Wangi!.... Remember it is Clean and Fresh! Shrub: Creates a directory tree, like Tree from MSDOS but it has a nice Workbench GUI, search facility, is very fast and a lot more. (util/wb/Shrub.lha) RubbishDump: A replacement for the trashcan... but it has SOUND! So when you delete a file a sample is played (can in reality send any ARexx command). (util/app/RubbDump.lha) AmigaGuidePrefs: (or AGPrefs to its friends...) A complete preference editor for amigaguide. Lets you modify the colours of certain attributes (has a preview), type of node and search paths. (text/hyper/AmigaGuidePref.lha) WangiPad: A powerful launchpad utility (ie. like toolmanger). The new version 2 should make WP more powerful than ToolManager... watchout for it! (util/wb/WangiPad.lha) Jiggler: A WB hack. Makes all window move towards the mouse pointer. (game/gag/Jiggler.lha) DROP INTO YOUR 'FRIENDS' WBSTARTUP DRAWER... DQua: A simple quadratic equation solver. (misc/math/DQua.lha) MacCash: Generates UK lottery numbers. Does not falsely predict them, it is 100% random. It hace a nice Workbench GUI. (misc/misc/MacCash.lha) DefDataTypeIconer: (or DefDTIcon...) Lets you change files icons, based on their datatype! (pix/icon/DefDTIcon.lha) NewEXT: With the AmigaDos rename command you can do "rename #?.txt TO #?.doc" with NewEXT you can... (util/batch/NewEXT) Startup-Menu: A startup menu/utility. Lets you change the 'startup-sequece' used. Very customisable. (util/boot/Startup-Menu.lha) Bush: Like Shrub but Shell only and slower... (util/cli/Bush.lha) USE SHRUB. DiceRoll: Emulates dice throws... ie. generate random numbers. (util/misc/DiceRoll.lha) Publican: PublicScreen utility. (util/misc/Publican.lha) MidMoose: Emulates middle mouse button for those with only two buttons on their mice. (util/mouse/MidMoose.lha) NaeGrey: Makes the grey borders around screens black. (util/misc/naegrey.lha) USE A PROGRAM LIKE MultiCX INSTEAD! SFPatch: Code showing how to patch Amiga library functions. (dev/c/SFPatch.lha) Torch: A blanker module for SwazBlanker. UNFINISHED Wanginfo: Patches Icon/Information on Workbench, much like SwazInfo. It will however have a radically different GUI... MIGHT NOT APPEAR WangiPad2: Adding mutl-pad support, gfx... to WangiPad Mueller: Creates and views .readme files. Also will specify a new standard for them. Erase: As Delete but file cant be restored... has been working for ages now, apart from a single bug wich i cant be bothered fixing... MIGHT NOT APPEAR