Key to reading changes.txt file: * Information + Bug fix = Change KNOWN BUGS: * Problems returning focus to parent folder when a subfolder is opened then closed. See docs about this one. * I get strange behavior from the 'Tasks to Store' dialog box when I compile with debugging code on. The problems go away when I build the production executable. If you see strange characters appearing when selecting tasks to store, let me know. * See file TODO for items that remain to be done (and may be the cause of other bugs). Version 0.94 * These changes were made about a week after the release of v0.92, but in trying to get some help to solve a particularly nasty problem, I held off releasing it. I still haven't found a solution to the problem, so I just decided to disable those features and release it now. See the file README.TXT for more information. * Lots of new dynamic memory allocation - could still be bugs! Please report problems! = Added ability to define which windows to remove = Took out some of the Remove options - replaced by above feature Version 0.92 + Cleaned up thread communication to avoid race conditions in a way that semaphores weren't necessary = Added more error checking = Moved 'Start Minimized' option to menu = Added 'Exit After Load' option. See the docs = Converted to C++ (still uses lots of C, however) Version 0.91 + Timer spinbox wouldn't initialize on startup + If last removed task was closed, SwitchMaster would crash = Added button to remove SwitchMaster from Window List = Store all switch information in listbox and got rid of linked list = Option to start SwitchMaster minimized = Removed Help button (don't think it's necessary) Version 0.90 (released) * Initial release