* INTRODUCTION - Welcome to ILLSMOUTH, a small New England village where you, JOHN PARKER, will have many dangerous missions to perform before you are finally able to photograph Halley's famous comet, which is to tear across the sky in three days time. You'd better not have any illusions. The contract you must fulfill is by no means routine. It is full of pitfalls, but after all, for an adventurer such as yourself, what could be more exciting than to have danger breathing down your neck at every corner? Before we go any further along the trail of clues and solutions, a few words of advice that may prove very useful in your bid to dissipate the shadow of the comet. * JOURNEYS - To start with, we recommend a tour of the village. Don't forget to take a look (Examine: shortcut L) at the houses; this will help you find out the names of some of the actors in this story. Next, to facilitate your travels, use your map (Map: keyboard shortcut M) and the arrow keys to shorten your travels considerably. Don't try and gain access to all the houses; some of them are locked and stay locked. For instance the SHADOW OF THE COMET team was unable to obtain shooting permission for the cozy interior of Miss PICOTT's dwelling. - Let's take a stroll through the woods... No, there is no wolf here but it is very easy to lose your way in the woods that surround ILLSMOUTH and unfortunately key M will be of no use to you at all... Remember to keep things simple; in fact, all the essential information is elsewhere, provided you're able to read... * YOUR LOGBOOK - This is an essential accessory for any adventurer. Your logbook automatically records every clue or key fact you may collect in the course of your quest. It also gives you important clues as all accomplished adventurers are gifted with high powers of deduction. To read your log and gain an overview of your journey so far, press key I (as in Information). If you do come across a maze or any other brain teaser, remember to have pen and paper handy all the same. * PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS - This charming village (and we all know appearances can be deceiving) is inhabited by forty or so characters whom you will have to speak to. As far as the start of your adventure is concerned, don't worry, The MCQs (Multiple Choice Questionnaires) will not put you at risk. Having said that, beware! Over-confidence has been the downfall of many a man. A loose tongue is a dangerous tongue and a man such as PARKER knows when to keep his mouth shut. Sometimes there may be a break in the conversation. If so, press T (as in Talk). This may give you some vital last minute clues, provided the person you are talking to is co- operative. Oh, and in some encounters you make, it is essential that you stand right next to the person you wish to speak to or wait until he or she has finished whatever they're doing. * PICK UP AND USE Don't be afraid to pick up all the objects you find on your path (keyboard shortcut: key G). They are listed in the object menu (keyboard shortcut: key O). Use them (keyboard shortcut: key U) in a logical manner. And don't make things more complicated than they actually are. Most of the riddles in the SHADOW OF THE COMET are not there simply to make life difficult for you. While you may be travelling through a world of fantasy, your approach must remain that of an investigator. * THE CLUES Often you will see a small dotted line running from PARKER's eye to an object. If so, you must quickly press "L" to find out what your eagle eye has spotted. Unfortunately, some clues are locked up inside trunks, cases and other wardrobes. Use key "L" to open them - unless a key is needed to do so. * TIME IS MONEY! But not for those who play SHADOW OF THE COMET: take as much time as you want. This is not a race against the clock. There's a time and a place for everything. 