25 of TECL's Favorite Games, Mostly from the 1970s and 80s ---------------------------------------------------------- [A profound game that features two exchange sacrifices.] Keycode: PU 7.3 White: G.Sax Black: J.Kestler Place: 1974 Nice Olympiad 1.e4 d6 2.Nc3 g6 3.d4 Bg7 4.Be2 Nf6 5.h4 h5 6.Bg5 c6 7.Qd2 Qc7 8.O-O-O Nbd7 9.f4 b5 10.Bf3 b4 11.Nce2 a5 12.f5 gf5 13.ef5 Nb6 14.Ng3 Nc4 15.Qe2 d5 16.Nh5 Rh5 17.Bh5 a4 18.Nh3 b3 19.cb3 ab3 20.a3 Ra3 21.ba3 Qa5 22.Rd3 Qa3 23.Kb1 Bf5 24.Nf2 b2 25.Bf7 Kf7 26.Bf6 Qa1 27.Kc2 b1Q 0-1 [Stean's combinational masterpiece that took the first brilliancy prize ahead of the foregoing game.] Keycode: SI 4.1 White: M.Stean Black: W.Browne Place: 1974 Nice Olympiad 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.Nd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 Nbd7 7.Bc4 e6 8.O-O h6 9.Bf6 Nf6 10.Bb3 b6 11.f4 Bb7 12.Qd3 Be7 13.Ne6 fe6 14.Be6 b5 15.e5 Qb6 16.Kh1 de5 17.Qg6 Kd8 18.Qf7 Qc5 19.fe5 Bg2 20.Kg2 Rf8 21.Rad1 Kc7 22.Qg7 Rg8 23.ef6 Rg7 24.fg7 Bd6 25.Rf7 Kc6 26.Bd5 Kb6 27.Ba8 Qg5 28.Kh1 Be5 29.b4 a5 30.Rb7 Kc6 31.g8Q Qg8 32.Rb8 1-0 [A game not for the faint of heart as both sides slug it out.] Keycode: KP 2.6.8 White: Krstic Black: Uitumen Place: 1972 Skopje Olympiad 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 ed4 4.Bc4 Nf6 5.O-O Ne4 6.Re1 d5 7.Bd5 Qd5 8.Nc3 Qh5 9.Ne4 Be6 10.Bg5 Bb4 11.c3 dc3 12.bc3 Be7 13.Rb1 O-O 14.Rb7 Bg5 15.Neg5 Nd8 16.Rc7 h6 17.Ne4 Qa5 18.Rc5 Qa2 19.Nd4 Rb8 20.Qd3 Rb6 21.Nf6 gf6 22.Rh5 f5 23.Rh6 Kg7 24.Qh3 Rg8 25.Qh4 Qd5 26.c4 Qd7 27.c5 Rc6 28.Rh7 Kf8 29.Qh6 Ke8 30.Nf5 Rg2 31.Kh1 Rg8 32.f3 Qd5 33.Qh5 Qd2 34.Qh4 Qg2 0-1 [A young Walter Browne, playing first board for Australia, goes on a pawn grabbing expedition and loses to an unknown.] Keycode: FR 6.3 White: W.Browne Black: Taha Place: 1972 Skopje Olympiad 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.e5 Nfd7 6.Be7 Qe7 7.Nb5 Nb6 8.a4 a6 9.a5 ab5 10.ab6 Ra1 11.Qa1 c6 12.Qa8 O-O 13.Qb8 Qb4 14.c3 Qb2 15.Ne2 b4 16.cb4 Qb4 17.Kd1 Qb3 18.Kd2 Qb4 19.Kd3 c5 20.Qc7 c4 21.Ke3 Qb3 22.Kf4 Qd3 23.f3 Qd2 24.Kg3 Qe1 25.Kh3 Qf2 26.Kg4 f6 27.ef6 e5 28.Kh5 gf6 29.de5 fe5 30.Qe7 Rf5 0-1 [A Tal "quickie".] Keycode: PU 8.3 White: M.Tal Black: J.Timman Place: 1972 Skopje Olympiad 1.Nf3 g6 2.e4 d6 3.d4 Nf6 4.Nbd2 Bg7 5.Bc4 O-O 6.Qe2 c6 7.Bb3 Bg4 8.e5 de5 9.de5 Nd5 10.O-O Nd7 11.h3 Bf5 12.Re1 Qc7 13.Nf1 Rad8 14.Ng3 Be6 15.Qe4 Rfe8 16.Qh4 f6 17.Bh6 Ne5 18.Re5 fe5 19.Ng5 Bf6 20.Ne6 1-0 [Hort's attack begins with a piece sac and ends with a clever Rook sortie.] Keycode: QI 10.1 White: W.Hug Black: V.Hort Place: 1972 Skopje Olympiad 1.c4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.g3 b6 4.Bg2 Bb7 5.O-O Be7 6.d4 O-O 7.Nc3 Ne4 8.Ne4 Be4 9.Bf4 d6 10.Qd2 Nd7 11.Rfd1 h6 12.Ne1 f5 13.Be4 fe4 14.Qc2 Nf6 15.f3 g5 16.Be3 Qe8 17.Kg2 Qh5 18.h3 Qg6 19.Rac1 Rf7 20.fe4 g4 21.h4 e5 22.Qd3 Ne4 23.Nc2 Raf8 24.Bg1 Bh4 25.gh4 Rf3 26.Ne3 Rg3 27.Kh1 Rf2 0-1 [Take a look at Black's 16th move in this game between two New England masters.] Keycode: BI 37.5.8 White: Dr.J.Platz Black: W.Edwards Place: 1963 Connecticut 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.f3 O-O 6.Bg5 c5 7.d5 h6 8.Be3 e6 9.Qd2 ed5 10.cd5 Re8 11.O-O-O h5 12.Bh6 Bh8 13.Nge2 a6 14.Kb1 b5 15.Nf4 b4 16.Nce2 Re4 17.fe4 Ne4 18.Qe3 Bf5 19.Ka1 Qf6 20.Rd2 Nd2 21.Qd2 c4 22.Qb4 Nd7 23.Nc3 Rb8 24.Qa3 Qc3 25.Qc3 Bc3 0-1 [Seirawan plays a modern day Nimzovichian masterpiece.] Keycode: KF 4.2 White: Kouatly Black: Y.Seirawan Place: 1982 Lucerne Olympiad 1.d4 d6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 e5 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.e4 Bg4 6.d5 a5 7.h3 Bf3 8.Qf3 Na6 9.Bd3 h5 10.g4 Bf6 11.a3 Bg5 12.Be3 hg4 13.hg4 Rh1 14.Qh1 Be3 15.fe3 Qg5 16.Kd2 Ke7 17.Rg1 Nf6 18.Nd1 Rg8 19.Nf2 Nc5 20.Bc2 a4 21.Ke2 Rg7 22.Kf3 Rh7 23.Qg2 Nfd7 24.Rh1 Rh4 25.Nh3 Qh6 26.Kg3 Nf6 27.g5 Rg4 28.Kf3 Rg2 29.gh6 Rc2 30.Ng5 Nd3 31.Kg3 Rc1 0-1 [Ever see a 2600+ player lose in less than 20 moves?] Keycode: RE 21.1.6 White: R.Dzindzihashvili Black: L.Ljubojevic Place: 1984 Thessalonikki 1.Nf3 c5 2.g3 d5 3.Bg2 Nc6 4.d4 Nf6 5.O-O Bf5 6.c4 dc4 7.Qa4 Nd7 8.dc5 e6 9.Qc4 Bc5 10.Nc3 Rc8 11.Rd1 Nb4 12.Be3 Be7 13.Qf4 Nc2 14.Ne5 Na1 15.Rd7 Qa5 16.Rb7 Qa6 17.Ra7 Qd6 18.Qa4 Kf8 19.Bf4 1-0 [Dzindzi at his creative best as he orchestrates a delightful kingside assault.] Keycode: QI 