'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' 32 bit Visual Basic interface definitions for SLPVB.DLL ' DLL functions to allow easy printing to Seiko Label Printers from Windows NT ' ' Copyright © 1995 Somar Software, All Rights Reserved ' Send problem reports and comments to 72202.2574@compuserve.com ' ' Example of usage (print shipping label, including return address and postnet): ' ' SLPVBStartDoc "Seiko" ' note that the name is case-sensitive ' ' SLPVBSetFont "Arial", 14, True, True ' SLPVBTextOut "Somar Software" ' SLPVBSetFont "Arial", 10, False, False ' SLPVBTextOut "1 Scott Circle, NW Suite 816" ' SLPVBTextOut "Washington, DC 20036, USA ' ' SLPVBLineOut 4320 ' ' SLPVBSetFont "Arial", 12, False, False ' SLPVBTextOut "Customer Name" ' SLPVBTextOut "Attn: Contact name" ' SLPVBTextOut "Address 1" ' SLPVBTextOut "Address 2" ' SLPVBTextOut "Address 3" ' SLPVBPostNet "12345-6789" ' ' SLPVBEndDoc ' ' Notes: ' StartDoc parm is printer name as defined in print manager. ' LineOut parm is twips (1440 twips = 1 inch = 25.4 mm). ' PostNet parm can contain blanks (for spacing) and dashes (which are skipped). '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Declare Sub SLPVBStartDoc Lib "SLPVB.DLL" (ByVal PrinterName$) Declare Sub SLPVBSetFont Lib "SLPVB.DLL" (ByVal FontName$, ByVal PtSize&, ByVal fBold&, ByVal fItalic&) Declare Sub SLPVBTextOut Lib "SLPVB.DLL" (ByVal Text$) Declare Sub SLPVBPostNet Lib "SLPVB.DLL" (ByVal Text$) Declare Sub SLPVBLineOut Lib "SLPVB.DLL" (ByVal LineLenTwips&) Declare Sub SLPVBEndDoc Lib "SLPVB.DLL" ()