3-D Keyboard 2.4 ================== Note: You should view this file with a Windows program (e.g. Notepad or Write) in order to see the special characters. What 3-D Keyboard Does ====================== 3-D Keyboard makes it simple to type all the characters in your fonts, not just the ones shown on your keyboard. While using any Windows application, 3-D Keyboard lets you easily type: letters and symbols used in West European languages (à á â ã ä å æ ç ß ¡ ¿ etc.), fractions (¼ ½ ¾), currency symbols (¢ £ ¥), math symbols (± × ÷), typographical symbols (‘ ’ § ¶ etc.) and many other useful symbols (® © ° · etc.). Twelve different keyboard layouts are provided. You can switch between them with a simple keypress and customize each of the layouts as desired using a simple drag and drop procedure. The window displays a map of the current layout, which you can resize and keep on top of other windows if you like. If you shrink it to an icon, the icon will indicate which layout is active. Installation and System Requirements ==================================== To install 3-D Keyboard, run the program 3DKBInst.EXE. Installation does not modify any system files on your computer. 3-D Keyboard 2.4 requires Windows 3.1 or later and about 140K of disk space. Documentation ============= A complete context-sensitive help system is included. Registered users can also purchase a disk and printed manual for $10 (including shipping). License, etc. ============= This is an evaluation version of the program, and certain features are disabled. You may use it freely for 60 days. After that, you may purchase the program for $15 if you wish to continue using it. The online help system contains ordering instructions and a printable order form. The file 3DKB24.ZIP may be freely distributed in unmodified form so long as you do not charge anything for it beyond a reasonable amount to reimburse your cost of duplication and distribution. Thank You ========= Thank you for trying 3-D Keyboard; we hope you enjoy it. Feel free to contact Fingertip Software with any questions or comments. Fingertip Software P.O. Box 2487 Universal City, TX 78148, USA (210) 659-2532 America Online: FTSoft CompuServe: 75554,3502 Internet: FTSoft@ConnectI.com