WinLock (V.EXE) Version 2.1/FEB95 a Windows 3.1+ Security/Protection Program written in Visual Basic 3.0 Copyright 1995 by Dave Charbonnet FIRST: IF you use any techniques outlined in this program or use this program you hereby agree NOT TO HOLD Me Dave Charbonnet or My Company DCI Computers Inc responsible in anyway for any damages you feel you may have incurred from trying these security techniques or from using this program. This Program and techniques included are NOT meant to be used by the less computer literate as it requires someone Computer (Windows & DOS) Literacy, Perhaps only a so-called Power User can properly Install/Setup such a program. As always you should have a Good complete BACKUP of your Hard Disk as well. This program has been well tested and to the best of my ability found not to cause any damage nor to contain any virus. In fact I have resisted the urge to write a proper install routine to better protect from possible damage/bugs that could mess up critical files and to discourage the novice computer user from trying this program. ---------------------------- PURPOSE: Having sold Windows for many years I have seen the damage that can be done especially when several people are sharing one computer. Most Especially when one or more of those people are under the age of 10. Windows (Program Manager & File Manager etc) is perhaps too user friendly, too easy to delete and move items around, the damage a 6 year old can do in a few seconds takes me hours to undo. It is to easy to delete, move, rearrange items in Programs Manager. Better yet let a child loose in File Manager with a mouse for a while. In no time they can scramble directory structures moving directories (Programs and Data) all over the place. Worse deleting them too! They find it a rather boring game and don't quit get the point, but are trying to learn. IF you have youngsters sharing your computer you had better learn how to protect yourself! This program is meant to do just that. Restrict Program Managers flexibility and restrict access to any Programs/Items in Program Manager you desire. I Recommend you take a hard look at all the programs any restrict all you think they could do damage in Particularly Program Manager, File Manager, Control Panel, System Edit, DOS, and any other programs that give them easy access to moving and deleting files or directories. ---------------------------- $$: If you continue to use this program or find some worthwhile techniques the Author (who needs money to live and to continue his efforts) requires you to send him a small token of appreciation (it took me over 20 Hours to write, Debug, document and upload this simple program) so he will know how many people found this program helpful. Send a check for $29 (Might seem steep, but why bother with less) to; Dave Charbonnet 2129 Calhoun Street New Orleans, La 70118 * For FASTEST Service call (504) 899-5663 M-F 11-6 with your Visa or MCard# If I am not in leave a Number I WILL call you back if in the U.S. Or Fax to (504) 891-1872. Last Resort my Home number is (504) 866-2120. * Messages/Mail left on CompuServe (76011,3217), Internet, Etc will PROBABLY not be received by me for many months. * P.S. Please let me know of any Problems/Suggestions you may have regarding this program. If you find this program worthwhile and would like to make some money yourself I could use some marketing expertise/help. Upon registration I will be happy to send you the latest Version (for an extra $5 Shipping and Handling). For an extra $40 I will include the Visual Basic Source Code). Fell free to Upload and give away as many copies of this SHAREWARE Vesion as you like, but be sure to include this Doc file intact with registrtation information. If you want to install the NON-Shareware version on Additional computers EXTRA liscences cost only $10 Each. ---------------------------- DESCRIPTION: Protect your computer and limit access to programs. If you share or maintain a computer used by others or youngsters and find that they can frequently mess up the setup, or get into programs you do not want them in? Than this may be the program for you. Features: Easy Toggle Protection Mode. Multiple Passwords so var lvl users can share var programs; Restrict access to (Control Panel, File Manager, SYSEdit, DOS, File Menu, Menu Changes, Startup, Exiting, CMOS, Etc). Requires VBRun300.DLL. Source Code Available. ---------------------------- INSTALLATION & USAGE NOTES: * This program is meant to be installed by someone knowledgeable about Windows and DOS. IT IS NOT Meant to be SETUP by the NOVICE! If you share a computer with really young children you may want to take a look at alternative programs like; Kids Desk from Edmark, Retailing for around $69. Kids Desk Replaces Program Manager with an interesting Desk layout and requires a code for the Adult/SYSOP to get to Program Manager and any programs there in. THIS program does not try to keep them out of Windows Program Manager, BUT to restrict their use of rather dangerous/too user friendly specific programs accessed thru Program Manager like; Control Panel, File Manager, System Editor, DOS, and your Personal Data Sensitive Apps like Quicken or whatever programs you desire to protect. * This program requires the file VBRun300.DLL (the Visual Basic Runtime Library available from Me or CompuServe Etc) to be in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM Directory. * Copy the file V.EXE into your Windows Directory EXAMPLE: COPY V.EXE C:\WINDOWS You can then Delete the V.EXE in the old locations of course I renamed the executable file Lock.EXE to V.EXE to 1. Make it more secure/ less obvious and 2. To make it easier to append to the front of the command line field in Program Manager's Items Properties of existing programs you may wish to secure. You can rename V.EXE to Any .EXE name you desire but change all references of V.EXE to the new name you have chosen too. * Make a Group in Program Manager call Dad's STUFF (or whatever is fitting). Also it may be a good idea to make a group for each user and put the programs they use in Their Groups and suggest to them that they stay in their groups and not wander to others users groups. * Move (Mouse Click and Drag) into Dad's Group (or System Supervisor or whatever you called your group) all Programs that are dangerous like; File Manager, DOS Prompt, System Edit, Control Panel, ETC, Visual Basic, and your programs you wish to keep private. Actually you do not HAVE to Move any programs to new user groups, it is just a suggestion so users will not easily see items they are no supposed to run. Optionally you can password protect these dangerous program so they can not be started without a proper password. You do not have to password protect dangerous programs as just putting the V space in front of their command line prevents anyone from starting them as long as Security Mode is On. Thus you have to toggle Security off (by running V again and suppling the master password) to start them unless you specifically gave then a password (It can be the same password). You password protect specific programs by Editing the Item's FILE PROPERTIES (When Security is off, In Program Manager you Select the Item and hit Alt Enter) and append to the front of the 2nd Line (COMMAND LINE) a V and a SPACE leaving the rest of the line in tact. Thus when you run the program from then on you are actually calling this program with the old program's command line as a parameter. Then this program will check to see if security is on or not. If not it just runs it. If Security is ON you are show a Security Violation Logged Message (It does not really log it though in this version) and aborts starting the Program UNLESS you assigned a Password to the program THEN the user is asked to provide that specific program and if they successfully supply it (Passwords are not Case Sensitive) and hit enter the program is started. Thus you do not have to toggle security mode to start protected programs ONLY if they have a password assigned to it. To assign a Password to a protected Item/Program you add to it's command line (after the V Space) add a /P and a Password and another Space. You can use the same password as your master password if you wish it to react to that password. You MUST add 1 new Program Item to Program Manager so you can access this program with the command Line V /PPASSWORD then when you run this item you will be asked for Security Clearance Code which in this case is PASSWORD. This new Item (I Name Sec Toggle) when run will check if Security is on or off. If it is off you are asked ask if you want to turn Security ON, no password is required. If Security is currently ON you are asked for the password and if given properly the cancel button changes to Help so you can review this document or if you Hit Enter/OK you are asked if