Û H A N D B O O K F O R D E M I G O D S Û Û for LEGENDS version 4.2 Û Û Û Û Written by Jeffrey D. Hoffman Û 1.0 INTRODUCTION ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ The new 4.2 software for LEGENDS introduces a new feature called player privilege. This allows the game master for this particular realm of LEGENDS to grant players the ability to do many more things than a normal (regular) player can. These powers allows players to teleport from room to room, summon monsters at will, locate players and monsters with just a thought, and even forge their own weapons, armors, treasures, rooms, monsters, and traps. The following section describes, in detail, each of the higher privilege level commands. Based on how much privilege you receive, you will or will not be able to access certain commands. Having higher privilege is what I tend to refer to as a DemiGod, since, in essence, you are little game masters in your own right. It is important to realize that players who gain the power to do basically anything can make or break a game. Do not let the powers that you gain corrupt your player. Excessive displays of power, and the use of force to get a point across to regular players will turn them away in the long run. DemiGods are designed to be forgers of the realm, with the power to do many wonderful, and many evil things. 1.1 HIGHER PRIVILEGE COMMANDS ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ This section illustrates each command that you, depending upon your privilege level, are able to work with. Each command is listed in UPPER CASE, and defined. The description also includes the amount of privilege that you must have in order to access the command. %E, the environment command, requires a privilege of at least 100. Whatever message follows this command is broadcast to every player in the game. For example, GeoffreyPhoenix would like it to rain for a while in the realm, so he uses this command to alert the players. He would type: Command: %E It is raining in the realm. All other players in the realm would get a message saying the following: It is raining in the realm. Usage: %E (Message to broadcast) Example: %e Lightning illuminates the evening sky. %LISTMONSTERS requires a privilege of 300. This command gives the player access to a listing of where all the monsters, assigned to appear within the specified zone number, are. This allows a player to find where all the monsters are in a certain area. Usage: %LISTMONSTERS (Zone) Example: %LISTMONSTERS 5 CREATE (MAKE) requires a privilege level of 300 in order to access this command. This command allows your character to create any type of room, monster, item, zone or trap that he desires. Depending on the type of object that you are creating, you will be asked to enter various data to make up the thing. (See the section on creation.) Usage: CREATE [ITEM ROOM MONSTER TRAP ZONE] DELETE (DESTROY, OBLITERATE) also requires a privilege level of 300, and allows a player to terminate an item or monster that that he has forged. The item can not be carried by anyone, and must be lying on the ground within the same room that the player is in. The monster must be standing in the room with the player when it's destruction is imminent. Usage: DESTROY (Item) Example: Destroy thunder helm Example: Destroy beholder EDITEXIT requires a privilege of 300 also, and allows a player to edit the description of any exit that he has created within the game. The player must instruct LEGENDS as to which exit he would like to edit, and this is done by refering to the direction that the exit leads from the current room. Once the exit is found, LEGENDS will display the exit description. If you are standing at the source of the exit (ie, the room it was created in) then you will also be prompted for whether or not the exit is oneway. Usage: EDITEXIT (Direction) Example: Editexit e EDITITEM, like all edit command, requires a privilege of 300. This command allows a player to re-edit any item that he has created. The item must be lying on the ground of the room that he is standing in in order to be edited. (see the section on creation.) Usage: EDITITEM (Item) Example: Edititem thunder helm EDITMONSTER requires a 300 privilege in order to be used. This command allows a player to edit any monster that he has created within the realm. The monster must be present in the room in order to be edited. (see the section on creation.) Usage: EDITMONSTER (Monster) Example: Editmonster beholder EDITROOM, requiring a privilege of 300, allows a player to edit any room that he has created. They must be standing in the room, and then will be able to edit the title, zone, and description. (see the section on creation.) Usage: EDITROOM EDITTRAP, requiring a privilege of 300, allows a player to edit any trap that he has created. They must be standing in the room inwhich the trap is armed. They can then edit the trap by refering to what the trap is upon. (see the section on creation.) Usage: EDITTRAP (Item) Example: Edittrap leather book EDITZONE, requiring a privilege of 300, allows a player to edit any zone within the game. Via this command, players have control over the names of each zone. Once a player makes a change to a zone, and they save it, LEGENDS will automatically calculate the number of rooms within the zone and then store that number in the zone database. Usage: EDITZONE (Zone number) Example: Editzone 3 SUMMON (CALL) requires a privilege of 200 to use. This command allows your character to summon any monster of his choosing to his current location. The monster must exist somewhere in the realm, and the nearest one will be summoned into the room with the player. Usage: SUMMON (Monster) Example: Summon bronze dragon TELEPORT (JUMPROOM), requiring a 100 privilege) allows your character to teleport to any room within the realm. Simply specify the room number, which is visible to anyone with a privilige of 100 or greater, and the player will be instantly teleported there. Usage: TELEPORT (Room number) Example: teleport 250 WHERE allows a player to find a player or a