Hi Flight Simmers, Welcome to Round Robin no 3. This is a short one, with Microsoft Scenery (I didn't want them feeling left out !!!!!). But it is still a lot of fun, and there is a surprise in it. If you did RR1 or 2, skip the next paragraph, jump right in, and have fun. For those who are new to this, Round Robins are published with the intent of having MS Flight-Simmers fly, look at the scenery, and do some approaches at different airports all over the world. In the message, you will be getting info like: airport departure and runway number , VOR'S and ADF's en route, one or two middle airport destination for VFR or INST approach, and back to your point of departure (round robin) for and INST or VFR approach, along with ILS and LOM freqs, minimums, procedures etc ..... You will also get info on the scenery needed to complete the flight and where to get it (at the ftp.iup.edu, where else?). Also who created the scenery (for non-commercial) and a little background on the geography of the area. May I also suggest, that you read the route a couple of times before starting out, so that you'll have your flight plan fairly clear in your mind. ROUND ROBIN #3 May 95 PORT ANGELES-- PAINE--OLYMPIA--PORT ANGELES. SCENERY: MICROSOFT FS5.0 DEFAULT BEGIN: 1.... Select Port Angeles under the Seatle scenery. DAY VFR Conditions for the first leg. Tune in Paine VOR 110.60 on Nav2. and RITTS ADF freq 396. T/O RWY 08. Right climbing to 10000 turn to HDG 085. Track the Paine VOR. 25 miles from Paine VOR, start descend to 3300. Dial in Paine field ATIS 128.65, and localizer 109.3 on NAV1. Watch for Balloon at 3000, straight ahead about 12 miles from the Paine VOR (that is the surprise). At 12 nm from the VOR, (or after you found the balloon) turn left to HDG 340. Stay on this HDG and maintain 3300 until you are 14 nm from the localizer on your NAV 1. Turn right and HOME the RITTS ADF(LOM) to intercept the localizer for an ILS to RWY 16 (actual hdg 159 mag) elevation 606. LAND. SET CLOCK to 2018. 2........ Touch and go. T/O, Right climbing to 6500 HDG 180. Tune in and track the Olympia VOR 113.4. You will be passing to the west of Seatle and Tacoma, with the city lights and the Space Needle visible. At 32nm from Olympia you will see the Tacoma Narrows bridge and the Tacoma airport to your left. 17nm from the Olympia VOR, descent to 4300. 9nm from the VOR, you now have the airport visual. Turn right HDG 225 and align yourself for a visual to RWY 17, elevation 206. LAND. 3....... Touch and go. T/O. Right Climbing to 10000 turn to HDG 320. Tune in MASON ADF freq 348 and Home the needle. Over MASON, tune in ELWHA ADF freq 515 and Home the needle. Tune in Port-Angeles ATIS 134.15(optional). DO NOT DESCEND until over the ELWHA ADF. ( ELWHA ADF is 6.2 nm west of the Port Angeles airport) After on TOP the ADF, turn left ot HDG 280 and descend to 3800. Once at 3800, turn left and HOME the ADF again (approx HDG 075 to 095). .Start descend to 2500. Once over the ELWHA ADF, you should have the Airport visual. Visual approach to RWY 08 elevation 288. LAND WELCOME HOME. NOTES: 1. The clock is set after landing Paine so that you will be at dusk/dark going by Seatle., and returning to Port Angeles at dark. It is meant to let you experience the descent over water, turning and doing an ADF approach at night, relying on your artificial horizon and instruments. If you want to put in clouds under 10000 and above 15000, you'll even get a better effect. 2....I flew the DC9 on this trip.. 3.... For the experienced flyers, please be patient thru all of the explanations, directions and extras. I direct this at newcomers to the flying world. I must stick to plain language. 4.... Thanks to Chris for test flying the scenario for me. If anyone would like to suggest a route, or comments, EMAIL me at : apeltier@mars.ark.com HAVE FUN Watch for upcoming RR in the regions of Malta, Azores, Scotland, South Africa etc........... Al -------------------------------------------------- Al Pelletier Courtenay B.C email apeltier@mars.ark.com ph voice 604-338-7299 --------------------------------------------------