================================================================ Title : ROCKET MANIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Filename : RKTMANIA.DEH Authors : Raje Software (Pronounced RAGE) Robin Andrews, Joe Edidin Email Address : CHMJ78A@prodigy.com Snail Mail : Robin Andrews Joe Edidin 240 Whitney Road 21900 Inglenook Ct. Lake Zurich, IL Barringon, IL 60047 60010 Misc. Author Info : Just a pair of teenage PSYCHOS with : a voracious appetite for CARNAGE! Description : Of all the weapons in DOOM / DOOM II, the most dangerous to use (So?) is the Rocket Launcher. Good ol' number 5 is what we splatter junkies call it. It's also the most fun of them all. Lob a rocket into a gang of croonies and the only thing left is corresponding piles of pulpiness. (That is our official name for the bloody stuff left after a barrel explosion or rocket hit.) The Rocket Launcher is even more fun when you practice "wall shots". Wall shots are hitting the wall with a rocket (fairly far a way from yourself, mind you.) right next to a minor monster. His remains splatter sideways, or if you're lucky, towards you! Former humans and sarges work the best for this. The rocket launcher is a also the best weapon to take care of groups of pesky snipers. If you can manage to get a shell flying in their direction, your troubles are usually over. So, to extend the fun the Rocket Launcher gives Doom players, we created ROCKET MANIA. It is close to the idea of BARREL MANIA, our original megahit, but with lots more explosions and pulpiness! EVERY monster trades in his (her?) fireballs, plasma blasts, and the like for industrial strength rockets! Those Imps are valuable tools to thin out the population. (Un)Fortunately, the Imps usually splatter themselves on their closest neighbors. It seems they won't learn the #1 rule of rockets: FROM A DISTANCE. Dumb Imps. Oh, well. It IS fun to watch an Imp try to throw a rocket at YOU, but instead hits a corner of the wall right in front of them! (try getting them to do this on Level 1 for your first taste of self-induced pulpiness.) Like in BARREL MANIA, those freakin' annoying lost souls are completely stationary. They're mid-flight rockets now. Shoot them for cool explosions and instant death. This means that Pain Elementals (may they all rot in hel-...HEAVEN!) now spit slow rockets at you. If the rockets stop, make sure they're not near you, or don't shoot, or both. If you do shoot them at close distance, I won't be responsible for cleaning up what's left of you. Well. Now that I've terrified you by the details of your opposition's new talents, it's time for some confidence builder. You are now equipped with lots more rockets to destroy those Impies and other goons with. Your good ol' number 5 has a bigger capacaty, for lots more splatterings and pulpings. The Plasma Rifle now shoots high-speed, sorta-wimpy rockets. (call it Mr. Rocket Rifle, thank you.) But, they do still splatter, lots more than mere plasma bolts. Feel safe now? So, enjoy another PSYCHOTIC and CARNAGERIAL (I think that's a real word) DeHackEd patch by us pulp junkies at Raje Software. ROCKET MANIA proves to be a load of fun, especially in DEATHMATCH!!!!!!!!!!! Requirements: -Doom 2 -DeHackEd -A love for the irresposible use of deadly weapons -A target painted on your forehead -An itchy trigger finger -Good aim -Fast feet -An ounce of insanity -Some Prozac Additional Credits to: ID Software- for Doom 2 Greg Lewis- for DeHackEd All the little people- Here's blood in your eye! ================================================================ * Play Information * Level # : Any level totally kicks butt with ROCKET MANIA! Single Player : Yes! Lots of PULP!! Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes! Watch out for friendly fire! Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES! Aim those rockets right between their beady little eyes! Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None - He dies very quickly, though! A Demo named ROCKET.LMP is included. Be sure to have Rocket Mania on when running it. The Demo is completing levels 1 through 3 with Rocket Mania. Watch it to see the fun you can have!! * Construction * Base : DOOM2.EXE Editor(s) used : Dehacked - Of course! Known Bugs : Crashes sometimes on shitty setups - That's what you get for messin' with the base files! * Copyright / Permissions * (and other lawyer-sounding stuff) You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this HACK * BBS numbers: You know if you got this! Write to either of us by snail mail or E-mail! We'd love to hear ideas, comments, questions, criticism (If you want to lose that tongue!) We'll put you on The Official Raje Software Mailing List. Give us your E-Mail or snail mail address (preferably E-Mail). You will be informed about all our new releases, and if your sorry ass is fortunate enough, we'll give it to you directly. That way you can avoid those pesky BBS s (that is, until we start our own BBS). RAJE Software (Pronounced RAGE)