monster wherever they might be inside the realm. This command requires a privilege of 300 or higher. The player must simply specify the name of the monster or player he is trying to find and LEGENDS will then locate the character. Usage: WHERE (Monster or characer name) Example: where GeoffreyPhoenix ZONES, which requires a privilege of 300, displays a list of all the active game zones. A zone is defined as an area that monsters are allowed to walk around, and is mainly for players to know how many different places are available to them to explore. Usage: ZONES 2.0 HARNESS INFINITE COSMIC POWER (CREATION) ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ The following documentation explains how each of the different CREATE commands works, by giving you detailed descriptions of each of the fields of data that you must enter based upon what you are creating. When you create a new object, you will always be asked if you want to save the item. If you do not want to save the object you have created, say no and the data you have entered will be discarded. Likewise, if you say "Yes" to the prompt, your data will be saved. If you are editing an item, it will ask you if you would like to save your changes. Answering yes will instruct LEGENDS to save all the data you changed. Otherwise, the game will automatically restore the settings to where they were before you edited the object. 2.1 CREATION OF ROOMS ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ When you create a room, LEGENDS assumes that you want to create a room off of wherever your character is currently standing. If that is not true, you will have to find the room that you do want to build off of before you use the create command. The first thing that LEGENDS will prompt you for is the direction that the room will be off of your current location. You will be unable to build in a direction that already has an exit. This is the screen that is drawn once you have entered an acceptable direction to build in. Room title: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Zone number: °°° Is the room dark? (T or F): ° The ROOM TITLE field holds the one-line message that represents a specific title for this room. Each room does not have to have a title, and if you leave this field blank, none will appear when this room description is displayed. The ZONE NUMBER field defines what zone this room will be in. A zone is defined as an area in the realm, such as a forest, swamp, castle, or dungeon, and can only be created by the game master. This number is used when monsters are generated and randomly dispersed, because each monster has a zone to which it is assigned, and therefore will only stay in rooms with the matching zone number. Before you begin creation, it is important that you have a zone number, otherwise you will be unable to have wandering monsters in your area. Seek out your game master for the creation of a new zone. If the room is dark, you can specify so in the IS THE ROOM DARK field. This is a logical input field, and will only accept T or F. If the room is dark, players will need to have a source of light in order to see the contents of the room. Once you finish entering that data, and press return, you will be asked if you would like to save your work. Answering "No" will tell LEGENDS to discard of the room, and it will not affect anything else in the game. If you Answer "Yes" to the prompt, you will then see this new field appear on the screen: Description: memo The DESCRIPTION field contains the final data required by LEGENDS. This field houses the description of the room, contained in a memo field. These next paragraphs describe how to operate the simple text-editor LEGENDS has, and how to save your room descriptions. LEGENDS uses a built-in text editor that offers players the ability to have room descriptions of any length and automatic word-wrap. To enter the text editor, the cursor must be sitting on the input field with the word "memo" printed upon it. Press CONTROL-] and the screen with change to the editor screen. You are now free to enter the description for the room. The editor automatically word-wraps so you can type in one continuous flow. Once you have completed your paragraph, you MUST add a blank return at the bottom of your description by pressing CONTROL-N. A "<" will appear at the far right of the screen, signifying the addition of the blank line. To save the room description, press CONTROL-W. The screen will return to the original room-creation screen, and you will be asked if you want to save your work. Once you have completed the description of the room, saved it, and pressed return, LEGENDS will not prompt you for the descriptions of the exits that connect the room you were in with the room you have just created. LEGENDS will display the room description of both the original and the new room. On each screen, it will ask you for the description, and you should write the description to reflect the direction that the player can travel to get to the opposite rooms. For example, if I am standing in the treasury, and I create a vault off to the east, my first exit description would be from within the treasury and it would read: A large, metallic archway leads into the vault to the east. My second description would reflect that the player can go back to the west to return to the treasury. This exit description would read: A large, metallic archway leads west and returns you to the treasury. Once you have entered both of your exit descriptions, you will be asked if the exit you have just created is one way. It is important to remember that a one-way door only runs from the original room into your new room. It is not possible to create a doorway that runs one-way from your new room back into the original room. 2.2 CREATING ITEMS ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ This is the screen that is displayed when you create or edit an item: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°] Class: °°°°°°°°°° Weight: °°°°.°° Cost: $°°°°°°°°° Cursed: ° To hit: °° °°°°°°°+°°° Slaying ability: °°.