Round Robin Flights Created by Al Pelletier Uploaded by Jose Ramos PKWARE ZIP FILE RROBF5.ZIP CONTAINS -> README.TXT Text Descripton File by Jose Ramos -> RNDROB1.TXT Round Robin in the vicinity of Ontario, Canada -> RNDROB2.TXT Round Robin in the vicinity of Southern Spain -> RNDROB3.TXT Round Robin in the vicinity of Seattle, USA -> RNDROB4.TXT Round Robin in the vicinity of Edinburgh, Scotland -> RNDROB5.TXT Round Robin in the vicinity of the Azores, South America Round Robin flights were created by Al Pelletier to give beginners and experts in FS5 or FS5A "flight assignments" in various parts of the world. You are given a list of airports, with VFR (visual) and IFR (VOR, ADF, etc.) instructions. You can land at an airport, or touch and go. The plan will take you thru airports and back to your starting airport, completing the "round robin". Most times, the text file will direct you to retrieve certain scenery files, available through either Compuserve or an Anonymous FTP site at FTP.IUP.EDU THIS FILE INCLUDES ..... The first five Round Robin files created by Al Pelletier. See above for regions. These text files were uploaded by me, Jose Ramos, with the permission of Al Pelletier. I have tried these, and they are spectacular! As more Round Robins come out, I will send them out! CHEERS, Jose Ramos Al Pelletier can be reached at this internet address: Jose Ramos can be reached at this internet address: THIS VERSION WAS UPLOADED ON: The Software Creations BBS ###