1.7 White: W.Browne Black: R.Dzindzihashvili Place: 1984 US Championship 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 a6 4.Nc3 c5 5.d5 b5 6.Bg5 b4 7.Ne4 d6 8.Bf6 gf6 9.e3 f5 10.Ng3 Nd7 11.Bd3 Nf6 12.Qe2 Bg7 13.O-O h5 14.de6 fe6 15.Nh4 Ng4 16.Ng6 Rh6 17.Nf4 Be5 18.h3 Qh4 19.Nfh5 Rh5 20.Nh5 Bh2 21.Kh1 Bb7 22.f3 Qh5 23.fg4 Qh3 24.Rf3 Qh8 25.g3 fg4 26.Qh2 Bf3 27.Kg1 Qh2 28.Kh2 Ke7 0-1 [The beginning of the Kasparov legend as he crushes a Queen's Indian.] Keycode: QI 4.13 White: G.Kasparov Black: F.Gheorghiu Place: 1982 Moscow Interzonal 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.a3 Bb7 5.Nc3 d5 6.cd5 Nd5 7.Qc2 c5 8.e4 Nc3 9.bc3 Be7 10.Bb5 Bc6 11.Bd3 Nd7 12.O-O h6 13.Rd1 Qc7 14.d5 ed5 15.ed5 Bd5 16.Bb5 a6 17.Bf4 Qf4 18.Bd7 Kd7 19.Rd5 Kc7 20.Re1 Bd6 21.Rf5 Qc4 22.Re4 Qb5 23.Rf7 Kb8 24.Re6 Rd8 25.c4 Qc6 26.Ne5 Qc8 27.Qb1 1-0 [Curt Hansen throws everything but the kitchen sink at Georgiev's King.] Keycode: TD 12.9 White: C.Hansen Black: K.Georgiev Place: 1984 World Junior Championship 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.c4 c5 4.Nc3 d5 5.cd5 Nd5 6.e3 Nc6 7.Bc4 cd4 8.ed4 Be7 9.O-O O-O 10.Re1 Nc3 11.bc3 b6 12.Bd3 Bb7 13.h4 Bf6 14.Ng5 g6 15.Qg4 h5 16.Qg3 Ne7 17.Ba3 Rc8 18.Ne6 fe6 19.Re6 Rc7 20.Rae1 Rf7 21.Bg6 Rd7 22.Bf7 Kf7 23.Rf6 Kf6 24.Qe5 Kf7 25.Qe6 Kf8 26.Qf6 1-0 [Hort's final move is a real "bolt from the blue".] Keycode: SO 5.8.2 White: E.Prandstetter Black: V.Hort Place: 1984 Sumperk 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 ed4 4.Nd4 Bc5 5.Nb3 Bb6 6.a4 a6 7.Nc3 Nf6 8.g3 d6 9.Bg2 Bg4 10.Bf3 Ne5 11.Bg4 Nfg4 12.O-O h5 13.Nd5 Ba7 14.h4 c6 15.Nf4 g5 16.Nh3 gh4 17.Bg5 Qd7 18.Bh4 Ng6 19.Qf3 N4e5 20.Qf5 Nh4 21.Qd7 Kd7 22.gh4 Rag8 23.Kh1 Rg4 24.f3 Rh4 25.Kh2 Rg8 26.Rad1 Bg1 0-1 [Alburt sacs his Queen for two Bishops and an unstoppable attack.] Keycode: CA 5.6.6 White: L.Alburt Black: N.Weinstein Place: 1984 NY International 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.Bg2 Be7 5.Nf3 O-O 6.O-O dc4 7.Qc2 a6 8.Qc4 b5 9.Qc2 Bb7 10.Bd2 Be4 11.Qc1 Nc6 12.Be3 Rc8 13.Nbd2 Bd5 14.Rd1 Na5 15.Ne5 c6 16.Ndf3 Qb6 17.Bg5 Rfd8 18.Qf4 Bf3 19.Bf3 h6 20.Bh4 Nc4 21.b3 Ne5 22.de5 g5 23.ef6 gf4 