16 files found in Library "Ham Radio Programs & References"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
72ATO72B.ZIP No 225276 07-26-95
Update aprs version 7.2a to 7.2b For Amateur
72CTO72D.ZIP Yes 209544 08-10-95 UPGRADE VERSION 7.2C TO V7.2D APRS Ham Radio
AFCALC.ZIP Yes 26171 07-31-95 Radio, rf, antenna factor calc w/c source.
AFCALCW.ZIP Yes 20539 08-02-95 Rf, radio, antenna factor calculation program
AK41.ZIP Yes 69346 06-24-95
Amazing Kenwood V.4.1 - Kenwood Radio
Controller. Supports all Kenwood HF
Transceivers and Receivers, may control four
rigs at the same time, has an external
memory database, and many more
APRS71C.ZIP Yes 168516 07-17-95
APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) for
amateur (Ham) radio. This is an upgrade
from 7.1 to 7.1c. This is just the
ARBBS008.ZIP Yes 13483 07-29-95
N2UTO Amateur Radio BBS List. Monthly
Amateur Radio BBS List For 08/01/95
ARN_0795.ZIP Yes 59977 07-01-95
AmateurRadio Net(sm) July 1995 Information
Pack If you have any users interested in
Amateur Radio, SWL, Scanners or Citizen Band
this is the net for you!! We cover these
topics and more. QWK & FTS(FIDO)
distributions avail. Currently echoing in
North America and Europe.
CMAPS02.ZIP Yes 178688 06-09-95
More maps of the Central USA for the APRS
amateur radio program
EMAPS03.ZIP Yes 219473 06-09-95
More maps of the Eastern USA for the APRS
amateur radio program
HCALL32.ZIP Yes 143026 07-01-95
HamCall Lookup program v3.2 by Carl Tice
(WC! 4.10 .wcx) Amatuer Radio Call-Sign
Look-up Program for HAMCALL by BuckMaster.
PAULPRUD.ZIP Yes 488858 06-10-95
Chef Paul Prudhomme's MSB Cookbook. World
famous Chef Paul Prudhomme is excited to
bring you 33 exciting new recipes! This
cookbook will run on any system with WINDOWS
3.1 or better. Sound card is optional.
PCFD702.ZIP Yes 185860 06-03-95
PC-FOOD II Professional Food Costing calcs
food cost and required selling prices based
on a desired gross profit % and/or $ amount.
Edit portion sizes and ingredient costs to
see the effect on costs and margins. User
selectable sorted displays/printed reports.
Full mouse support. On line help. Note
field for each recipe, ingredient, menu
item. Also calc total revenue, food cost
and gross profit for a banquet, days sales,
QLOGE311.ZIP Yes 128506 08-14-95
(v3.11) QLOG-Log book and terminal program
integrated, easy and quick to use. If
connect with Packet Cluster: intercept the
spot dx, search country, display all
informations, and fill the fields with data
of dx call. Utility for digital
communications in HF with TNC, and utility
for log book management (print label for qsl
Card, worked country, sort by data etc ) by
QRPHB1.ZIP Yes 140226 07-19-95
For Amateur Radio beginners - a series of
helpful how tos
RC_NET.ZIP Yes 19418 08-29-95
If you Fly, drive, or sail R/C models, then
you need to check out RC-Net, dedicated to
all forms of radio-controlled modeling.