you wish to turn Security OFF. If you Hit Enter or Click on OK Security Mode is changed and you are then asked if you want to turn Restart Windows which is necessary in order to complete the switch to Secure Mode in Program Manager. SO be fore warned once Security is OFF you must Turn it On and let it Restart Windows before letting your 6 year old at your computer. There are a few built in Passwords if say you have 2 children one 6 and another 12 or a spouse and the older one's may needs to use File Manager or DOS, but you do not want to give them the master password; Thus to start those particular programs there is a built in password that will get them started for File Manager it is FM for DOS it is /DOS. The Master Password (The one you put on the New Program Item (Sec Toggle) with command line V /PMasterPassword) unfortunately will not work to start any other password protected programs. It will only allow you to turn off overall security and restart windows with security now off you can access any programs without passwords. Only if you include a password with a protected item can you start that program while security is on by entering THAT specific password. Also note once you put a v Space in front of a Program Item to be Protected, it's Icon will change to a Lock. Sorry I can find no way around this for a simple program like this, you will just have to go back into File Properties (Only accessible while security is off) and Manually Reset it's Icon back to the one you want. Example for Control Panel you would hit Alt FP (the keyboard method to the selected Item's File Properties) Then Hit Alt I then Alt B and browse to select the file in the Windows Directory named Control.exe and Hit Enter Twice. Also Note Once you toggle security Off no programs are locked and Passwords will not be asked. You can easily tell when Security is off as the File Option on Program Manager's Menu is Visible, also you can no longer access Item Properties thus protecting your passwords; nor Move Items in Program Manager nor Delete Items nor Install Programs ie File RUN A:SETUP. There is another Hidden Password built-In this Program, a so called back door so that if a novice install this program and does not know their Master Password or how to remove security mode I can get them in. This Password is DCI714. You can remove this hidden password by registering the Program and getting the Source Code. One of the main tricks to how this program functions is an undocumented, but rather widely known optional setting added to the file \windows\progman.ini called the restrictions settings. This program makes it easier to turn on and off these settings as well as check these settings before running a program with V SPACE in front of its command line properties. Also it Adds Security Methods for Securing your computers startup to windows and Exiting From Windows as outlined below. * Delete this file once you understand it as it gives away Security Secrets that would defeat it's purpose. You can get to this information from with in the program by Running the New Item you should have added to Dad's Group that calls the main program V with your Master Password. When in Secure Mode you will be asked for the Master Password (the word you put after V /P of this item). Once you enter the proper Master Password and Before hitting Enter or clicking OK the cancel button should change to a help button and if clicked on will load this file C:\WINDOWS\V.TXT in Notepad ---------------------------- EXAMPLES of Program Managers File Properties WinLock (This Program so you can run it and Toggle Security) Description.......: Sec Toggle (or Whatever you want) Command Line......: v /PMyPWord (So MASTER PASSWORD is MYPWORD or use whatever you want) Working Directory.: Short Cut Key.....: Shift Ctrl V Blank Secure (Just Blanks the Screen and Lock Up Windows Until Shift Alt Z combo is hit) Description.......: Blank Sec Command Line......: v /Z Working Directory.: Short Cut Key.....: Shift Ctrl B Control Panel (as it was BEFORE Security Added) Description.......: Control Panel Command Line......: Control.EXE Working Directory.: Short Cut Key.....: Ctrl Alt P Control Panel (With Security JUST add V in Front) Description.......: Control Panel Command Line......: v control.exe Working Directory.: Short Cut Key.....: Ctrl Alt P Control Panel (With Security & PASSWORD (CP) so you can start it when SECURITY is