Please ensure that an old copy of T&C is NOT running already on your machine, before you run INSTALL.EXE - As a precaution, it is always recommended that you perform a backup of your data prior to installing an update. T&C updates are designed to be installed in the same subdirectory as the old version. Data Files will be maintained. If conversion is required, it will be automatic upon the initial startup. Previous security codes from v4.x will be automatically maintained. If you have registered a v4.x product, this is a no charge update. v4.07 NEW FEATURES LIST New Store and Forward Database for Calendar set transfers. Program Location can be either on the local hard disk or on the server Data Files for a workgroup MUST all be on the same drive. For Example F:\CHAOS F:\CHAOS\MIKE F:\CHAOS\DAVID F:\CHAOS\RON Time & Chaos will automatically place a NODE database in the F:\CHAOS subdirectory to manage the workgroup users 1 level below itself. As with previous versions of Time & Chaos the WORKING DIRECTORY PARAMETER steers the application to the users default subdirectory. To get your original data into the new directory you can 1) Restore from a backup diskette or 2) If you can see the old sub-directory on a network you can do a File|Restore or 3) You can copy *.is? files plus category.lst to the new sub-directory. Once a calendar set has been run for 1 minute, it is automatically registered in the NODE database. Or...if you are in a hurry you can click on the Check Now button. Send appointments, todos, and phonebook records between calendar sets You can click on the MAIN SCREEN MONTHLY CALENDAR's Grey Background to toggle the calendar to a directory list. You can also select from the File Menu. You can click on the users that you wish to send information to and then drag an T&C entry to the list. Group Distribution Lists Group distribution Lists of users are setup in TimeBar! on the Administration Menu. When Displayed Group Distribution Lists should be double clicked on. Automatic Calendar set discovery and maintenance from TimeBar Administration Functions Substantial Performance increase on current todo list and telephone book We have also allowed a Preference Setup to specify the number of days in the past that Time & Chaos will search for OLD incomplete ToDo items to roll forward automatically. From the Telephone Book Search Screen, you can now transfer the search results back to the main screen. Global Record Editing from the Search Screen Results. Some Win/95 Adjustments Timebar now shows 'Today's date' and full 24 hours at a glance. Custom ToDo Priorities now can display more colors. Priorities A-M have their own unique colors Telephone Entry Screen will remind you of changes made if you click cancel. Support for Inc. in phone book Name as Listed. It no longer assumes it's a lastname, first name entry, but properly copys this to the Company Field Improved Month-View Report Writer Improvements Report Writer now has drag and drop column ordering Report Writer can now sort on double click on Column Header Report Writer can now handle more than all fields, but will only save up to 32 fields Report Writer no longer requires that EXCEL be in your system's Path statement ---------------------------- Time & Chaos Update History: Changes in v4.06 *Printing Enhancements include ... * T&C can now utilizes the available paper. If there is room on a page for a additional virtual pages it will print them on the same page. * Ability to print out a range of calendars. eg. 3 months of calendars printed at once rather than printing each separately * Ability to print each Letter of the alphabet on a separate page * Ability to print a letter range eg. F through M *Many more repeat options for Todo's and Appointments. *Julian Dates are now displayed on the main screen by holding down the mouse on a date *More secure passwords. The passwords are now stored in binary format in the database header. Your passwords will be deleted and you will need to rekey them. *Multi-Disk Backups/Restores are now supported *Report Writer Enhancements include ... * Category Sorting * Compare Field now does not need to one of the reported fields * Ability to Save the Report as a TEXT file, including full NOTES. * ALT-C will remove a Column both on the screen and on printout. *Multiselect in the ToDo List, Appointments List, Phone List on main screen. This allows you to select multiple items for deleting, marking done, moving. *Importing now uses a user specified file, not just IMPORT.TXT *Dragging a Todo to the appointments will now drag with it notes, priority and description. *Much More little nitty things..... Changes in v4.05 *We now have very tight integration with MS Word, AmiPro, and WordPerfect *Phonebook now supports ATTACHED FILES to contacts. You can attach spreadsheets, documents *New option under preferences setup to handle EUROPE, this will have postal code print on the envelope BEFORE the city.