TITLE Dump disk tool VERSION 1.0 Build 8 NAME dumpdisk.exe - a little tool that let you edit physical or logical disks even if formatted using NTFS SYNOPSIS dumpdisk (without option) DESCRIPTION DumpDisk is a WIN32 program written in C++ using MSVC 1.1 and MFC 2.5. This build has been compiled using MSVC 2.0 and MFC 3.0. With it, you can edit or browse physical or logical disk volumes without file system format restrictions. This first release has been internationalized only for English and French language. It offers the following features: - Report and print any disk devices physical/.logical informations - Edit any physical/logical disk volume, - Multi-threaded unicode search for any strings or filename, - Partial NTFS decoding. - Start/Stop events logs Here are some tricks: - Every button take left and right button mouse event: use right button to get some contextual help. - Inside the edit dialog box, right border can be resize to show an help text. - To deal with unicode search, you need to install the 'lucida sans console' font. - To get 3D effects, you need to install 'ctl3d32.dll' library. - To get disk performances, you need to run 'diskperf -y' ACCELERATORS In main window: F1 Help (not implemented in this version) F5 Refresh disks informations F6 Print report on printer F7 Print report on screen Left mouse button Execute button action Right mouse button Context sensitive help In report window CTRL-C Copy DblClick Copy In edit window Sector/Head/Track edit box HOME First CTRL-HOME " END Last CTRL-END " UP Next CTRL-UP " DOWN Previous CTRL-DOWN " PAGEUP Next 1000 CTRL-PAGEUP Next 10 PAGEDOWN Previous 1000 CTRL-PAGEDOWN Previous 10 Edit window ALT-BACKSPASE Undo HOME First byte END Last byte UP Next line DOWN Previous line RIGHT Next byte LEFT Previous byte PAGEUP Next page (1 line) PAGEDOWN Previous page (1 line) DBLCLICK Toggle Decimal/Hexa (in address column ) DBLCLICK Copy (in data columns) CTRL-TAB Toggle data columns INSTALLATION Installation have to be done manually: -Copy DumpDisk.exe to final location -Restrict it to 'administrator' group -Run it To uninstall it: -Remove DumpDisk.exe -Destroy the 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/B.VELLE Private System Products' BUGS This release is not yet stabilized: -Non optimized threading searches, -Could be launch by everybody as no test for 'administrator' is currently made, -No online help, -No internally UNICODE but Unicode/Ascii string search, -Only 4 IDE and 7 SCSI devices scanned -No MIPS or ALPHA version, -Not tested on mirrored/duplexed disks, -Not tested on multiprocessor systems, -Partial NTFS structure decoding.... FIXES Release 1.008 -Sticked dialog box when pushing right then left mouse button -Background color (Ligth Gray) problems on some displays -Full disk size handling -Crash if system color is modified while running -Loop when editing any logical sectors that contain INDX COPYRIGHT This program is a freeware and can be freely distributed and used as long as it is not sold or made part of any commercial product. Use the program at your own risk, I take no responsibility for the program and its output. AUTHOR I'm not able to do technical support on it but I'm listening for any bug, suggestions or informations mainly on the NTFS structure decoding. B.VELLE Email: Bertrand.Velle@csee-com.fr