Instructions to update Central Point Anti-Virus for NetWare version 2.5 You must currently own Central Point Anti-Virus for NetWare Version 2.5 and have Network Supervisory rights to complete these instructions. 1. Copy the file NLMV25.EXE to a temporary directory on your hard drive 2. Run NLMV25.EXE to extract the files: CPDOS.NLM, an updated signature NLM CPDOS.CPS, an updated signature file SMARTSIG.CPS, an updated DOS signature file for VSAFE Both CPDOS.NLM and CPDOS.CPS are update files for the server. SMARTSIG.CPS is an update for VSAFE if you are using the CINSTAL program. To Update Your CINSTAL directory ================================ 1. If you are using the CINSTAL program, copy the file SMARTSIG.CPS into the \PUBLIC\CSETUP directory. If you are not using CINSTAL you do not need the SMARTSIG.CPS file. To Update Your Server ===================== 1. From the server console unload the CPAVNET NLM. This will also unload the current version of CPDOS.NLM. 2. Copy CPDOS.CPS to the SYS:SYSTEM\CPAVNET directory on the file server that is running CPMASTER.NLM. To find out which file server is running CPMASTER run the Central Point Anti-Virus for NetWare control panel and generate an Internet report. The file server running CPMASTER will be listed at the top of the report. The server running CPMASTER will recognize that the signature file (CPDOS.CPS) has changed and will send copies of it to all file servers running CPAVNET. 3. The file CPDOS.NLM needs to be copied into the SYS:\SYSTEM directory. The current CPDOS.NLM should have the attributes RO - Read Only. Use the Novell FLAG command to change the attributes of the current CPDOS.NLM to RW - Read Write. Copy the new CPDOS.NLM into the SYS:\SYSTEM directory, overwriting the old CPDOS.NLM. After the new CPDOS.NLM is copied, use the Novell FLAG command to change the attributes of the updated CPDOS.NLM back to RO - Read Only. The CPDOS.NLM needs to be updated on every server running the CPAVNET NLM. 4. Re-load CPAVNET.NLM.