1 ST DAY: A NICE FISHING PORT... * DOWN AT THE HARBOR: BUT WHERE IS DR COBBLE? HOW WILL I RECOGNIZE HIM? - All you have to do is walk up to the two figures talking near the coach. In this way you will meet both your landlord (Dr. Cobble) and the mayor (Mr. Arlington). * JOURNEY BY COACH: ADMIRE THE SCENERY! - Automatic sequence: Let yourself be rocked by the horse's gentle trot and the beauty of the scenery. * IN FRONT OF COBBLE'S HOME: WHAT SHOULD ONE ANSWER TO THE MAYOR? - Do as you please; but how trustworthy is this man? * IN YOUR ROOM: STAY CALM... WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO BEFORE GOING FOR A WALK IN THE VILLAGE? - The answers to these questions are in the telegram placed on the small table and in the book on top of the dresser. Pick them up and read them (G & U) then consult your notebook (I). In any case you cannot exit the room until you have read these documents. * WHERE CAN I FIND PHOTO-SENSITIVE PLATES? - Near the cemetery (you have passed it already in the coach; head for the harbor). A young person, GLORIA TILTON, will take you to the General Store. Take care: don't ask indiscreet questions. Just tell her: "How do you do?". Otherwise, a short tour of the town center will take you to the town's only store, where you can buy everything. * HOW DO I PURCHASE THE PLATES? - As in real life, all you have to do is ask. But enemy ears are listening to your conversation. Never mind, there is no imminent danger. However, Mr. MYER, the shop keeper is right: The plates must be tested that same night, on the same spot where Boleskine sketched out his drawings. * WHERE ARE THE MUNICIPAL ARCHIVES? - Plenty of people can give you that information (Jed Donahue or the innkeeper for instance). But the red building with the American flag near the square will turn out to be the town hall. Follow the guide... * THE ARCHIVES BUILDING IS A REAL MUSEUM! I'D BETTER LOOK CAREFULLY. - Yes, and amongst others there is an interesting document you should take a closer look at (L) near the small statue at the back. At its feet is a fascinating text that is certain to open up new prospects for you. * THE KEEPER OF THE ARCHIVES IS A REAL CHATTER-BOX! - And even more than you think. You have just met Tobias Jugg, your first ally. Wait until he is seated before questioning him. The registry you are looking for is on the large table behind him (L). Don't be afraid to talk (T). The name of the famous author who wrote the quotation is Shakespeare and of course someone as learned as you simply loves to read. The riddle of the Sphinx mentioned by Parker is quite famous: What walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 at noon and 3 in the evening...? Be very kind to the keeper of the archives and don't hesitate to speak to him again at any time. He will help you locate the houses of the three people likely to have accompanied Boleskine. Once JUGG has left, look (L) through the cupboards and take a magnifying glass with you (G). * WHO WAS BOLESKINE'S GUIDE? - Rendez-vous down at the fishery. Old Hambleton is not at all cooperative but you will discover that the place you are looking for is in the forest, near a Calvary. If you go to Coldstone's, look in his window... But beware: that man is not trustworthy! * WHAT IF I WENT INTO THE FOREST? IS THAT REALLY A GOOD IDEA? - You'll have to, sooner or later. If you go there, pick up 3 branches and a creeper but don't waste your time looking for the cross. * THE KEEPER OF THE ARCHIVES TOLD ME TO GO TO HIS PLACE; THAT'S A GOOD IDEA. - And while you're there, look at the gun in the corridor (L) and use the magnifying glass you found at the archives (U). You're gathering clues by the minute! * WHAT IF I WENT BACK TO MY LODGINGS VIA THE SQUARE? - Excellent idea! New characters are waiting for you. Discover a typical group of Gypsies, horribly treated by that brute Sergeant Baggs. However, that imbecile is right on one count. Don't even think of going into the forest on your own at night; you will need a guide. When the conversation stops, press T. You'll be making useful allies for the rest of this story. * THE CALVARY IS LOCATED ON A MAP! - That's right! In fact, you'd made a note of it in your logbook (I). In your room look (L) in the dresser and take (G) some absorbent cotton and the alcohol out of the drawer. Use them (U) to make a piece of cotton soaked in alcohol (this clue is given in Captain Robin's statement, see documents in the box) and use it to rub Boleskine's drawing, which was in your trunk (L, G & U). You now have the two main clues for locating the Calvary. * I'LL DRAW A CROSS ON THE MAP... BUT WHERE? - Very good question. The two clues you found on the gun at the archive keeper's house and on the drawing you rubbed with alcohol indicate that the location is to the east of the Stalker constellation and to the north of the Beast constellation (the points of the compass are drawn on the sketch). At the point of intersection of these two lines a group of 4 by 2 stars form a small square: the picture zooms in automatically. Look up in logbook... You're making great progress! * I LEAVE MY ROOM TO LOOK FOR A GUIDE - Well done! That's exactly what you need to