WinLock Ver 2.1 Feb95 DISCLAIMER: IF you use any techniques outlined in this program or use this program you hereby agree NOT TO HOLD me David Charbonnet or my Company DCI Computers Inc responsible in anyway for any damages you feel you may have incurred from using this program. As always you should have a Good complete BACKUP of your Hard Disk. This program has been well tested and to the best of my ability found not to cause any damage, nor to contain any virus. Run Chkdsk or ScanDisk and a current Virus Scan on your computer to Verify you have no Pre-Existing Problems before installing. DESCRIPTION: Protect your computer and limit access to programs. If you share or maintain a computer used by others or youngsters and find that they can frequently mess up the setup, or get into programs you do not want them in? Than this may be the program for you. Features: Easy Toggle Protection Mode. Multiple Passwords so var lvl users can share var programs; Restrict access to (Control Panel, File Manager, SYSEdit, DOS, File Menu, Menu Changes, Startup, Exiting, CMOS, Etc). Requires VBRun300.DLL. Source Code Available. Keywords: Windows Security Lock Password Protect VB Dave Charboonet DCI VBasic NOTE: I renamed the executable program WINLock and it documentation to V.EXE and V.TXT for added security and ease of use. INSTALLATION: This Security program is meant to be installed be someone knowledgable about Windows AND DOS. For Installation Instructions Read the File V.TXT.