24.fe7 Re8 25.Rd7 Kg7 26.Rad1 Rc7 27.gf4 Qb7 28.Kh1 Rd7 29.Rg1 Kh7 30.Bf6 Rd5 31.Rg7 Kh8 32.Rf7 Kg8 33.Rg7 Kh8 34.e4 Rd7 35.Bh5 Rd1 36.Rg1 Kh7 37.Bg6 Kg8 38.Rd1 1-0 [The reigning World Champion goes down to some highly creative play against a then-unknown Azmaiparashvili.] Keycode: PU 1.5.2 White: A.Karpov Black: Z.Azmaiparashvili Place: 1983 USSR Championship 1.e4 d6 2.d4 g6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 Bg7 5.Be2 O-O 6.O-O Bg4 7.Be3 Nc6 8.Qd2 e5 9.d5 Ne7 10.Rad1 b5 11.a3 a5 12.b4 ab4 13.ab4 Ra3 14.Bg5 Rc3 15.Bf6 Bf3 16.Bf3 Ra3 17.Bg7 Kg7 18.Ra1 Qa8 19.Ra3 Qa3 20.Be2 Qb2 21.Rd1 f5 22.ef5 Nf5 23.c3 Qd2 24.Rd2 Ra8 25.Bb5 Ra3 26.Rc2 Ne7 27.f4 ef4 28.Bc6 Nf5 29.Kf2 Ne3 30.Rc1 Kf6 31.g3 Ke5 32.Kf3 g5 33.gf4 gf4 34.h4 Nd5 35.Bd5 Kd5 36.Kf4 Kc4 37.Re1 Rc3 38.Re7 Kb4 39.Rh7 d5 40.Ke5 c6 41.Kd4 0-1 [American IM William Martz died several years ago at age 37. One of his best games features a Queen sacrifice and a flawless Rook and Pawn ending.] Keycode: GI 1.3 White: K.Commons Black: W.Martz Place: 1973 USCF International 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 d5 5.cd5 Nd5 6.e4 Nb6 7.Ne2 c5 8.d5 e6 9.a4 ed5 10.ed5 O-O 11.O-O Bf5 12.Na3 Na6 13.Nc3 Nb4 14.Be3 Rc8 15.a5 Nd7 16.d6 b6 17.ab6 ab6 18.Qd2 Ne5 19.Ne4 Bh3 20.Bg5 Bg2 21.Bd8 Be4 22.f3 Nf3 23.Rf3 Rcd8 24.Rf2 Bd3 25.Qf4 Bd4 26.Rd1 Rfe8 27.Rd2 f5 28.Kg2 Nd5 29.Qd4 cd4 30.Rd3 Ne3 31.Kh3 g5 32.Nc2 Rd6 33.Ne3 Re3 34.Re3 de3 35.Rf5 Re6 36.Rf1 Kg7 37.Kg4 Kg6 38.Re1 h5 39.Kf3 Rf6 40.Ke4 Rf2 41.Re3 Rb2 42.Rc3 h4 43.gh4 Rb4 44.Kf3 gh4 45.Kg2 Kf5 46.Kh3 Ke5 47.Rd3 b5 48.Rd8 Rd4 49.Rb8 b4 50.Rb5 Kd6 51.Kg2 Kc6 52.Rb8 Rf4 53.Kh3 Kc5 54.Rc8 Kd4 55.Rc7 b3 56.Rc8 b2 57.Rb8 Kc3 58.Rc8 Kb3 59.Rb8 Rb4 0-1 [The end result of some accurate play by California GM Jim Tarjan is a sham sacrifice of his Queen.] Keycode: BI 35.1.2 White: J.Tarjan Black: G.Agzamov Place: 1983 Vrsac 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 c5 4.d5 ed5 5.cd5 d6 6.Nc3 g6 7.Bf4 a6 8.e4 Bg7 9.Qa4 Bd7 10.Qb3 Bc8 11.a4 O-O 12.Be2 Nh5 13.Bg5 f6 14.Be3 f5 15.ef5 gf5 16.Ng5 Bc3 17.bc3 f4 18.Ne6 Be6 19.de6 Qe7 20.Bh5 fe3 21.Bf7 Kg7 22.O-O Nc6 23.fe3 Nd8 24.Qd5 Nf7 25.ef7 Qe3 