The following files represent the inventory of this archive: BLFX10.VBX DBPUSH.VBX FILE_ID.DIZ FORMAT.PIF MBAR.VBX NET.DLL PRNSET.DLL ZIPPER.PIF SAFTYNET.EXE SAFTYNET.HLP SAFTYNET.TXT SETUP.EXE The file VBRUN300.DLL must be either in your windows or windows\system directory. Neither VBRUN100.DLL or VBRUN200.DLL will suffice. To install this program, simply run the file "SETUP.EXE". This will copy the files to the directory of your choice and create a Program Manager icon. If you prefer a manual installation, there is no problem, whatsoever. Simply run the file "SAFTYNET.EXE". If you enjoy the program, please take the time to register it. The registration information can be found on the "about Safety Net" dialog box. Safety Net can also be registered in the SWREG forum on Compuserve. The registration number is 5330. If you would like to contact us for any reason, either write,e-mail on Compuserve at 75264,3237, or e-mail on AOL at Ron2222.