do. Don't burden yourself unnecessarily just now and head for the tavern. * IN FRONT OF THE TAVERN I TALK TO MY HOST - And you're quite right to do so, especially since you have no other choice! * I HAVE A DRINK AT THE TAVERN - No more than 5 beers, please, and heed the warnings of that good man Bishop... Beware of Nathan Tyler... Do not accept his suggestion during your conversation with him. Fate will lend you a much more sympathetic guide. * I GET INVOLVED IN THE FIGHT - THOSE 2 BRUTES MUST NOT HARM THAT YOUNG MAN! - The blood rushes to your head and you are quite right to fly to the rescue of that poor Webster, who is having the stuffing knocked out of him by those 2 brainless bags of brawn, the Hambleton brothers (their father Wilbur is no weed either). Grab hold of the bat (G) near the wall of the inn and give those rascals a good hitting (U). Take the wounded Webster off to the drugstore next door. * ALL GOES WELL AT THE DRUGSTORE - Of course, Miss Matthews is charming (take a look at the panel on the left of the counter and keep looking from time to time) and so is her father. He is willing to lend you his laboratory to enable you develop those photograph plates. * THE YOUNG WEBSTER WILL HELP ME - He'll even give you some information this evening in front of the town hall by telling you whether your map is correct. * I RETURN TO MY ROOM AND GET READY - Take everything you find: camera, plates, lens, tripod, map and head straight for the town hall. * IN THE FOREST I FOLLOW MY GUIDE - What else can I do? * MY GUIDE HAS TAKEN MY TRIPOD! FORTUNATELY I'M GOOD AT IMPROVISING. - With three branches and a creeper I build the makeshift tripod that is essential for the stability of the camera. I tear off the wrapping on the plates (U), then take the photos (U). Now that I've taken my photos, what if I took a look around? * THE LITTLE CAT SHOWS ME THE WAY - What a good animal. Without it I would never have found this place... But to get there I must first notice it and take a look (L) at the bush it slipped into. * THE CIRCLE OF STONE IS NOT A TOURIST SITE! - You invited yourself by chance to a secret ceremony intended only for the initiated. Hide yourself (right arrow) to stay out of sight. * THE INDIAN SORCERER IS NOT EXACTLY FRIENDLY - Once you have the parchment, run away! * WHAT A SCARE! I PASSED OUT! - Yes, well the events of this first day were simply too much for you so there's nothing to be ashamed about. Don't worry, the adventure continues... 2nd DAY : THE SHADOW CULT I WAKE UP IN MY ROOM Thanks to Dr Cobble, who picked you up in front of his house, you're safe. For the time being. But you'd better follow his advice and when you leave, don't forget the prescription he left on the table for you. I DROP DEAD IF I WALK AROUND IN THE VILLAGE! You're a mortality just waiting to happen! A heart attack is no laughing matter. So go directly to the druggist's and order the medication for your poor old ticker. I CAN'T DEVELOP MY PHOTOS! This is 1910 and no one's got around to inventing instant development yet. So you're going to have to work. Go to the wall lamp on the right hand side of the dark room; that will give you some vital red light. Next, put all the plates in the developing trays. In the druggist's back-room, you took eight bottles, didn't you? Use the metol and the hydroquinone to develop the pictures, then fix them with sodium thiosulphate and potash metabisulfite... Eureka! Yikes, Granny's even less photogenic than I thought. THANKS FOR SAVING MY LIFE, MATTHEWS I couldn't have put it better myself. Now you're all set for the next episodes. WHY DON'T I TAKE THE PARCHMENT TO JUGG'S PLACE? Smart thinking! The aged man of letters will be able to give you some help. But look, there's Wilbur coming out of his house... You should follow him to the general store and then pick up the key he forgets on the counter. That'll get you into Jugg's house. WHAT, NO JUGG? He might just be hiding in his secret library... To find it, try to remember the riddle of the Sphinx. From the hall to Jugg's room, you'll need to pick up three small statues: In the hallway: A statue of a baby. In the small cupboard of the first room: A statue of an old man. In the first glass butterfly case in the corridor: A statue of a young man. You'll notice (L) that a butterfly is missing from the case; the ghastly significance of this will become clear later. OKAY, I'M IN THE ROOM... BUT I CAN'T FIND ANY CLUES Take a good look at the rug (L)... and grab the little key you find underneath it. Remove the