Document 0307 DOCN M9590307 TI Positive women and their sexuality. DT 9509 AU Hankins C; Centre for AIDS Studies, Montreal Regional Public Health Team,; Quebec, CA. SO Annu Conf Australas Soc HIV Med. 1994 Nov 3-6;6:198 (unnumbered abstract). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ASHM6/95291792 AB OBJECTIVE: To describe the impact of HIV+ test result on female sex life. METHODS: In confidential interviews, 161 women provided recall data for the 6 months before learning result, the post-test adjustment period, and the current month. RESULTS: Median age is 34 years (16-68) and median number of lifetime sex partners is 8. Ninety-five (59%) women acquired HIV heterosexually; 34 (21%) via needlesharing; 6 (4%) via blood transfusion; 1 via medical treatment; 25 (16%) didn't know. 110 (68%) have had sex post-test; 48 resumed having sex within same month of learning test result and 62 within a median of 4 months (1 month to 8 years). Eighty-six have a regular partner (59 same as before test, 27 new steady partner). Thirty-four female report a median of 9 months (1 to 60 months) during which they underwent adjustment to the idea of having sex; 18 didn't need such a time of transition and 58 (53%) are still in the adjustment phase. Women enjoy sex more with new regular partner (41%) than with same pre-test regular partner (25%) or with casual partners (8%). Seventy-three percent informed their regular partner of their positive status but 75% found it difficult. CONCLUSION: After initial adjustment period during which women living with HIV express doubt and fear about HIV transmission and exacerbation of illness, some women and in particular those who have a new regular partner since learning HIV status report a satisfying sex life. DE Adolescence Adult Aged AIDS Serodiagnosis Female Follow-Up Studies Human HIV Seropositivity/PSYCHOLOGY/*TRANSMISSION *Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice Middle Age Risk Factors *Sex Behavior Sexual Partners/PSYCHOLOGY MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).