from : June 14,1995 NOTE TO WARP USERS: Make sure that your Workplace Shell Palette Awareness option is set to OFF to run UChess, if you run a 256 color desktop, otherwise colors will not look right in the UChess window. You can find this option in the system settings notebook, on the screen page. UChess 1.17GA by Roger Uzun v1.17GA Fixed a bug in the exit code, the program would lock up if you closed it from the (Ctrl-Escape) Window/Task list. UChess 1.16GA by Roger Uzun v1.16GA Fixed a bug that could cause SYS ERROR 3175 after UNDO on some machines (I hope its fixed...seems to be from my testing). Also fixed an error in eval.c, as pointed out by Kong Sian. UChess 1.15GA by Roger Uzun v1.15GA features stronger gameplay, many enhancements to search/eval based on 4PL74 changes to gnuchess. UChess requires a 256 color display, v1.14 features a few minor fixes to display/mouse handling. This is the 3rd release version of UChess a 32 bit pentium optimized PM native mode chess program. Based on gnuchess 4pl73 with some enhancements to gameplay/chess engine. Notable improvements vs gnuchess include: Separate opening books for Black and White Completely rewritten time management enhancements to search/eval optimized for pentium architecture Both the source and executable for UChess are freely distributable. The source archive includes a .wpj and .mk file for Watcom 10.0a UChess startup options: UChess : gives "normal" table sizes based on mem config UChess MAX : gives extra large tables...for 16MB or more systems..may swap on some UChess MINI : gives smaller tables..this is default for systems with 8-16MB of RAM UChess MICRO : gives very small tables, this is default for systems with < 8MB of RAM This is a Pentium optimized chess pgm, 256 color board compiled using watcom 10.0b. It should play quite strong chess. Based on Gnuchess 4pl74 with enhancements to book management, time management search/eval ===Brief Descrption of options dome === Load game : Load a previsouly saved game Save Game : Save current game List Game : Ascii listing of current game moves New Game : Start a new game Exit : leave the pgm Time Controls : Set time controls, either xxx moves in xxx minutes, or a fixed depth search of N ply. Opening book means let computer use its opening book of preferred moves, Deep thinking means let the computer think about its next move, while you are making your move. Players : set computer to play black, white or neither. Hint : Give me a hint on what my next move should be Move Now : Force computer to move this instant Undo Move : Undo last 1/2 move, this also switches sides, so do it twice to get one full move back Calc Pgm rating : measures how long computer takes to solve first move for White on your machine, to 6 ply fixed. On a pentium 90 this takes 2-3 secs Test Pgm : for a given board, gives number of movelist/capturelist and eval nodes/sec On a P90 for a new board, this is 400,000 MoveList, 0 Capture List (no captures possible) and 15,000 nodes/sec eval Help : Product Info ===================================== email problems etc to -Roger Uzun SPECIAL NOTE: Thread synchronization can take a while on some machines, Just wait until you get the UChess ready beep and msg in the msg box and continue.