WS-TIMER is Copyright (c) 1995, Lou's Software Development WS-TIMER Version 3.30 WS-TIMER is Freeware for personal, non-commercial use. You may freely distribute WS-TIMER, as long as all files from the archive are included. June 3, 1995 - Version 3.30 Changed the monthly log file to a user defined period and now refer to this log as Period. If you are on a monthly account you will have to enter 99 (default after installation) in the period lenght variable in the setup. Those users with a weekly period will have to enter a 7. If you are on a monthly account the HISTORY?.TXT file will be written with the month and year for the period. If you are on a variable period (every 7 days or 15 days etc.) the date recorded in the HISTORY?TXT file is the first day of the period. May 29, 1995 - Version 3.20 Added a setup for variable starting period for monthly log file. The first time you run WS-TIMER you will have to enter this date in the Period Start. You will find this setup under File, Setup, and Period Start. The date you enter here is the first day of your provider's next statement period. May 27, 1995 - Version 3.12 Corrected the title bar in the about box. I am no longer including COMMDLG.DLL and DDEML.DLL, since these have been nothing but problems during the setup. May 1, 1995 - Version 3.11 Made change in the code for the stay-on-top window. If a user was in 1024X768 mode on some graphic cards the window would slip upwards after every start. At the turn of the month, the months total did not get written to the history?.txt file. April 28, 1995 - Version 3.10 Changed the format of the date in all log files. The format is now appropriate for the country specified in the International dialog of the Windows Control Panel. Changed the current time and date window to only one window. The format is now appropriate for the country specified in the International dialog of the Windows Control Panel. April 25, 1995 - Version 3.01 Made the History window wider so that you can view the full width of the contents of SESSION?.TXT. April 23, 1995 - Version 3.00 Added the multimedia alarm clock. Added a new log file called "SESSION?.TXT". This file keeps track of all your individual logons. The contents of this file includes the logon session number, the logon time, the logoff time, and the total time for the session. April 4, 1995 - Version 2.20 The location of the stay-on-top window is now recorded when you exit WS-TIMER. April 2, 1995 - Version 2.12 1. Rewrite of the code that updates the timer. In previous version some time was lost when the disk drives where accessed. If this happens now the time will correct itself. 2. Added an autosave feature, which will same your on-line time every five minutes. This way if you have a total crash of Windows or your machine you will only loose five minutes at the most. March 29, 1995 - Version 2.02 WS-TIMER now requires the environment string in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: SET WSTIMER=C:\WSTIMER Replace the directory and drive to reflect your setup. You will have to reboot your computer for this change to take place. March 27, 1995 - Version 2.00 1. Added a new timer in the main window to keep track of total daily time. This timer is reset each day. A new history file called DAYHIST?.TXT will be updated daily. 2. The today clock will now run on top, so you can watch your time on-line while using any applications. You can choose from , , and clocks or to stay on top with the setup option under files. When you exit setup your choice will saved to SETUP.INI for future reference. 3. You can now view the history file from within WS-TIMER. 4. Changed the font style and size to reduce the window size. 5. If you have more than one provider as the case was for many users you will now be able to keep track of each provider separately. Just add a letter from A - Z to your command line in your login script. The command line line should now look like this: EXEC "c:\wstimer\wstimer.exe ON A" Where ON is to turn the timer on and A is to add to the filename for the three files created by WS-TIMER. Both commands have to be part of the command line. If you omit the A or any other letter all file names will end with an N. Note: If you are upgrading from a previous version you will have to copy the two HISTORY files (in some older case just one) to the WS-TIMER directory and the WSTIMER.INI file. All three of these file will have to me renamed adding an A as the eight digit in the name (e.g. WSTIMER.INI -> WSTIMERA.INI). This letter must be the same as the one on your command line. You will also have to modify your command line in your login script to reflect these changes. You will also have to modify the WSTIMER.INI and add three rows with zero for the daily time above the others. Her is an example of the contents of my WSTIMER.INI I have added the description on the right so you can understand the meaning of each numbers. In previous versions of WS-TIMER, before it kept track of daily time the first three numbers where not saved. That is why if you are upgrading you must modify your INI file as describe above, or you will loose your accumulated time. 0 Daily Hours 16 Daily Minutes 22 Daily Seconds 73 Monthly Hours 36 Monthly Minutes 32 Monthly Seconds 266 Lifetime Hours 26 Lifetime Minutes 24 Lifetime Seconds 29 Last day on-line 289 Number of calls March 23, 1995 - Version 1.23 1. WS-TIMER will now start-up minimized. March 22, 1995 - Version 1.22 1. Added the command line switch ON so that WS-TIMER could be started without the clock running. 2. EndTimer will now stop and exit WS-TIMER from an minimized state. You no longer have to keep WS-TIMER running in a window. 3. Added this file UPDATE.TXT to the archive. March 13, 1995 - Version 1.21 1. Corrected a bug in the about box. Thanks to Nancy Cedeno for finding this one. March 11, 1995 - Version 1.20 1. Added EndTimer program to stop WS-TIMER from the BYE script in Trumpet Winsock. February 16, 1995 - Version 1.10 1. First release to Internet users. 2. Fixed a few minor bugs. 3. Added the HISTORY.TXT file