Hi Flight Simmers, Welcome to Round Robin no 6. This one is with Alfred Grech's ITALIA1 available at the ftp.iup.edu site. If you did previous RR"S, skip the next paragraph, jump right in, and have fun. For those who are new to this, Round Robins are published with the intent of having MS Flight-Simmers fly, look at the scenery, refresh our Geography, practice our cross country navigation , do some approaches at different airports all over the world, and have some FUN. In the message, you will be getting info like: airport departure and runway number , VOR'S and ADF's en route, one or two middle airport destination for VFR or INST approach, and back to your point of departure (round robin) for and INST or VFR approach, along with ILS and LOM freqs, minimums, procedures etc ..... You will also get info on the scenery needed to complete the flight and where to get it (at the ftp.iup.edu, where else?). Also who created the scenery (for non-commercial) and a little background on the geography of the area. May I also suggest, that you read the route a couple of times before starting out, so that you'll have your flight plan fairly clear in your mind. ROUND ROBIN #6 JUL 95 ROMA FIUMICINO--PALERMO--CATANIA FONTANA ROSSA-- ROMA FIUMICINO. SCENERY BY ALFRED GRECH ITALIA1. BEGIN: FIRST LEG Roma drct Palermo dist 240nm --Select Roma Fiumicino RWY 34L(it will actually put you on RWY 16R, which is what we want). Clock 1810 --Dial in Ponza VOR 114.6 on NAV2, and keep the OST VOR 114.9 on NAV1. --T/O RWY 16R, Left climbing to 8000, HDG150. Track the Ponza VOR to on top. --Over Ponza, turn right HDG 175, and maintain 8000. --Dial in Palermo VOR 112.3 on NAV1 and keep Ponza on NAV2 for back course if needed. Also dial in Raisi NDB 329 for back up. --Track the PAL VOR once you have contact.(Palermo is about 170nm from the Ponza VOR). --35 nm from the PAL VOR, turn left HDG 155 and descend to 5000. Dial in the LOC freq 109.9 to intercept the LOC for an ILS/DME RWY 20 course 200 altitude 64. Land Palermo, for a full stop. SECOND LEG Palermo drct Catania Fontana Rossa. 100nm. --Taxi to RWY 07. T/O Right Climbing to 13000, HDG 115. --Dial in Catania VOR 112.1 and ADF 345. --Track the VOR NOTE: Catania Fontana is surrounded to the North and North West by mountains with peaks up to 11000. The ILS to RWY 08 was so tricky, that I chose the NDB/DME to RWY 26 instead. If you would like to try the ILS, fly to the VOR and then turn right to HDG 264 until 10 nm from the VOR. Then turn right to HDG 084 and intercept the LOC. freq 109.9 . --Prepare for NDB/DME RWY 26 --5nm from the VOR, begin descend to 6000. Fly to the VOR or NDB and at on top, turn left HDG 095. and continue descend to 2500. Continue on HDG 095 until 10 nm from the VOR and then turn left HDG 262 (which is the RWY course). Note: One way to be lined up properly when you roll out, is to turn only 90 deg left and watch your ADF needle. When it is pointing roughly at 260, continue your turn to 262 and you will be lined up. --Continue HDG 262. You should have the RWY visual at 7nm for landing RWY 26 elevation 43. Note: There is another airport to the SW at about 9nm. Called Catania Sigonella. The airport you want has only one RWY. Land Catania Fontana for a Touch and go. THIRD LEG. Catania drct ROMA. 280nm. --T/O Right Climbing to 12000 HDG 335. --Tune in the Ponza VOR 114.60 and track the VOR to on top. The Ponza VOR is about 240 nm from Catania, so keep the Catania VOR on for back bearing. --On top Ponza, descend to 6000, dial in and track the OST VOR 114.90. --Tune in the LOC 109.30 for an ILS RWY 34R at ROMA Fiumicino (actual course 343, elev 19). --25 nm from the OST VOR turn left HDG 305 to intercept the LOC. LAND ROMA. WELCOME HOME.... END GEOGRAPHY. The ROMA airport is located on the West coast of Italy. The first leg takes you to Palermo which is on the North coast of Sicily. Catania is located on the east coast of Sicily. The region is very mountaineous with peaks up to 13000. If you decide to go to Malta (which is about 100 nm south of Catania) you will need to copy 2 textures files, which are missing in the Malta scenery. Find files named SEEDC7.R8 and SEEDC8.R8 which can be found on many of Alfred's other scenery, and rename them to SEEDA7.R8 and SEEDA8.R8 and copy them to your texture dir. Alfred will be updating the Italia soon,and correct this problem. 1... Thank you to Alfred for the magnificent scenery. 2....I flew the DC9 on this trip..but any other A/C will do. 3.....Please try different time settings on these RR's. Also for the night part, try and put in some weather. I flew this RR in both night and day conditions, so that I could see the great scenery. Experiment a little bit...... 4.... For the experienced flyers, please be patient thru all of the explanations, directions and extras. I direct this at newcomers to the flying world. I must stick to plain language. 5.... Thanks to Chris for test flying the scenario for me. 6..... The RR's are available on the WEBB at: http://www.pix.za/0/business/a.bruton/scenery.html http://www.nez.com/flight/robin.html Thanks to Andre, for making this available to us. Also available at the FTP.IUP.EDU site in the Uploads dir (RRobin.ZIP) If anyone would like to suggest a route, or comments, EMAIL me at : apeltier@mars.ark.com HAVE FUN Watch for upcoming RR in the regions of United States South Africa, Alaska, British Columbia etc........... FLASH... FLASH...FLASH... I will release RR#7 around the 7 of Jul, 95. It takes place in the Chicago area and it is meant for FS5.1 CD ROM. It includes weather, visibilies, cross winds etc .... and is very challenging. It can also be flown on 5.0a using John Trindle's ISS scenery. After that, the next one will be sometime in August. It is Salmon fishing time here in B.C, so Chris and I are going fishing!!!!!. Al -------------------------------------------------- Al Pelletier Courtenay B.C email apeltier@mars.ark.com ph voice 604-338-7299 --------------------------------------------------