When one installs software, changes or other wise maintains a pc he creates or deletes directories and files, and makes changes to sytem (control) files such as autoexec.bat in dos, or win.ini in windows. PCIv.96 lets you run install programs or go to dos and install and or alter systems manually and record the changes done to the system automatically. These changes are then recorded in the software's inventory record. These records can be exported and used by others , including myself, so send me your software installation signatures (i.e the exported record) and I'll put'em in the upcoming PCI expert system. To begin the installation process fill in a new software record from the SOFTWARE INVENTORY screen (main menu | software inventory | detailed software inventory) and click on ADD RECORD to create it in the data base, then click on the INSTALL button. The SOFTWARE INSTALLATION screen then appears. It has two sections: the installation section and the watch profile section. The watch profile section tells the program where any changes to the system need to be monitored. The defaults are: monitor any added or deleted directories in the detected drives. Added or deleted files in dos and windows control directories. Added or deleted lines in any control files (e.g. config.sys). Added or deleted sections in windows control (ini) files. These defaults are scanned for every time this screen appears. Installers may edit the defaults to make their own, save them (click on SAVE PROFILE), or load custom profiles (click on LOAD PROFILE). Once satisfied with the installation watch profile the user may then click on install. The file dialog box appears, from which the installation procedure may be selected. Installation procedure may be manual, i.e. DOS.BAT is provided. Selecting it will spawn a child dos box. The user may then do any normal manual dos operations at the end of which typing EXIT will return the control to PCI. Before evoking the install procedure, PCI will take a "before picture" of the system as defined by the watch profile. After the installation is satisfactorily completed the user may click on the ANALYZE button. That will take an "after picture" of the system and will compare the before and after pictures. The difference is stored in the DELTACTR.TXT fileand placed in the SPECIFICATION field of the software inventory record. If the deltactr.txt file is larger than the field size the rest is left in the text file and the a note is inserted in the field informing you of this. In such a case, the text file must be renamed by the user to something unique and noted appropriately in the field. It is also recommended that the user manually enter the name(s) of the main executable(s) of the software under the heading {MAIN EXECS}. This, together with the rest of the install watch profile will produce the SOFTWARE INSTALLATION SIGNATURE. When a software inventory record has a signature it can be exported. The export text file can have a variety of uses including it's use for maintenance and trouble shooting, use by any one else who has already installed the software(without PCI), integration into the future expert system that would have many hardware and software signature and auto update modules.