS.). Please contact me at: 73143,1534 @ comuserv.com (yep that's compuserv) or call 407-239-6407 The mailing address is: MBS 7432 Lake Willis Dr. Orlando Florida 32821