Hi Flight Simmers, Welcome to Round Robin no 4. This one is with Robert Wittick's Scotland VERS 3, available at the ftp.iup.edu site. If you did previous RR"S, skip the next paragraph, jump right in, and have fun. For those who are new to this, Round Robins are published with the intent of having MS Flight-Simmers fly, look at the scenery, and do some approaches at different airports all over the world. In the message, you will be getting info like: airport departure and runway number , VOR'S and ADF's en route, one or two middle airport destination for VFR or INST approach, and back to your point of departure (round robin) for and INST or VFR approach, along with ILS and LOM freqs, minimums, procedures etc ..... You will also get info on the scenery needed to complete the flight and where to get it (at the ftp.iup.edu, where else?). Also who created the scenery (for non-commercial) and a little background on the geography of the area. May I also suggest, that you read the route a couple of times before starting out, so that you'll have your flight plan fairly clear in your mind. ROUND ROBIN #4 JUN 95 EDINBURGH--INVERNESS--RAF KINLOSS--ABERDEEN EDINBURGH SCENERY: SCOTLAND VERSION 3, by Bob Wittick BEGIN: 1.... Select Edinburg at ramp from the scenery menu. Set clock to 1700. DAY VFR conditions for the first 3 legs. Tune in Perth VOR 110.40 on Nav2. and Perth ADF freq 386. TAXI to and T/O RWY 07. Left climbing to 9000 turn to HDG 006. Track the Perth VOR. 20 miles from Perth you have the town of DUNDEE and the Leuchars airport visual at your 2 O'Clock. You will overfly them on your way back. On Top Perth, dial in and track the Inverness VOR freq 109.2. You can also dial in the Kinloss ADF freq 370. (Kinloss is an RAF base about 20 miles north of Inverness.) After crossing the last of the mountains, you have Inverness visual at your 11 O'Clock. At 9 nm from the VOR, turn left to HDG 310 and start descent to 2500. Head for over the city. Once over the downtown area, turn right to HDG of 060 for a visual approach to RWY 06, elevation 31. LAND INVERNESS. 2.....Touch and go, climb to 3000 and HOME the Kinloss ADF needle freq 370 for a visual/ adf to RWY 08 (actual hdg is 077), elevation22. (you can also dial in the Kinloss VOR 109.80 for DME if you wish). LAND KINLOSS. 3.....Touch and go, Right climbing to 7000, HDG 130. Dial in the ABERDEEN ADF 377 , VOR 114.30. HOME the ADF. (note: the airport you'll pass on your left, just after take off from Kinloss is RAF Lossiemouth). DO NOT DESCENT until 12 miles from ABERDEEN VOR. At 12 nm from the VOR, begin descent to 3000. Continue to HOME the ADF to intercept the LOCALIZER freq 109.90 for an ILS to RWY 16 (actual HDG 164, elevation 215). LAND ABERDEEN. 4.....CLOCK to 1930.. Touch and go. Climb to 7000. Dial in and track the Leuchars VOR 110.50. (approx HDG 210). Over the Leuchars airport, Dial in and HOME the Edinburgh ADF/LOM 341. Dial in 108.95 on your NAV1 for an ILS ILS RWY 25 at EDINBURGH (actual HDG 247, elevation 135).. (approach note: coming for Leuchars, the LOM is very close to the localizer heading. In order to intercept the Localizer earlier, and to line up about 10 miles back, keep the ADF needle 5 or 10 deg to the right as you are flying towards it.) 22 miles from the Localizer, descend to 3000. Incercept and track the localizer. LAND EDINBURGH WELCOME HOME.... GEOGRAPHY. Inverness is where you enter the famous LOCH NESS. There are some very old castles to visit all along the LOCH. I visited there myself, but I didn't see NESSIE, since it was way after my drinking days......that I visited the LOCH. KINLOSS is a maritime Command RAF base. At the present they are flying the NIMRODS, which were designed from the old COMET (the first British jet passenger airplanes in the 50's). It used to be Home away from Home for me, when I was flying on the Canadian ARGUS maritime patrol airplane in the late 60's and 70's. There is a little town called FORRES, near the base where we used to stay. We usually were housed in Old Manors that were turned into hotels. They were very cold in the winter, but the people are so friendly and warm, that it made up for it. The Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding was fantastic....along with a few Pints of Scotish or British Ale, of course. I still have friends there and hope to return some day. I would like very much to rent a car, and tour all of Scotand; visiting the old Abeys, Castles and Hills.... along the way.. 1.... Thank you so much to Robert Wittick for the Scotland scenery. It is surely on of my favourite place to visit on FS5. If you enjoy flying Round Robins, then I encourage anyone to complete Bob's tour that comes with the scenery. A lot of time has obviously gone into setting up the tour and it is a lot of fun. Don't miss it.... 2....I flew the DC9 on this trip..but any other A/C will do. 3.....Please try different time settings on these RR's. I think the twilight scenery in Scotland is fantastic. Have fun with it. Experiment a little bit...... 4.... For the experienced flyers, please be patient thru all of the explanations, directions and extras. I direct this at newcomers to the flying world. I must stick to plain language. 5.... Thanks to Chris for test flying the scenario for me. If anyone would like to suggest a route, or comments, EMAIL me at : apeltier@mars.ark.com HAVE FUN Watch for upcoming RR in the regions of Malta, Azores, South Africa etc........... Al -------------------------------------------------- Al Pelletier Courtenay B.C email apeltier@mars.ark.com ph voice 604-338-7299 --------------------------------------------------