'------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Word Basic macro to print to Seiko Label Printer using SLPVB.DLL. ' Delete the SLProPostNet line if you don't want a barcode. ' ' Copyright © 1995 Somar Software, All Rights Reserved ' Send problem reports and comments to 72202.2574@compuserve.com ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------- Declare Sub SLPVBStartDoc Lib "SLPVB.DLL"(szPrinterName As String) Declare Sub SLPVBSetFont Lib "SLPVB.DLL"(szFontName As String, \ PtSize As Long, fBold As Long, fItalic As Long) Declare Sub SLPVBTextOut Lib "SLPVB.DLL"(szText As String) Declare Sub SLPVBPostNet Lib "SLPVB.DLL"(szText As String) Declare Sub SLPVBLineOut Lib "SLPVB.DLL"(LineLenTwips As Long) Declare Sub SLPVBEndDoc Lib "SLPVB.DLL"() Sub Main Dim s$, t$, c$, i, j, nRows Dim lines$(10) s$ = Selection$() nRows = 0 i = 1 j = 1 For i = 1 To Len(s$) If Asc(Mid$(s$, i, 1)) < 32 Then t$ = LTrim$(Mid$(s$, j, i - j)) If Len(t$) > 0 Then lines$(nRows) = t$ nRows = nRows + 1 If nRows = 10 Then Goto maxrows EndIf j = i + 1 EndIf Next i maxrows: If nRows = 0 Then Goto exit SLPVBStartDoc "Seiko" ' this name is case-sensitive SLPVBSetFont "Arial", 12, 1, 1 SLPVBTextOut "Somar Software" SLPVBSetFont "Arial", 10, 0, 0 SLPVBTextOut "1 Scott Circle, NW Suite 816" SLPVBTextOut "Washington, DC 20036" SLPVBLineOut 4320 SLPVBSetFont "Times New Roman", 6, 0, 0 SLPVBTextOut " " t$ = " " SLPVBSetFont "Times New Roman", 12, 0, 0 For i = 0 To nRows - 1 SLPVBTextOut t$ + lines$(i) Next i For i = 1 To 6 - nRows SLPVBTextOut " " Next i s$ = RTrim$(lines$(nRows - 1)) For i = Len(s$) To 1 Step - 1 c$ = Mid$(s$, i, 1) If c$ = " " Then s$ = Mid$(s$, i + 1) If Len(s$) > 0 Then SLPVBPostNet t$ + s$ Goto enddoc EndIf ElseIf (c$ <> "-") And (c$ < "0" Or c$ > "9") Then Goto enddoc EndIf Next i enddoc: SLPVBEndDoc exit: End Sub