MLSLAVE.WAD +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ { } { SLAVES OF HELL by MATT LEBEL } { } +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =============================================================================== Title : SLAVES OF HELL Filename : MLSLAVE.WAD Author : Matt Lebel Email Address : Misc. Author Info : Author of, also for HERETIC (not yet out, but look for it!) Description : While vacationing on the shores of Hell, you intercept a transmission.... "...Make sure the human zombies are ready... new war upon... fleeing humanity!... {static} Praise SATAN and his new Evil plan..."{ Cyber Demon Overlord Gri'zack} "...Yes Master Gri'zack... humans will be wiped out... by their new... different... old comrades...{vicious laughter}.."{Baron Ariglia of Hell} Your proximity indicator starts flashing madly! The Demons are in the mountains to the North. They've taken over one of the old UAC Research Facilities hidden inside the mountains of Mars. You've got to get through the caves and man made tunnels and get inside that base! And beware those Former Humans! The way those demons were laughing, you know something strange is afoot. What you find in the base may shock you, or worse, KILL YOU!!! Additional Credits to : id Software for making my favorite game (or is it an obsession?) in the world. Also everyone in the id conference on Software Creations for their help, their wisdom, and their love for DOOM! Thanks to Vincent Kurdyla for beta-testing and his great comments. Also thanks to my friends Andre and Mark Viens, and Paul Cesaitis for semi-beta testing, and for being just plain annoying! haha ============================================================================ **************** Play Information *************************** Episode and Level # : DOOM ][, MAP01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (hallways a bit small) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, of course!! Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : Nope Vacation Items : Yes Sun Tan Lotion : Shoot! I forgot it at home! Demos Replaced : None (because I hate getting "demo is different version than game" errors so I didn't make any demos, but I wanted to. Really!) DEHACKED PATCH : Yes, along with dehacked so you can load the patch. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install Dehacked in your DOOM directory, edit the dehacked.ini file to match your paths, etc. go into dehacked. Hit 'L' to load my patch, type in the path name and the patch name ex. C:\DOOM2\Dehacked\slave.deh Then when it has loaded, hit 'W' to write changes to the DOOM2.EXE. I recommend you back up your exe file first, by copying it into another directory. Then you can easily copy it back and overwrite. You can also play without the dehacked patch, but why? **************** Construction ******************************* Base : New level from scratch in about 60 hours. Editor(s) used : The NEW DEU for DOOM ][ v5.2, BSP v1.1, and DEHACKED v2.2 Known Bugs : There are none. I had the exterminator check the base out REAL good. But sometimes the game will crash if you try to cheat! (no that doesn't happen, but please don't cheat anyway) Author's Note : There are some monsters that you may think are "stuck". They are not. They are in a forcefield chamber, so don't worry about it! ***************** COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS ******************** Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. Provided you give me credit for the original level and mention where one can get the original file. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. Please distribute freely! It's great for my ego! * Where to get this WAD * Internet: America Online BBS numbers: Software Creations: Home of the Authors: (508)-368-7036 Paddy's Place (home of the x-rated pictures): (508)-752-1227 Author's note: Please feel free to email me or post in the id Software Conference on Software Creations if you have any comments or suggestions or questions or if you DO find any bugs (cockroaches or ants for example). I'd like to know what you think. Don't say the surprise at the end is too tough though, because if you are careful and use your ammo and obstacles well you can overcome the enemy in time. I did it! Without giving the whole thing away, let's just say I had to put it there to go along with the story! Now go play it!!!! ML :)