ON) Description.......: Control Panel Command Line......: v /PCP control.exe Working Directory.: Short Cut Key.....: Ctrl Alt P File Manager Description.......: File Manager Command Line......: v WinFile Working Directory.: Short Cut Key.....: Ctrl Shift F Quicken (or do you want everyone to see you Act Balances & Expenses?) Description.......: Quicken Command Line......: v /PDIVAD \QW\Q.EXE (PWord=my Name BackWards) Working Directory.: C:\QW Short Cut Key.....: Ctrl Alt Q . . . ---------------------------- USAGE: (Another Look) Run V.EXE to Toggle Security. You MUST have a Password on its Command line as it asks for a Password when you try to Turn OFF Security. As long as Security is on the user can not modify Program Manager (Add, Move, Delete, View Properties of Items or Save Settings until Security is Turned off by Running the windows V.EXE Program and entering the password you specified on the command Line as noted above). If you want to protect any specific Programs from being run you should modify their Properties by Selecting it and Choosing File Properties in Program Manager and Adding a V space in front of the existing command line then the program can not be run when Security mode is on. If you wish to run it without having to turn off security also add to the items command line properties /Ppassword after the v space and before the rest of the original command. They Items Icon in Program Manager will change to V.exe's default Lock picture so you would want to Manually change it back to the proper Icon of the specific program which requires some intermediate windows Program Manager Knowledge. Then when you run the program and security mode is on you will have to enter the specific password you added to this specific Items command line after the v space /P. Another Item I add to my Group in Program Manager I call Blank Secure which blanks the screen with a Message that I'll be back and prevents anyone from using the computer as it turns off the keyboard until the special key combination of (Shift Alt Z) is hit. Thus if I am coming right back I may not want anyone else jumping on the computer. However this does not prevent someone from Turning Off, Resetting or Ctrl Alt Deleting their way back into windows. IF you have and use my PICS Windows Program then Blank will calls it instead and show GIF or BMP Pics which you also can not get out of until you hit Shift Alt Z! ---------------------------- COMMENTS: To Add MORE Security you can Add the shareware utility I got from CServe and included with this Download although NOT part of this program a Command called NONSTOP.SYS loaded at end of your config.sys to stop people from Existing the startup BAT Files which should end in Windows Starting via a W.BAT File on your path. What Follows are lines I include (NOT the whole files) in my C:\Autoexec.bat, C:\Config.sys & C:\BAT\W.BAT files to enable Security. They look for the existence of a Directory C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SECURE to determine if security should be On or OFF. This Directory is Created and Removed when Security is toggled in the this Lock (V.EXE) Windows Program The Next 5 Pages or so contains Notable Security Changes to your 2 Computer Startup Files (Config.SYS & Autoexec.BAT) and 1 new File (W.BAT) to Start Windows through. These additions once implemented provide added DOS security to protect against users breaking out of this Programs WINDOWS Security by greatly limiting their ability to break out of your startup routines and accessing DOS when Security Mode is on. These files are NOT complete and only contain the notable security additions. To implement this you must have a good understanding of what many people call DOS, but I think better described as just being computer literate. *C:\CONFIG.SYS (Notable Security Line Additions) REM The Next Line disables the user from being able to F5 Ship or F8 REM Step thru Config or Autoexec SWITCHES=/N/F REM The Next Line loads a 3rd Party Utility that disables Ctrl Break REM Ctrl C Ctrl Alt Del etc so the user can not break out of the startup REM Files and thus forcing the computer to start to Windows in Secure Mode REM if you left Windows in Secure mode when you exited last. DEVICE=C:\UTIL\NOSTOP.SYS ---------------------------- *C:\Autoexec.BAT (Notable Security Line Additions) @Echo OFF IF NOT EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SECURE\NUL \UTIL\NSCONFIG CBW23 ...