following books from the bookcases: "Youth", "The Invisible Man" and "The Old Man and the Sea". Replace them, respectively, with the baby, man and old man statues (leave the other books where they are). Hey presto! Now you can enter the secret library. JUGG'S DYING! HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO ME? What did you expect? You're messing around with bloodthirsty cultists here. So stiff upper lip and listen carefully to the old guys dying words. Show him the parchment. Read the "Necronomicon" (you can open it with the small key you found under the rug). Take the message on the table; it's probably a clue about your new ally. Before you go, don't forget to leave the "Necronomicon" where you found it. A final tear for poor old Jugg. HOW DO I GET HOME? The only safe way is through the village square and past the druggist's. SHOULD I DECIPHER JUGGS FINAL MESSAGE IN MY ROOM? It's the only solution. You're a marked man, after all! Mmm... A hundred messages, three colors. What about the Post Office, where Miss Guildchrist stamps letters all day long? THE POST OFFICE LADY HATES INDIANS This nasty prejudice needs to be stamped on! Speak up for the Native Americans... Mr Underhouse will appreciate. UNDERHOUSE SPEAKS IN RIDDLES Ever since getting his legs broken, Mr Underhouse has taken to being enigmatic when he expresses his opinion. Figures that are not unconnected to evil? This undoubtedly means you'll have to read the Apocalypse according to St. John. Watch out for those cultists... they may have changed their plans! TALKING TO MISS PICOTT IS A LOT WORSE THAN DEATH! Don't exaggerate. Talking to Miss Picott is only somewhat worse than death. She'll go to great lengths to become your mother-in-law, so you'll need to be clever in your handling of the virtuous lady of Illsmouth. If you're sincerely sorry if your "behavior upsets her", and if you offer her a locket, then she should stay manageable. You'll find the locket at Myer's store. While you're there, buy some photographic plates and a brooch; that way, you'll save yourself a trip later on. I HAVE NEGATIVE FEELINGS ABOUT THE TOWN HALL CLERK I know you do. He's not an easy man to warm to. To make matters worse, he's incorruptible and quite invulnerable to whisky inducements! What you'll have to do is tell him you'd like to talk to the mayor, who has given you permission to take some photographs from the window of his office. However, say you're the reporter, not the photographer. Now you can go up to the mayor's office. THE SAFE REFUSES TO OPEN! You tried the 666 combination, and nothing happened, right? I'm not surprised; those cultists are so fiendishly clever, you see. They too consulted Miss Picott's bible, and decided to change the combination to 345, the page number of the well-known Apocalypse passage. Before reading the diary, get the cigar case and open it; you'll find an order form which will help you to... But there's plenty of time for that. Use the diary you find in the safe. ISN'T THIS GETTING TOO DANGEROUS? I see you've read the mayor's diary and you're breaking out in a freezing sweat. What's all this about a place where earth, air and sea come together? It couldn't be the light-house on Pickman's Promontory, could it? Be clever with the guards; they're a trigger-happy bunch. WHAT NEXT? Quick! Go to the Post Office with the order form you found in the safe, get the frock and then go to the old fishery. There's a rope ladder. Change your clothes behind the well, otherwise you could have trouble: this isn't Halloween, you know. THIS LIGHT-HOUSE WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME! Be smart: go in disguised as Wilbur and answer "Grumph" when the guards talk to you. They'll let you in. Take off your disguise once you're on the platform. Throw your ladder up to the first window and start climbing... Good work! THIS LIGHT-HOUSE WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME, PART 2. The cultists just love setting traps for snoopers like you. Grab the candle (U) and use your magnifying glass (U) to light it. Examine (L) the sun dial: you'll find a pair of wings that you'll have to stick on with wax from the burning candle (U). Hurry, or it'll be a crash landing with the emphasis on crash. SHOULD I BE NICE TO THE GYPSIES? Yes. Talk frankly to Lillith and enjoy the show. You deserve a rest before the unbelievable horrors that await you in the cemetery where Jonas "rests in peace", if one may say so. THE CEMETERY GATE IS LOCKED I imagine it's just basic zombie