26.Kh1 Qe5 27.Qf3 Qe6 28.Qb7 Qc4 29.Rae1 Rab8 30.Qc7 Qd3 31.h3 Rbc8 32.Qd7 Rb8 33.Rf3 Qg6 34.Kh2 Rbd8 35.Qe7 Kh8 36.Re6 Qg7 37.Qd8 Rd8 38.Re8 Qf8 39.Rd8 1-0 [The former National Chess League featured some notable players on many of the teams. Kevin Spraggett, who played for Montreal, produced the following brevity.] Keycode: EO 56.2 White: K.Spraggett Black: Morris Place: 1982 National Chess League 1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e6 3.e4 d5 4.e5 d4 5.ef6 dc3 6.bc3 Qf6 7.d4 b6 8.Be2 Bb7 9.Bf3 Bf3 10.Nf3 Bd6 11.Qa4 Nd7 12.Bg5 Qf5 13.Qc6 Rb8 14.O-O h6 15.Bh4 g5 16.Bg3 Ke7 17.Rae1 h5 18.d5 Rh6 19.Nd4 Qh7 20.Bd6 cd6 21.Qc7 1-0 [The 62 year old ex-World Champion's attack on the White King is characterized by youthful energy.] Keycode: IG 3.4 White: J.Mestel Black: V.Smyslov Place: 1983 Las Palmas 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Be7 4.d4 d6 5.d5 Nb8 6.Bd3 Nf6 7.c4 O-O 8.Nc3 c6 9.O-O Nbd7 10.Rb1 Re8 11.b4 Nf8 12.Re1 Ng6 13.Bf1 Rf8 14.Qb3 Kh8 15.Bb2 cd5 16.cd5 Ng4 17.h3 Nh6 18.Rbc1 f5 19.Nb5 fe4 20.Re4 Bf5 21.Rec4 Nh4 22.Nh4 Bh4 23.g3 Bg5 24.Rd1 Qb6 25.h4 Ng4 26.Rdd4 Bh6 27.Nc7 Rac8 28.Ne6 Be6 29.de6 Rce8 30.Be2 Nf2 31.Rd5 Nh3 32.Kg2 Qg1 33.Kh3 Qh1 34.Kg4 Qd5 35.Rf4 Rf4 0-1 [Sparkling tactical play by Dmitry Gurevich.] Keycode: BI 41.1.2 White: D.Gurevich Black: L.Alburt Place: 1982 World Open 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cb5 a6 5.ba6 d6 6.Nc3 Ba6 7.Nf3 g6 8.e4 Bf1 9.Kf1 Bg7 10.g3 O-O 11.Kg2 Nbd7 12.h3 Qb8 13.Qc2 Nb6 14.Re1 Qb7 15.Rb1 Nfd7 16.b3 f5 17.ef5 Rf5 18.Re7 Raf8 19.Bf4 Bf6 20.Rbe1 Be7 21.Re7 Nc8 22.Re3 Ndb6 23.Bh6 Rd8 24.Qe2 Qd7 25.g4 Rf7 26.Ng5 Re7 27.Nce4 Re4 28.Ne4 Nd5 29.Rd3 Nce7 30.Qf3 Qe6 31.Rd5 1-0 [Tony Miles demonstrates the importance of the open file.] Keycode: QI 4.2 White: T.Miles Black: S.Kudrin Place: 1982 Lloyd's Bank 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.a3 c5 5.d5 Ba6 6.Qc2 Qe7 7.Nc3 Bc4 8.Bg5 ed5 9.e4 h6 10.Bf6 Qf6 11.ed5 Bf1 12.Kf1 d6 13.Re1 Be7 14.Qa4 Kf8 15.Qg4 Na6 16.Qd7 Rd8 17.Qa7 Nb8 18.Qb6 Nd7 19.Qb7 g6 20.Re3 Kg7 21.g3 Qf5 22.Kg2 Bf6 23.Ne4 Rb8 24.Qc6 Ne5 25.Ne5 Be5 26.Rhe1 Rb2 27.Rf3 Qc8 28.Nd6 Bd6 29.Qd6 