Hi Flight Simmers, Welcome to Round Robin no 5. This one is with Carlos Coimbra's Azores VERS 3, available at the ftp.iup.edu site. If you did previous RR"S, skip the next paragraph, jump right in, and have fun. For those who are new to this, Round Robins are published with the intent of having MS Flight-Simmers fly, look at the scenery, refresh our Geography, practice our cross country navigation , do some approaches at different airports all over the world, and have some FUN. In the message, you will be getting info like: airport departure and runway number , VOR'S and ADF's en route, one or two middle airport destination for VFR or INST approach, and back to your point of departure (round robin) for and INST or VFR approach, along with ILS and LOM freqs, minimums, procedures etc ..... You will also get info on the scenery needed to complete the flight and where to get it (at the ftp.iup.edu, where else?). Also who created the scenery (for non-commercial) and a little background on the geography of the area. May I also suggest, that you read the route a couple of times before starting out, so that you'll have your flight plan fairly clear in your mind. ROUND ROBIN #5 JUN 95 HORTA--LAJES--PONTA DELGADA--SANTA MARIA--HORTA SCENERY: AZORES3, by Carlos Coimbra (AZORES3.BGL) BEGIN: 1.... Select Horta RWY10 from the scenery menu. Set clock to 1500. DAY VFR conditions for the first 2 legs. Tune in Graciosa NDB 283. T/O Left climbing to 7000, HDG 060. Home the ADF needle. Set Lajes VOR 112.3 on NAV2 and Localizer 109.9 on NAV1. Fly to the Graciosa NDB. After on Top, turn right HDG 110. Set the Lajes NDB freq 341. 25nm from the Lajes VOR descend to 3500. Continue on HDG 110 until you intercept the localizer for an ILS RWY 15 (actual HDG155 elevation 180). LAND LAJES 2nd LEG: Lajes drct Ponta Delgada. Touch and Go left climbing to 7000, HDG145. Tune the Ponta NDB 371 and home the needle. Set Localizer freq 109.5 on Nav 1 for a Visual/Back course ILS to RWY 12. Keep the Lajes VOR on Nav2 for back course if needed. At 60nm out of Lajes, the Ponta Localizer will kick in. Start descend to 3500 and turn right HDG 165. Stay on this HDG until you intercept the Localizer for a Visual/back course ILS to RWY 12 (actual HDG 124 elevation 262). Note: Remember, this is a reverse ILS. Your Localizer course bar will be reverse of a normal ILS, and the DME is taken from the other End of the RWY. LAND PONTA. Unload and Pick up Passengers. (time for a coffee). 3rd LEG: Ponta Delgada drct Santa Maria. SET CLOCK TO 18:40. Dial in Santa Maria VOR 113.70, Localizer 110.3, NDB 240. TAXI to and T/O RWY 12, Right Climbing to 5000, HDG170. Track the VOR or the NDB. 30 nm from the VOR, turn left HDG 150 and descend to 3000. Intercept the Localizer for and ILS RWY 18 (actual HDG 183 elevation 308). LAND SANTA MARIA 4th LEG: Santa Maria drct Horta. Touch and Go Right Climbing to 10000, HDG 320. Dial in the Horta NDB 380 and the Horta VOR 112.70. Leave the Santa Maria VOR 113.70 on NAV2 for Back course. (this leg is approx 210 miles). Track the Horta VOR once it kicks in. (use the NDB as back up). 20nm from the Horta VOR, descent to 9000. WARNING: Not below 9000 until 5nm from the VOR on this HDG. 5nm from the Horta VOR, continue tracking and descend to 3000. Track the VOR to on top. At on top, turn left to 280 and overfly the RWY at 3000. After giving yourself enough room for a visual approach, do a 180 degree turn and line up for landing RWY 10 (actual HDG 104, elevation 110). Note: the Horta RWY is only 5000 feet long. So land on the button, full reverse, brakes, and hang on to your hat!!! LAND HORTA. WELCOME HOME.... GEOGRAPHY. The Azores islands are well known to any aviator that has flown across the Atlantic on the way to France, Portugual or Italy. Personnaly, serving on Anti Sub squadrons (VP 404 and VP405), the Azores were a frequent stop. Our stay was usually 4 to 10 days long). Everyone enjoyed the shopping at the American PX and in the many little shops in Praia da Vitoria or in Angra de Heroismo. (those of you that have been there will remember George's the Crook Bar where we used to load up on VINO VERDE, Portuguese Rolls and Goat Cheese). In my 25 years of flying, on all kind of A/C's, I have never been so scared as to when I took my first Taxi ride across the mountains from Praia to Angra. The Portuguese Taxi drivers (no offence) new only 2 things on their Cab: the gas pedal and the Horn. It was pedal to the metal on narrow dirt roads above 4000 foot cliffs. I bet you can imagine the fear on the riders faces.(on mine anyways). Santa Maria is a major ICAO reporting centre and the airport is used as a refuelling stop by many airlines. If you feel like doing a little VFR flying around Santa Maria, see if you can find a little Island about 30m NE of Santa Maria, called Ilheus Formigas which I think stands for Ants Island. 1.... Thank you so much to Carlos Coimbra for the Azores scenery. I know you are still working on it and I am looking forward to your new version. 2....I flew the DC9 on this trip..but any other A/C will do. 3.....Please try different time settings on these RR's. Also for the night part, try and put in some weather. The Azores are usually cloudy with frequent showers and strong cross winds. Experiment a little bit...... 4.... For the experienced flyers, please be patient thru all of the explanations, directions and extras. I direct this at newcomers to the flying world. I must stick to plain language. 5.... Thanks to Chris for test flying the scenario for me. 6..... The RR's are available on the WEBB at: http://www.pix.za/0/business/a.bruton/scenery.html http://www.nez.com/flight/robin.html Thanks to Andre, for making this available to us. If anyone would like to suggest a route, or comments, EMAIL me at : apeltier@mars.ark.com HAVE FUN Watch for upcoming RR in the regions of Malta, United States South Africa, Alaska, British Columbia etc........... Al -------------------------------------------------- Al Pelletier Courtenay B.C email apeltier@mars.ark.com ph voice 604-338-7299 --------------------------------------------------