---------------------------------------------------------------------- I do this file in honor of my special needs friends. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!! WARNING !!! Not much comedy contained within. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ° cRaZy sounds ° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ------------------------------------- more sounds from the past ------------------------------------- JORDAN MID If there were lyrics to these two, ROCKSEA MID either the MID (MIDI FILE) format doesn't support them, or they didn't carry over during conversion. The American Antiquarian Society's catalogue is accessible over the WorldWideWeb (WWW) by using Gopher. They have many antique games, and antique children's books that may someday be reproduced. RICH WAV Former President Jack Kennedy saying: "If a Free Society, cannot help the many who are Poor, it cannot save the few who are rich." SURPRISE WAV "MACINTOSH, the power to crush the other kids." CRAZY SND The sound of a loon. The loon is the state bird of Minnesota and it sounds kind of like it looks, that is, unusual. If you can only fingerspell, you can still Feel the loon's environment. Go with someone you trust highly to where the loons live in a Lakes Region. Getup at 4AM and trapse outside. It's a different kind of feeling. I guarantee that you'll at least feel a "little" looney at 4AM doing this. ROADRUNR SND A sound popular with American Indian children. The infamous Road Runner. "Meep Meep PTOou..." WILDTURK SND The sound of a wild turkey. "Gobble Gobble" A Native American bird that's popular at Thanksgiving. COYOTE SND The yowl of a coyote. "Yoww ww owoo" An intelligent critter of the American Southwest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- the war on poverty ------------------------------------- Some people don't take the war on poverty very seriously. So here's something that may open a few eyes (and mouths). SHORT TIME FRAME ---------------- Somewhere, many moons ago in the MiddleEast, over a few weeks time frame, (check an old copy of the Christian Science Monitor circa 1977 - 1982), a fellow was thrown into a room, fed intermittantly, and awoken every 15 minutes. Eventually, after several days, the fellow started to have physical & mental problems and began to hear voices. LONG TIME FRAME --------------- In these United States, over a several years time frame, someone loses their job, their unemployment runs out, they are thrown out of their homes because they have assets and can't collect welfare. In the streets they have difficulty sleeping due to stress and they have difficulty finding food on a regular basis. Eventually, after several years, these folks develop physical problems, suffer mental breakdowns, and begin to hear voices. (Check any state mental hospital. That's where people without health insurance end up. But you'll also find many people with other kinds of problems, too, and other reasons as to why they hear voices). "To find a job is like a Haystack needle...." - Living for the City by Stevie Wonder You can also read an interesting article: "The Homelessness Problem" by Ellen L. Bassuk Scientific American July 1984 (Volume 251 Number 1) And you'll find that there isn't a cure at present (6/18/95). You'd think that part of the cure would be to provide food & shelter & comfort & support, and to provide NON-prescription drugs first (rather than always prescription drugs) to try to help resolve their sleep problem. Their sleep problem probably won't be fully resolved until their economic problem is. But that's not the treatment they receive. And you won't find any mention of this in the landmark book entitled: "Mental Health Law - Major Issues" by David B. Wexler (Plenum Press; New York; 1981) *********************************************** The Vietnam Veterans support homeless Vietnam Veterans. Call 1.800.555.1212 and ask for them & call them to get information on how you too can support them. *********************************************** "Walked out this morning, don't believe what I saw. A Hundred Billion bottles washed up on the shore.... ....sending out an S.O.S." - Message in a Bottle by The Police *********************************************** Learn from the Coyote... .... play DEAD. *********************************************** Coyote Impressions *********************************************** Navaho Witchcraft -> a book *********************************************** I read an interesing item in the book: '"I have spoken" American History through the Voices of the Indians' compiled by Virginia Irving Armstrong (Swallow Press, Ohio University, 1971 & 1991) It is on page 160 and says: "The white man saves the whooping crane, he saves the goose in Hawaii, but he is not saving the way of life of the Indian." - a young Blackfoot I think this can be taken to also mean that we here in these United States, will support things like a checkbox to Support the Presidential Campaign Fund on our Federal Income Tax Form; or to support the Dismal Swamp Shrew on the Virginia Income Tax Form (or similar critters on other tax forms for other States that have taxes); but we won't have a checkbox for homeless Vietnam Veterans or the homeless in general or for the American Indian College Fund (this is all following the Blackfoot's idea) or the United Negro College Fund or other charities that our government knows and trusts. This is a funny thing. ------------------------------------------------------------ "Eagles don't need to "crow". - Native American saying (?) A homosexual is someone who is riding a horse while seated in the wrong direction. - See the scene in the movie 'Little Big Man', available on videotape. A bisexual is even more confused, cross your arms while pointing in two different directions and say "They went that a way". You get the idea. I believe that these sexual deviations are a form of mental confusion, if not illness; although I have never heard them categorized as such. - the loon ************************************************ all of the above pieced together by the loon ************************************************ Do NOT trust the loon: 1. The loon is not an Indian (and definitely not a doctor). 2. Check all references. 3. Gather more information. 4. Decide for yourself. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You come on like a flame, then you turn a Cold shoulder." - Fire & Ice by Pat Benatar -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And in the End on Dreams we will depend..." - Dreams by Van Halen --------------------------------------------------------------------------