Rb7 30.Qf6 Kh7 31.Re7 1-0 [Yasser's brilliancy, as he sacs two pieces to get at the Black King.] Keycode: EO 42.9 White: Y.Seirawan Black: A.Kuligowski Place: 1983 Wijk aan Zee 1.c4 c5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cd5 Nd5 5.e4 Nb4 6.Bc4 Nd3 7.Ke2 Nf4 8.Kf1 Ne6 9.b4 cb4 10.Nd5 g6 11.Bb2 Bg7 12.Bg7 Ng7 13.Nb4 Nd7 14.d4 Nb6 15.Bb3 a5 16.Nd3 a4 17.Bc2 O-O 18.h3 Qc7 19.Rc1 Bd7 20.g3 Nc4 21.Kg2 Bb5 22.Nc5 Qb8 23.Rb1 Na3 24.Rb2 b6 25.Na4 Rc8 26.Bb3 Qa7 27.Qd2 Ba4 28.Qh6 Bb3 29.Ng5 f6 30.Qh7 Kf8 31.Rb3 fg5 32.d5 Nc4 33.Qh8 Kf7 34.Rf3 Nf5 35.Qh7 Kf6 36.ef5 Ne5 37.Re1 g4 38.hg4 Qd7 39.g5 1-0 [A startling piece sac by Korchnoi decides matters.] Keycode: VO 23.7 White: V.Korchnoi Black: Y.Seirawan Place: 1983 US Open 1.d4 g6 2.Nf3 d6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 Bg4 5.h3 Bf3 6.Bf3 c6 7.O-O e5 8.de5 de5 9.Nd2 Na6 10.Nc4 Qe7 11.Qd6 Kf8 12.Rd1 Qd6 13.Nd6 Rb8 14.Be3 f5 15.Ba7 Ra8 16.Be3 Ne7 17.Bg2 Nb4 18.Rd2 e4 19.c4 Ra2 20.Ra2 Na2 21.Bc5 b6 22.Bb6 Bf6 23.Be4 fe4 24.Ne4 Bg7 25.Bc5 Kf7 26.Rd7 Bf8 27.Ng5 Ke8 28.Rc7 h6 29.Ne6 Rh7 30.Nf8 Kf8 31.Rc8 Kf7 32.Be7 1-0 [Ron Henley sacs his Queen in a Falkbeer Gambit.] Keycode: KG 4.2 White: M.Hebden Black: R.Henley Place: 1983 New York 1.e4 e5 2.f4 d5 3.ed5 c6 4.Nc3 ef4 5.Nf3 Bd6 6.d4 Ne7 7.dc6 Nbc6 8.d5 Nb4 9.Bc4 O-O 10.a3 Na6 11.O-O Bg4 12.Kh1 Rc8 13.Bd3 h6 14.Ne4 Nc5 15.Nc5 Rc5 16.c4 b5 17.b4 Rc4 18.Bc4 bc4 19.Qd4 Qc7 20.Bb2 Nf5 21.Qe4 Ne3 22.Nd4 c3 23.Nb5 cb2 24.Nc7 ba1Q 25.Ra1 Bc7 26.Rc1 Bb8 27.Rc5 Bd6 28.Rc6 Bf5 29.Qd4 Bb8 30.d6 Bd7 31.Rc7 Be6 32.Rb7 Rc8 33.Rb8 Rb8 34.Qf4 Nc4 35.Qd4 Rb7 36.h4 Rd7 37.a4 Nd6 38.h5 Ne8 39.Qe5 Nf6 40.Qc5 Ng4 41.Qc8 Kh7 42.Qc2 f5 0-1 [A spectacular kingside combination by Polugaevsky.] Keycode: SL 5.8 White: L.Polugaevsky Black: E.Torre Place: 1984 London 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 dc4 5.a4 Bf5 6.e3 e6 7.Bc4 Bb4 8.O-O O-O 9.Qe2 Nbd7 10.e4 Bg6 11.Bd3 Bh5 12.Bf4 Re8 13.e5 Nd5 14.Nd5 cd5 15.h3 Be7 16.Rfc1 a6 17.Rc3 Bf3 18.Qf3 Nb8 19.Bh7 Kh7 20.Qh5 Kg8 21.Rg3 g6 22.Rg6 fg6 23.Qg6 Kh8 24.Qh6 Kg8 25.Qe6 Kh8 26.Qh6 Kg8 27.Qg6 Kh8 28.Qh5 Kg8 29.Bh6 Bf8 30.Qg6 Kh8 31.Bf8 Rf8 32.Qh6 Kg8 33.Ra3 1-0