(Your Path Prompt Set Commands Etc) REM next Line not Required for Security BUT a Good Idea if you run DOS Session Under Windows SET WINPMT=$d$h$h$h$h$h $t$h$h$h$h$h$h (Windows is Running. Alt F4 to Exit DOS Segment)$_$p$g ...(The Rest of your Autoexec.BAT file) REM The Next Line Starts Windows (Thru W.BAT) if Security is ON, otherwise REM the line is skipped and it gives you 2 Secs to ByPass Windows Startup IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SECURE\NUL \BAT\W C:\DOS\CHOICE /N/T:Y,3 Starting Windows! in 2 Secs [Yn] ? IF Errorlevel 2 GOTO SKIPWIN \BAT\W :SKIPWIN Echo  Echo Enter W to Start Microsoft Windows :END ---------------------------- *W.BAT (in C:\BAT\W.BAT to Start Windows and Toggle Security from DOS if you Enter W Z) @Echo OFF CLS IF %1.==Z. GOTO Z IF %1.==z. GOTO Z :START Echo Starting Windows C: CD \ REM IF Security On (\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SECURE dir exists) ignore Ctrl Break, Ctrl C & Ctrl Alt Del Keys in DOS IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SECURE\NUL \UTIL\NSCONFIG \WINDOWS\WIN %1 %2 %3 REM use exit to close DOS Segment if user tried to start windows when windows is already running otherwise exit is ignored EXIT CD\ IF Exist \*.TMP DEL \*.TMP \dos\smartdrv /c REM The Next Line checks if Security is on. If Security is NOT On REM (\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SECURE Dir does not Exist) if Jumps to the Basic REM Ending allowing the User a C: DOS Prompt otherwise it restarts windows REM EXCEPT I have included a hidden password (DCI) via PC Mags BATMAN Util REM which allows me to get to DOS with Security still on. IF NOT EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SECURE\NUL GOTO NOTSEC CLS Echo It is Safe to Turn off this Computer Now Echo OR Press a Key to Restart Windows Rem This section Looks for a secret CODE (DCI=32 46 23) to Exit to DOS Rem and needs to capture/ignore lower # ErrLvls! Rem To determine a specific code run Batman Getkey /R and hit the key to Rem see it's code # \UTIL\BATMAN GetKey REM as Errorlevel reacts to any Error GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO you need to rem explicitly test for and ignore the greater than case. IF ERRORLEVEL 33 GOTO START IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 32 GOTO START \UTIL\BATMAN GetKey IF ERRORLEVEL 47 GOTO START IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 46 GOTO START \UTIL\BATMAN GetKey IF ERRORLEVEL 24 GOTO START IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 23 GOTO START GOTO END :NOTSEC REM Also turn back on Ctrl Break, Ctrl C & Ctrl Alt Del Keys IF NOT EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SECURE\NUL \UTIL\NSCONFIG CBW23 CLS Echo Enter W to Restart Windows. Use DOS. OR Echo It is Safe to turn Off this Computer Now GOTO END :Z REM This Section allows you to toggle Security before starting Windows CLS IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SECURE GOTO UNSEC Echo Securing Windows C: MD \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SECURE >Nul \UTIL\CHANGE C:\WINDOWS\PROGMAN.INI "NoSaveSettings=0" "NoSaveSettings=1" >Nul \UTIL\CHANGE C:\WINDOWS\PROGMAN.INI "EditLevel=0" "EditLevel=4" >Nul \UTIL\CHANGE C:\WINDOWS\PROGMAN.INI "NoRun=0" "NoRun=1" >Nul \UTIL\CHANGE C:\WINDOWS\PROGMAN.INI "NoFileMenu=0" "NoFileMenu=1" >Nul \UTIL\NSCONFIG GOTO START :UNSEC Echo UN-Securing Windows Enter Password! REM Get Password Currently DCI \UTIL\BATMAN GetKey IF ERRORLEVEL 33 GOTO END IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 32 GOTO END \UTIL\BATMAN GetKey IF ERRORLEVEL 47 GOTO END IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 46 GOTO END \UTIL\BATMAN GetKey IF ERRORLEVEL 24 GOTO END IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 23 GOTO END C: RD \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SECURE >Nul \UTIL\CHANGE C:\WINDOWS\PROGMAN.INI "NoSaveSettings=1" "NoSaveSettings=0" >Nul \UTIL\CHANGE C:\WINDOWS\PROGMAN.INI "EditLevel=4" "EditLevel=0" >Nul \UTIL\CHANGE C:\WINDOWS\PROGMAN.INI "NoRun=1" "NoRun=0" >Nul \UTIL\CHANGE C:\WINDOWS\PROGMAN.INI "NoFileMenu=1" "NoFileMenu=0" >Nul REM Also turn back on Ctrl Break, Ctrl C & Ctrl Alt Del Keys \UTIL\NSCONFIG CBW23 GOTO START :END ---------------------------- If you apply the above techniques/changes to your Autoexec.bat, Config.sys and create and use a W.BAT file for accessing windows you can assure that when security mode is on the