WGT Registration Benefits ------------------------- - NAG screen removed from all products and programs - Full source code for the WSPR.LIB sprite system - Notice by mail when upgrades are available - Full source code for WGTMENU.LIB menu system - Technical support through email with WGT authors - 32 channel sound library for use with popular soundcards (SB/SBPro/GUS/etc) - Eligible to become a beta-tester for upcoming WGT software - One diskette with registered software and documentation - Free games, demos, and extra source included on a second diskette, along with a shareware version of the entire WGT system and utilities Fill out and mail us a copy of the ORDER.FRM file! Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Inquire through email about site licenses and source code packages. Internet Email: chris.egerter@homebase.com barry.egerter@softnet.com