Universal Hint System Revision 95a README File for MS-DOS Reader, Version 3.00 (June 7, 1995) 1. READ THIS FIRST 2. Archive Contents 3. Quick Start Instructions READ THIS FIRST =============== Due to an extremely low registration rate on the UHS readers, and after much consideration of the available options, I've reached a point that I've tried to avoid ever since I developed the UHS -- partially denying hints to those who have not registered their UHS reader. With the release of this reader, portions of some new hint files will be accessible only by registered users. This change will also be noted in the descriptions for these files on all of the major distribution sites, and in the UHS files themselves. As the download counts of UHS files and the numbers of users of UHS have increased over the past few years, people seem to be thinking that the scope and support of the UHS itself must have increased as well. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that the current level of registrations barely cover the direct costs of running the UHS, and far from make up for the income that I and other programmers have given up in order to support this project. The same is even more true of file authors, who are not compensated for their work because of the low registration rates. While use of the UHS has expanded, I have been unable to keep pace with the increased demand for new hint files that is being placed on it. Not only is it hard to attract new authors, because I cannot give them incentives to write hints, but I am also losing some of the old hint authors who have gone on to paying jobs or simply become tired of volunteering to support the UHS. With increased registration, the UHS will be able to grow and provide a higher level of support than it has before. I encourage all who use the UHS to pay their fair share -- neither the work that goes into the UHS nor the alternatives that would remain without the UHS are free. I hope that increased registrations will allow me to provide the quality, quantity, and speed of hints that both you and I would like to see. In addition, sending in your registration now will insure that your flow of hints will remain as uninterrupted as possible; your personal registration code will enable all the hints in every UHS file. Help us to help you get the most from every game! --- Jason Strautman Universal Hint System Archive Contents ================ The following files should be included in this archive: READMEUH.TXT This file UHS.EXE Executable for stand-alone DOS reader, version 3.00 UHS.TXT Documentation file for UHS.EXE VENDOR.DOC Information for distributors (disk vendors and BBS operators) LICENSE.DOC License information NEW_300.TXT Lists changes in UHS.EXE since version 3.00 FILE_ID.DIZ Description for BBS sysops REGUHS.FRM Registration form There is no TSR version of this program. I have stopped upgrading the TSR reader that had been included with previous versions due to a general lack of interest from most users (including those who had once registered the TSR). Please feel free to contact me if you'd like me to bring back the TSR. Quick Start Instructions ======================== Find a UHS hint file -- the place where you found this reader can tell you how to get one (see UHS.TXT if you're on a commercial on-line service such as CompuServe for instructions). Copy your hint file into the same directory as the files in this archive. Use the DOS COPY command to do so. Type the following at the DOS prompt (substituting C:\UHS with the directory where UHS.EXE is located): COPY *.UHS C:\UHS The instructions above assume that you already have a .UHS hint file and that it's in the same directory that you're currently using. Normally, when you download files, the program that you use will place all downloads in the same directory. If you can't find a .UHS hint file in the current directory, look in your download directory, type the letter of its drive, use the CD command to move to that directory, and then copy the hint file to your UHS directory, as follows. Change the first two lines to match the download directory for your communications software. C: CD\AOL\DOWNLOAD COPY *.UHS C:\UHS Some hint files may be compressed when you receive them; if so, you will need to uncompress them and repeat the previous instructions. The place where you found your hint files should be able to tell you how to uncompress them. Now you should be ready to start the UHS reader. Type the following commands, replacing "T7G" with the name of the .UHS file that you're using C: CD\UHS UHS T7G