computer always starts to windows and the user can not break out of any of these start files and thus can not break out of windows startup and upon exiting windows they can not get to a DOS prompt. Upon Existing Windows they get a message Saying It is Safe to Turn Off the computer or hitting a key (other than the hidden sequence I put in the sample W.BAT (DCI) will put them Back into Windows. Also before making the above changes backup your Old Autoexec & Config.SYS 1st of course. Also you will need to make sure the added 3rd Party Utilities are on the proper path so they can be found; Namely the Utilities (BATMAN, NSConfig, Change and NOSTOP) all of which I put in a directory named C:\UTIL. ---------------------------- * PROGMAN.INI (In C:\WINDOWS\PROGMAN.INI) This is where Windows Security really takes place. Adding this Restrictions section to the end of Windows Progman.INI File and Toggling their values is what toggles Windows Security. The only other things my lock program does is create or remove a Directory call Secure Un Windows\System used as a flag for Autoexec & W.BAT to tell how to behave (Securely or not) [Restrictions] NoSaveSettings=0 ;If 1 the user can not Save Program Manager's Settings/Layout EditLevel=0 ;If 4 you can not move copy delete view properties of ;Program Manager Items NoRun=0 ;If 1 Removes (Disables/Grays) File RUN from File Menu NoFileMenu=0 ;If 1 Removes the File Portion of Program Managers Menu NoClose=0 ;IF 1 you can not exit Windows. I Never change this to 1 * You should not have to manually modify the above ProgMan.INI file as this program Lock.EXE (File Named=V.EXE) takes care of changes to it every time you toggle Security mode. ---------------------------- MORE SECURITY METHODS: If you desire more Security you may want to check your computers CMOS options for Items like boot from C: Drive NOT A: so users can not bypass your startup by booting from a floppy disk. I also like this option as it protects you from getting boot sector viruses and allows you to leave backup disks in you A: Drive without getting the non bootable disk error message on computer startup. Also in you CMOS you may want to enable the Password Protection Option to change CMOS Setting thus someone else can not change your boot from C: Option. * MORE Security ATTRIB Read Only certain files if you want to go to all that trouble BUT when the computer is left in secure mode users should not be able to access them as that should not be able to access DOS etc, but be warned MOST windows programs allow access to DOS or all the files on your computer ie WORD for Windows certainly allows a semi-knowledgeable user to open and edit any text file like Autoexec, Config.sys *.INI etc. However this program is only meant to protect against the young and novice users unintentional usage damage. If you are trying to protect against a more troublesome type user you might go as far as Backing up and Hiding and Write Protecting (using DOS's Attrib command) the more dangerous/ Sensitive files like C:\Autoexec.BAT, C:\Config.sys, C:\Command.Com, C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM, \Windows\Progman.ini, \Windows\*.INI, \Windows\*.GRP, \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\*.*, \WINDOWS\*.EXE, ETC. And Hiding or moving the DOS Commands \DOS\Format.*, \DOS\FDisk.*, \DOS\DEBUG.*, \DOS\ATTRIB.*, \DOS\MOVE.*, \DOS\DELTREE.*, ETC. BUT this is very extreme/NOT RECOMMENDED and will make your computer maintenance chores much harder when you want to Add new Programs or Modify Program Managers Layout, Etc. This type of extreme security is beyond the scope of this author intentions and there are other better methods to achieve Maximum Security such as a removable Hard Disk, Or Norton/Symantecs Disk Secure Program that creates a proprietary Formatted/Encrypted Partition on your hard disk which requires a password before you can access anything on that Part of the Drive. Certainly if you leave windows in the secure manner outlined here it should protect against the youngster messing up your software setup which is the main goal of this program. * You can modify this program if you are familiar with and own a copy of Visual Basic and register this program and ask me to send you the source code. If you would like to modify this program just register it and ask me to send you the actual Source code on disk. The Source code is pretty small and straight forward and thus