WinGrep.Txt 07/95 Help File for First Release of WinGrep Version 0.0-pelican 0. For Openers I certainly hope that WinGrep or Grep are not copyrighted or trademarked, but if so I give whomever owns the names full credit. If necessary I will change the name if these items (or any other terminology) are used in any context which might be deemed 'illegal'. All copyrights, trademarks, or tradenames which I may have overlooked are the property of their respective owners. 1. What WinGrep does... WinGrep will search text files and find matching lines for the 'text to find' and show the matching lines. This is very similar to how other grep procedures work. I have included optional filename inclusion as well as line numbers and case sensitivity checking along with changeable delimiters between File-Line-Grep and a total count of all records found. The output goes into WinGreps window only (for now) but can be cut, pasted and copied to the clipboard. WinGrep is handy for those "where did I put that" or "which .INI file is that in" situations. I personally plan to use it to search for EDI data in history files. 2. What WinGrep does not do... WinGrep does not search Binary Files correctly. It checks for Carriage Return/Line Feed combinations at the end of each line. This is easy to change with the source code... The 'Search' option on the file menu is grayed out but may be implemented later. It does not do the fancy [0-9][a-z] character parsing, though I doubt it will be very long before I need to add it. This is a slimmed down version of an infinately more powerful grep utility. Whadayawantfonuthin. It will soon contain a 'Copy To' choice on the Options menu to allow the entire output or selected text to be saved to a file. For now, copy what you want to the clipboard and use notepad to retrieve this data and save it. 3. Things I may add later I may toy with the idea of allowing drag-drop of filespecs/directories. I will probably add a WinGrep.INI to keep Current Directory, Lists of filespecs, Default directories, Last Used Directories, and maybe a few other "windows standard" options. I will DEFINATELY enable the 'Search Subdirectory' check box in the long awaited version 0.0-rottencat. Other options may be added as requested, but WinGrep is distributed AS-IS. 4. License Since every software developer creates his own clever definition of how to pay for software, I have decided to do the same. This software is considered Send-Me-Some-Cash-If-You-Use-It-Ware. Just put a 5'er in an envelope and send it with a little note with your name and a return address or E-mail address. I cannot make any promises about manuals or support because this program is relatively self-explanatory. Once registered you are an authorized user until it is marketed. Then it will be a small fee for the commercial version. (if it even goes that far) You can E-Mail me a nasty letter of you find any bugs, however, the 5 dollar registration is a good motivator for me to look into problems. Keep in mind that I use WinGrep daily and I will probably have it fixed before receiving a letter. 5. Disclaimer I make no implied warranties concerning the use of this product. Use WinGrep at your own risk! WinGrep does NOT write any files yet so It shouldn't crash anyones system. 6. Notes WinGrep is a little slow. The commands to retrieve the filenames from a DOS directory are not speedy by any means. I am looking into this. You'll need VBRUN300.DLL to run this. I think you also need VER.DLL 7. WhoAmI WinGrep was developed because I needed it and I was tired of DOS's grep. Sean Krummrich 1836 S. Canosa Ct. Denver, CO 80223 My E-Mail address is: 73312, Thank you for using WinGrep. 8. Known bugs At the time this version was distributed there were no KNOWN bugs. Time will tell.