control. Go and find Bishop outside the druggist's. Talk frankly to him: you have heard the sad news and Jugg was indeed murdered. Back at the cemetery gate, just use your newly acquired key. THIS GRAVEYARD IS KIND OF CREEPY Your body may die, but your soul will scream forever! Just kidding. Remember, corpses are people too. Once you're past the gate, make for the little house. Take a look (L) at the cart: it contains a rope you can take (G). Come back one screen, and go right once. On the right hand side of the screen, near the cross, you'll find (L) an iron bar (G). Move towards the top of the screen, you'll find yourself outside Jonas' crypt. I WANNA VISIT THE CRYPT! Gulp! Well, you asked for it. Use the iron bar (U) to pry open the door, and the rope (U) to lower yourself into Jonas' home and the fight for your life... Well actually, for the confrontation you'll have to be patient; the crypt turns out to be something of a spooky labyrinth. I'M ONLY PRETENDING TO BE LOST Well, of course you are. We all know that. You don't need me to tell you that when you enter the first room you have to go into the room on the right and pick up the skull. Brrr. Then into the room on your left. Left again (careful of the bat); I hate bats. Left again, keeping next to the wall, or you'll get the point. Go up for the second skull. Come back down, steer clear of the stakes again. Turn right and watch out for that bat. Right again and up into the room with the two columns. Place the two skulls on top of the columns. The way is open... Catch your breath. Go up (beware of the invisible trap door), then enter the room on the left and then down into the lower room. Walk on the mobile slab at the far end of the room (this time, careful of the spiders). Now go up, then left. To open the gate, walk on each slab once. Go up, then right. Exchange the two statues and go up. Go straight on to the next room (up), then turn into the room on the left where you must walk on the mobile slab (it's the rats you have to look out for here). Now you have to retrace your footsteps, by moving into the next three right-hand rooms (there's a nasty hole in the last of these). Now, for your next four moves, go into the lower rooms (trap-door, spiders, bat...). Turn left, avoid the rats, step on the mobile slab and then into the left-hand room. Still there? Now, let's get psyched up for some serious moving... Up twice, then right. Down, right, down twice (keep near the hole), Left, step on the mobile slab, right, up three (in the last of the three, step once on each of the slabs), up, left, up again (three times round the altar), right, and finally up. Good grief. This could explain why Jonas gets so few visits. ANYBODY HOME? Meet Jonas. He's immortal! But he won't be for much longer if you have your way. Take the four statues from the columns near the throne. Now get out of here; Jonas' patience is running out. HAS ANYONE EVER ACTUALLY ESCAPED FROM THE MAZE? No. You'll be the first (don't believe it; in fact, you're the only one to have any problems with this part of the game. Honestly.). Starting from Jonas' crypt: down, left, down, right, down twice, left, up, left, up twice, left twice, down twice, left, down, right twice, down twice. Quick, climb up that rope! If you're wondering about the hand that's grabbing you, it's only Mrs. Webster. Catch your breath. MRS. WEBSTER TELLS ME EVERYTHING She's your new ally. You also recover the tripod for your camera. Mrs. Webster helps you recapitulate: the four accursed families are Arlington, Tyler, Coldstone and Hambleton. Just look at the picture frame, you can't help noticing a drawing of the sign (a pentagram-shaped star) where you'll have to place the four statues in order to kill the four families. There are syllables engraved on the statues you took from the crypt. All you have to do is choose the right incantations to defeat the loathsome cultists. Bear the excellent Mrs. Webster's advice in mind. Visit the Hambleton place (Jonas' dilapidated house) only when you've liquidated the other three families. I WANT TO SEE TYLER DIE! That's the spirit! Walk right up to his place; the swine will show himself. Use statue number 1 and repeat the following magic words: "IAE - YOG - THU - SOT". Then quickly use (U) the statue on the sign that is revealed. HASTA LA VISTA ARLINGTON! Go and see him outside his barn. Use statue number 2 and fearlessly say: "RLA - GHA - HAS - TEP". When the sign appears, use the statue on it. Watch him die. PUTTING THE FREEZE ON COLDSTONE... Go up to