should be easy for you to modify. ---------------------------- Notable Draw Backs: DOS Apps Loose Icons & Description as Set in Item Properties in Program Manager due to the fact that my VBasic APP (Lock or V) is Starting them not Program Manager. Even Windows Apps loose their Icon Picture which you can manually set back thru Program Manager's File Properties Menu (Only accessible when NOT in Secure Mode) Change Icon Button. And Browse to Actual .EXE File which contains its original Icon. For Example File Manager's Icon is in it's file which is normally located in C:\WINDOWS\WINFILE.EXE This program does not use extra system resources as it does not keep running to maintain security; However it does slow down starting secure programs a little as they are started thru this program. Thus this program gets run each time you start a secured program then this program terminates. I have not heard of any forth coming efforts by Microsoft to take in to account better security against the novice or young user when Multiple People Share 1 Computer not even in the supposed forth coming Windows95. But as of late I have seem more Program Manager Replacements to add security; like; Microsoft's new BOB interface, Edmarks Kids Desk, Berkeley ??? all of which replace program Manager a method I preferred not to take, but maybe more user friendly/Interesting for the really young. ---------------------------- Other Programs from Dave you might be interested in * PICS Windows Picture Viewer PROGRAM & Screen Saver. Shows GIFs, BMPs, TGA & PCX. FEATURES Include Fast but safe toggling to many alternate private and protected picture directories, Scripts, Pausing, Listing, Thumbnails, Step Fwd & Back, Pic Maintenance, and MUCH MORE (see docs PICS.TXT) Updated version of Bitmaps Screen Saver 1000s Prev Dlds. UnZip to a Temp Dir & run Install.BAT from DOS. Req min SVGA 256C & VBRun300.DLL & some BMPs or GIFs. VB Source Code Available..............................$29 * NetFax Share Faxing Out over Network to 1 Computers Fax (COMING SOON) ............................................................. $59 * Black Jack you program to Auto Play Your Particular Strategy....... $59 * Phone, Continuous Dialing + Caller ID that accesses database before you answer phone (Requires Caller ID from Phone Company ie Single Line Phone) NOT READY YET.......................................... $59 * ADD $5 Shipping and Handling * Other Program Suggestions Welcomed ---------------------------- SOME ADDED WINDOWS TIPS: (BONUS that alone may warrant the $20 you send me?) * Hold down Shift when starting Windows will skip any programs auto started in Startup Group. * To Save Program Manager's Settings/Layout (When not in Secure mode) as well as many other Windows programs (Like File Manager, Control Panel...) Hit SHIFT ALT F4. * Check Out Short Cut Keys as allowed in Program Manager's Item File Properties as they can be very useful in allowing you to start and switch between programs much faster. If the Program is not yet running you must switch to Program Manager 1st to Launch it with the Short Cut Key or Not. Then Once Running you can switch back to it quickly without having to go to Program Manager by just hitting the Short Cut Key. I also Recommend putting an Item in your Startup Group that starts Program Manager only so you can assign a Short Cut Key to Program Manager as it will start anyway. Program Manager's Command Line is ProgMan.EXE. I Use Shift Ctrl Z to Switch to Program Manager (Menu). Other Examples FYI I Use Shift Ctrl F for File Manager, Shift Ctrl D for DOS, Shift Alt P for Control Panel, Shift Ctrl W for My Word Processor Shift Ctrl C for Calculator, Shift Ctrl X for Fax, Shift Ctrl B for Blanker (Pics). Shift Ctrl V for this Security Program Toggler Shift Ctrl Q for Quicken, Shift Ctrl N for Notepad, * Keep a good floppy Boot Disk handy and Backup the following files Regularly. C:\COMMAND.COM, C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT, C:\CONFIG.SYS C:\WINDOWS\*.INI and C:\WINDOWS\*.GRP... Also backup you main DATA files of course. If you do not know how to backup well you had better find out! * Many Windows GPF or other hangup problems/crashes are causes by A) Bad RAM. B:) BAD CMOS Setting pushing the computer to fast and C:) Bad S-VGA Video Drives (set back to Plain VGA in Windows Setup) to test if Problem Goes away you have a bad video Driver, try to get an updated one that works (lots of luck), D: Loosely fitted Cards or Chips. * In Program Manager Ctrl Tab Switches thru Groups. * In all windows programs Alt Space Accesses Control Box Menu * In Windows Programs that have Child Sections/Imbedded Windows like; all Word Processors and Program Manager Alt - Accesses the Child Sections Control Box Menu * Ctrl Alt Del Then Enter can Close a Hung Program, but you should exit and restart windows to completely clear the unstable windows environment. * If you leave your computer running all the time Exit & Reboot on occasion so Windows can start fresh and clear out left over memory from Programs that do not return resources properly. Particularly noted by such problem messages is Insufficient System Resources, Insufficient Memory, Slower than normal operation, Printing Problems... * When/If you get GPF or Windows Application Error Messages exit and restart windows to fully clear the error/unstable state; unless you like to get reoccurring compound errors. * BEST TIP: Buying a computer? Buy an industry standard Modular Non-Proprietary Computer. This disqualifies such brands as IBM, Compaq, Gateway, Zeos, Dell, Packard Bell, Compudyne, Zenith, Tandy, Digital, and MOST Recognized Name Brands as they use Proprietary (One-Source) components particularly the Motherboard is specially made by that company and no one else's board will fit interchangeably. Thus Repairs take much longer and cost much more and Mother board upgrade are unavailable. Buy a REAL CLONE from a LOCAL Source with a proven track record and the knowledge and the desire to really support you. If such a store does not exist in your area than you'll have to deal with Proprietary computers. BUT if you live NEAR New Orleans there is and has been for over 11 years such a computer store that specializes in Standard Quality computers and support called DCI Computers located at 6042 Magazine Street. If you need a portable computer than you will need to give up on Industry Standard by nature, but we highly recommend you 1st have a good dependable computer to fall back on before buying a portable. ---------------------------- * This Program WinLock/V.EXE archive (WINLOCK2.ZIP) should contain the files V.EXE (The Main Program to Start Other Programs With Security or Run Alone to Toggle Security, but Remember to ADD the /Ppassword Parameter so you can enter the Security Clearance Code.) V.TXT This Documentation File that tries to explain how to install this and added security methods and tips. Hide it after knowing it for added security. README.BAT (Program to Display The Readme.TXT File.) README.TXT (Brief Description and Installation info.) >>> 3rd Party Programs that allows added security discussed above to protect against users breaking out of Startup Boot Files & BAT Files Etc. Read the file NOSTOP.TXT for Instructions and registration information. NOSTOP.SYS NOSTOP.TXT NSCONFIG.EXE NS.COM BATMAN.COM (from PC Mag allows a breakout password in W.BAT when Security is on so I do not have to go to so much trouble to access DOS after exiting Windows in Secure mode. See W.BAT for Info) CHANGE.COM 3rd Party Util I use in W.BAT to Toggle Security from DOS Before Starting Windows. Then Starts Windows. See W.BAT VBRun300.DLL (Not included in Uploaded Shareware Version as it is too big and most downloaders already have it. It is Available on CompuServe and most other BBS's. ---------------------------- * The Added File NoStop & NSConfig are a 3rd party utility NOT included in the COST of this program. If you use it you must register it as it's author requires. I got the file off CompuServe probably under the IBM DOS Utility Section in a File called NONSTOP.ZIP. The Authors registration information is as follows; NoStop 1.1 by J. Scott Sanbar Advanced Micro Consulting 1507 N. Rockwell Oklahoma City, OK 73127 (405) 787-9185 or (405) 787-9379 CIS: 73760,3304 FidoNet: 1:147/55.2 If you wish to use NOSTOP, you MUST send a $5/computer registration fee to: J. Scott Sanbar 8100 Glenwood Oklahoma City, OK 73114 CIS: 73760,3304 His archive should contain the following files: NOSTOP.SYS - the NOSTOP installable device driver NS.COM - the NOSTOP command line installable module (TSR) NSCONFIG.EXE - the NOSTOP command line configuration program NOSTOP.TXT - this explanatory document ---------------------------- HIDE THIS FILE TO MAINTAIN BETTER SECURITY, BUT KEEP IT AVAILABLE TO INCLUDE IN COPIES YOU SHARING OR UPLOAD END.