Document 0241 DOCN M9590241 TI The AIDS library network N.S.W. DT 9509 AU Boon L; Mack N; Wylie J; Pannaci M; Rudd J; Albion Street Centre, Surry Hills. SO Annu Conf Australas Soc HIV Med. 1994 Nov 3-6;6:284 (unnumbered poster). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ASHM6/95291858 AB AIM: To demonstrate how the networking/pooling of the resources of libraries which serve in the field of HIV/AIDS will enhance user access to the latest information available. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Information access and delivery to users will become more effectual. Information dissemination will become more efficient. METHOD: The five library members of the AIDS Library Network each contain substantial HIV/AIDS collections. The library members are Albion Street Centre, AIDS Council of NSW, Family Planning Association of NSW, Department of Corrective Services and Centre for Education and Information on Drugs and Alcohol. These libraries have different collections strengths to prevent duplication of material and to ensure that most aspects of AIDS are covered. Collection development strategies, implementation and evaluation are in place. PROCESS/ACCESS: The libraries have dial up access to the union catalogue at Albion Street Centre. Any user of the five libraries can have access to the collection by ILL or personal access. Statistics will be presented. CONCLUSION/THE FUTURE: The AIDS Library Network continues to grow in its collection size and coverage, endeavouring to keep abreast of the information explosion in HIV/AIDS. It is envisaged that the network catalogue will be available in 1995 on HEALTHROM (Department of Health, Housing and community Services CD-ROM). The network is working towards having dial up access via modem and/or the internet in the near future to allow national and international access. Provision is being made for Document Delivery Services. Access will be for both the professional and community users. DE *Computer Communication Networks Human Information Services Information Systems *Libraries, Medical Library Automation *Library Services New South Wales MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).