Coldstone's place. Use statue number 3 and in a stern voice say: "NGH - HLU - KHU - WIG". Put the statue on the sign and enjoy the show. THESE HAMBLETONS HATE ME! That's because you're so aggressive. Never fear, these dastardly Dagon-worshippers aren't smart enough for you. All you need to do is create a diversion. Go to the general store and get the rotten fish from the trash can. Use it (U) to catch the cat. Go past the fishery and turn left at Bishop's house. Outside Wilbur's place, release the cat; the dog will now start barking. Go up towards the fishery, go past the grave yard, and come down by Miss Picott's house. As you keep going down, you notice the two Hambleton sons have already left and Wilbur is limping off in the direction of what he imagines will be his moment of triumph. The way is clear! Now you can slip into Jonas' house. HERE I AM IN JONAS' HOUSE On the ground floor, take the lamp (G), look in the drawer (L) and take the compass rose (G). Place it (U) on the steering-wheel and a secret passage is revealed! On the first floor, put the lamp (U) on the mantelpiece; be careful not to step on the bear skin and don't look too closely at the fireplace or at the deer's head. Now you can get to the second floor. Look in the cupboard (L), then in the drawer; take the handle (G) and use it on the telescope (U). Move the middle lever and now you have the ball! Just put it on the big picture (U). Remember to take the book on magic rites (you can read it a little later). It contains a few tips for finishing the adventure. SHOULDN'T THE HAMBLETONS DIE? Well, you've already attained serial-killer status, so why stop now? On the top floor, use the fourth statue and in forceful tones say: "THO - NYA - CHT - TUR". That will bring the Hambletons running. Let them capture you and at the critical moment, use the statue (U). Now get out of there without looking back. The house goes up in flames while you watch out for traps! DAY 3 : THE FINALE SLEEP What a decent chap Dr Cobble is. But he's starting to wonder why you keep leaving a trail of death and destruction. Calm him down by swearing that what you're doing is in the public interest. Read the message he hands you. Now get over to the post office right away, where you meet your friend Underhouse. THE SERGEANT REMINDS ME OFF A DOG I KNEW Yes, Baggs may be intellectually challenged, but he knows how to gnaw a bone. Tell him nothing. Talk to him at Underhouse's house, otherwise you'll rot in jail. SAVED BY UNDERHOUSE Just don't say anything stupid... Underhouse will do the rest. Baggs will soon trot off to find another lamp-post. Meanwhile, you have to find Natawanga in the forest. This new ally left you an enigmatic message. The youngest of the accursed family which lives from the sea can only mean Curtis, who lives in the fishery. The feather on wood will fly towards me... Let's pay Curtis a visit first. Bishop's words outside the fishery do little to bolster your optimism. MY LIFE OF CRIME Now to get into the fishery, take the nearby stick (G) and use it on the door (U). Then use the brooch (U)... Shoddy workmanship here: the pin's broken. Never mind, you can use the pin to pick the door lock (U). REST IN PEACE CURTIS These cultists, they're so wicked. They're using Narackamous to exterminate the village! You'll need to act quickly. Examine the hearth, then the floor to the left, under the window: the bow and arrow are there. THE FEATHER ON WOOD WILL FLY TO ME... What you should do is go to the tree stump in the forest, where you found the creeper. Place the feather on the stump. Wait for it... Now you're a white dove and the bad people are far away. NATAWANGA WANTS TO HEAP ADVICE ON ME Indeed he does, but first you have to give some correct answers. * The name of the tribe is Mic Mac. * Yog Sothoth is the one who howls in the night. * Halley's comet last passed in 1834. * The sign is a star. * The creature coming out of the sea is Dagon. Take the pot of magic paint and think. Where is the "eye that is set deep in the earth" and isn't there a connection between the turquoise sun and the ring he gives you? The plot thickens! WHERE'S NARACKAMOUS HIDING? You could probably get lost underneath Illsmouth. Go to the well and look (L). Then go down. When you reach the bottom, throw the pot of magic paint into the water. Take the can of acid (don't mess around with the nitro: it's got a big attitude problem) and the empty can, which you must fill with naphtha from the next room. Remember to pick up the flints. IN NARACKAMOUS' BOUDOIR