THIS ONLY A PARTIAL LISTING OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT which is listed in its entirety within CrypEdit's online helpfile. You are strongly encouraged to read the complete LICENSE AGREEMENT. D. ONLY IF the program(s) are displayed as being "SHAREWARE" in the Copyright notice at the beginning of execution of the main program(s) THEN anyone may distribute the program(s) with reasonable reimbursement and profit for media duplication and/or distribution, labor, shipping, marketing, and associated costs, and keep multiple copies of the program(s) for such purposes but only if they include all of the listed files in the readme.txt file for the program(s). Users of the "SHAREWARE" program(s) may only use the program(s) until they have made satisfactory judgment whether or not they want to continue to use the program in a non-evaluatory fashion. After the user's evaluation period the user of the program(s) must EITHER register, license, and pay the associated registration and licensing fees for their use of the program(s) (the amount of the fees for registering and licensing the program(s) as well as a registration form may be found in the help file(s) for the program(s)), OR stop using the program(s) and destroy all working and backup copies they have of the program(s). "SHAREWARE" distributors are not authorized in any way to collect, or participate in the collection of, any fees for registration or licensing of the program(s). "SHAREWARE" distributors are not authorized in any way to issue, or participate in the issuance of, any license or registration of the program(s). You must reproduce and include the copyright notice on any copy, disk label(s), or within or on (whichever is more appropriate to make copyright obvious to a common person) any form of media which is used to transport, transfer, store, archive, market, or distribute this/(these) program(s). "SHAREWARE" programs shall also be subject to all of the other provisions in this license if not modified in this paragraph.