INSTALLATION: EARLY BICYCLES 1) INSTALLATION a) Make certain you are in Windows. The installation program will not run in DOS. b) Put Disk 1 (or the shareware disk) into your floppy drive. From you File Menu choose the Run option. Type a:\setup.exe or b:\setup.exe, depending upon whether a or b is the letter assigned to your 3 1/2" diskette drive. Click on OK. c) Alternatively, open the directory and file display for your floppy drive and double click on setup.exe. 2) Either accept the default path and directory for installation or edit to your own specifications. Choose whether or not to install EARLY BICYCLES as one of your screen saver options in the Desktop Item of the Control Panel. Notice that the word 'default' in the dialog is confusing. There is no 'default' screen saver in the Desktop Item. If you choose this option, EARLY BICYCLES will be installed as just one of your screen saver choices under the name MINICAT in the proper alphabetical position. However, this installation does automatically enable EARLY BICYCLES as your Windows screen saver. In order to disable it, you must go to the Desktop Item of the Control Panel and set your screen saver to 'none'. See below for an explanation of 'MINICAT'. See the text file 'Your Windows Screen Saver in the album for detailed information about EARLY BICYCLES as a screen saver and how to configure it. 3) The installation will create a program group called MINICAT with a single item in it also called MINICAT. You may change the title of this icon to EARLY BICYCLES if you wish but there are reasons not to do so as explained below. If 1) you have acquired more than one shareware or registered publication from us which uses this interface; 2) installed each into the same directory (default) and 3) chose to place your first MINICAT program item in some Program Group other than the default created by the installation; then you now have two MINICAT program items. You may delete one with no problems. 4) Double Click upon the MINICAT icon and the opening screen of MINICAT is displayed. Notice the bar on the upper right which is labeled either EARLY BICYCLES SHAREWARE or EARLY BICYCLES REGISTERED. Double click on this bar and you will be presented with the EARLY BICYCLES album main screen. If you pause at the opening screen for several seconds, a slide show of all images in the album will begin in the left window. Notice that you can only exit the program from this opening screen using the Close Button. 5) Registered users should realize that 1) if you did not uninstall the shareware version of EARLY BICYCLES (see manual) and 2) installed the registered version into the same directory as the shareware version (which happens automatically if you accept the default installation path), THEN BOTH versions now reside within your MINICAT. If you click the Open button at the bottom of the main screen, you will see a list of installed CATALOGS: EARLY BICYCLES SHAREWARE and EARLY BICYCLES REGISTERED. If you wish to delete the shareware version, You MUST use the uninstall procedure outlined in the manual. If you simply delete the directory and files, it is very likely your MINICAT viewer will not function and you will have no access to the program album.