Let's give this guy some of his own medicine. Pour the naphtha onto the floor (U). Rub the flints (U). Now he's trapped in a circle of flames. Take out your bow and arrow (U) and... do your duty, even if it is distasteful. Hey, isn't that the ghost of old Boleskine? This adventure isn't over yet... Take the butterfly (G), the aquamarine (G) and the turquoise (G). Before you leave, refill your can with naphtha (U). BISHOP HATES LETTING PEOPLE USE HIS BOAT And that's one of his nicer qualities. To obtain the use of his boat, you're going to have to be smart. Say you were "hoping to run into him " and ask him if he's "ever visited the island". Tell him not to believe in "ridiculous superstition". Admit you're afraid that "they are stronger than you". That should be enough to convince Bishop to lend you his boat. Now get rowing. Dagon's Island ahoy! THE FORBIDDEN ISLE Take the emerald and the ruby from the statue lying in the sand. Stare at the doorway... Great Scott! A Cthulhu puzzle! Slide the 3rd column down twice, the 4th line left, the 2nd column down and the 3rd line twice to the left. To slide a column or a line, point the finger at the edge of the puzzle, in the direction you want (up, down, left or right), then press RETURN. You have reconstituted an unspeakably horrifying death's head. The secret door opens. Quivering in your boots, you go in (I'll be waiting outside). A WORK OF ART The sculptor who made Dagon's statue had a certain raw talent. Hey, this is no time for artistic observations. So why don't you just stick the ruby (U) in the statue's right eye! Holding the aquamarine in your hand, step on the slab with the engraved pentagram (it's in front of the statue). Now run out of the cave, that wasn't too difficult, was it? But here's old Boleskine again. He gives you a magic ring. Would the color green have any connection with this piece of jewelry, I ask myself. Get to the cave, hero. I'M SCARED OF GHOULS There's no such thing. Honestly, you worry me sometimes. First refill your lamp with the naphtha you remembered to bring from the late Narackamous' well. The next thing to do is find your way to the chamber of sacrifices. In the first room, you think your lamp is casting light on the feet of a pink ghoul? I see. In that case, just wait for it to disappear off to the right. Now go up as far as you can and then go left. Now you're in the second room. You're convinced some blue ghouls are trying to catch you? Avoid them. The way out is at the top of the screen, in the middle of the wall. SET THE WEBSTERS FREE! Easier said than done; these timeless evil gods like fresh meat on a regular basis. But we can try. The first thing to do is to use the can of acid (U) on the broken slab, and get the diamond (G). Now, put the turquoise (U) into Natawanga's ring (U) and the emerald (U) into Boleskine's ring (U). Feel the power surge into your veins! The foul vision is no match for your powerful force! THIS IS A NICE CAVE TO GET OUT OF The Websters just made it! But the situation looks critical for you. Oh well, might as well give up hope. Unless... You could try discovering a secret passage in the first room! Look top right (L). THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! We're talking supernatural forces here, Junior. You recognize the stone circle, and you're ready for a few rounds with Yog Sothoth (well, you did insist on leaving that nice cave). Use your tripod (U) and your camera (U), into which you must place the butterfly (U), the magnifying glass (U) and the lantern (U). Now take your photos (that's what you came to Illsmouth for in the first place, right?). NICE OF YOU TO DROP IN, HALLEY! Here it comes, streaking through the sky. Is it a bird? Is it a plane...? No, it's Halley's comet! On time for once (only kidding). Pick up the piece of comet (G). Place the four stones on the stone circle: the flint top left, the aquamarine bottom left, the diamond top right and the comet fragment bottom right. These four stones represent fire, water, earth and air. You have succeeded in chasing off the horrible vision and in shutting the last space-time portal. The Great Ancients have been defeated. Thanks to you, the world can sleep soundly in its bed tonight. SO THE WORLD IS RID OF CTHULHU FOR EVER? Afraid not. Luckily for you, the "Call of Cthulhu" cycle is only just beginning! Those unusually cruel gods are waiting for the first opportunity to come back and claim their grisly due! Remember: "In his city of R'lyeh the dead, Cthulhu dreams and waits"...