"Vic's Unload" is a public domain freeware ==================================== Why I am writing this utility? =============================== As a Windows developer, I deal with DLLs everyday. There are some DLL unloading utilities. But they are generally lacking of unloading a group of DLLs at the same time. It is quite usual that one application calls several DLLs. During development, if the app causes a general protection fault (GPF), then these dlls can get left in memory. The new version of DLL will not get loaded since Windows only distingush dll by module name. This confused the developer a lot of times. One common situation is when I debug my app in VC++ or CodeView, the new source and the old dll in memory doesn't match, the breakpoints will not work correctly. In order to unload DLLs that have been left in memory, developers have to exit and then restart Windows. The desriable feature of DLL unloader should be able to unload a group of DLL relating to a specific app. So I camp up an idea called dll hotlist which is a list of DLL. The developer can create a list of dll into hotlist and bring it back later by a single click. It helps me to debug the app. I will be assured that I am debugging the up-to-date DLL using this little convienent tool. Important Features other dll unloader doesn't have ================================================== 1. You can search a dll by pressing Ctrl+S. This will bring up a dialog box to prompt for dll name. 2. You can put a bunch of dll into a hotlist and bring it back later. How is it done? ================ I wrote the interface in VB and dll code in VC++ (Basically calling the functions in toolhelp library). In addtion, I got one multiple selection list box VBX from CICA achive. To Run ======= Run unload.exe in Windows. Comments, Bug Report ==================== Please send to victor.yang@atlantaga.attgis.com or yongwei@cc.gatech.edu Enjoy Debugging and have fun ! Victor Yang victor.yang@atlantaga.attgis.com