°°xDAMAGE against °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Armor class adjustment: °°° Spell captured in item: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° (Charges: °°) Illumination rounds remaining: °°°°° Wield to °°°°°°° Appearance chance: °°%, °°°°°. Engraving upon item: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° The KEYWORD field is the first field on the screen and it represents the identifier LEGENDS uses to determine if a player is trying to interact with an item. This word or phrase should be, in a nut shell, the very essense of the item, and should be what the player will have to type in to LEGENDS in order to interact with this item. FOR EXAMPLE: Ú ITEM ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ KEYWORD ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ long sword (+0,+1) of slay jello LONG SWORD ³ ³ buckler shield (+2) of buckling BUCKLER SHIELD ³ ³ swamp boots (+1,+0) SWAMP BOOTS ³ ³ golden crown GOLDEN CROWN ³ ³ scroll of healing SCROLL ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The DISPLAY field is the description of the item that is displayed on the screen when a player sees the item. You do not need to put "A," "An," or any other prefix in this field, because LEGENDS does so automatically. This description should include any adjustments and abilities the item has. TEMPLATE FOR WEAPON DISPLAY: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Weapon name (to Hit adjust, to Damage adjust) [AC adjust] abilities EXAMPLE: Lord staff (+3,+2) of slay sorcerer TEMPLATE FOR ARMOR DISPLAY: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Armor name (Normal AC adjust, enchanted adjust) abilities EXAMPLE: Field plate armor (+8,+1) The CLASS field defines what type of item this item will be. This can be anything you like, but it very vague, and used to classify families of items. Shopkeepers will only purchase a specific class of items, based upon what they sell. Ú Common Item Classes (and examples) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ACCESSORY - shield, gauntlets, boots, helmets. ³ ³ ARMOR - field plate, bronze plate, chain mail. ³ ³ KEY - pentagon key, spider key, square key. ³ ³ LIGHT - torch, lantern, magical flame. ³ ³ MAGIC ITEM - scroll of healing, lightning wand. ³ ³ TREASURE - golden crown, ruby ring, emerald necklace. ³ ³ WEAPON - swords, staffs, halberds, bardiches. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The WEIGHT of the item is entered into the weight field. The COST field is the maximum amount a player will pay for this item in they purchase it from a shopkeeper. One half this price is the starting offer any shopkeeper will offer for an item, if they are buying it off a player. The CURSED flag is a new feature to the LEGENDS 4.2 software. This field allows you to define if an item is cursed or not. A cursed item is one that, once wielded or worn, CAN NOT be taken off unless the wearer is killed. Realize that if you ready this item, nothing can be readied over it, and you are stuck until you die - when it will fall to the floor, waiting for another individual to pick it up and ready it. The TO HIT and DAMAGE fields are used ONLY if the item can be wielded as a weapon. The first input field represents the adjustment a player receives (when the item has been readied) to their attack roll. The higher the number, the better the chance a player will hit. The adjacent field is the dice roll that is used to calculate damage done when the player completes a successful attack. This is entered in the following form: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ (Number of times to roll) d (Maximum value of a single dice roll) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The third field holds the damage adjustment, which is added to the total damage done, on a successful hit. EXAMPLE: 2d10 + 10 rolls a ten-sided dice twice, and then adds ten to the outcome making a range of 12 (2 + 10) to 30 (20 + 10). The SLAY ABILITY fields allow you to make a weapon that will automatically hit and do additional damage against a specific class of monsters. The value in the first field is multiplied by the total damage that item does. Anything higher than a 1.00 will do an increased amount of damage, whereas anything lower than 1.00 will do a decreased amount of damage. The second field holds the RACE, OCCUPATION, or ALIGNMENT of the opponent you want to slay with this weapon. FOR EXAMPLE: 2.00xDAMAGE against OGRE will do double damage against any ogre that the player comes across. OR: 2.75xDAMAGE against EVIL will do 2 3/4 more damage against any evil character the player attacks. If an item is readied, any value in the ARMOR CLASS ADJUSTMENT field is subtracted from the player's total AC. A positive number in this field is better, and will make any player who readies this item harder to hit. The SPELL CAPTURED IN ITEM and CHARGES field only concern an item that has a magical spell cast upon it. The first field holds the name of the spell that will be cast. This name must be a legitimate spell that already exists in the sorcerer, cleric, or jester spell book. The second value is the number of times the spell can be cast before the item looses its ability to cast the spell. The ILLUMINATION ROUNDS REMAINING field's only function is to hold the number of rounds that a LIGHT class item will burn once it is readied. Once this value reaches zero, the item burns out. This field is only valid if the item class is LIGHT and the player has readied the item. The WIELD TO field instructs LEGENDS where an item will be readied to. If this field is blank, a player will be unable to ready this item - it will be something that s/he can only carry around. There are ten different places items can be placed upon. Ú Wield to location ÄÄÄÄ Example ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ HEAD Helmet ³ ³ NECK Necklace ³ ³ BODY Field plate armor, bronze plate armor, chain mail ³ ³ ARM Shield ³ ³ HANDS Gauntlets, gloves ³ ³ FINGER Ring ³ ³ FEET Swamp boots, leather boots, bunny slippers ³ ³ ABOUT Cloak ³ ³ LIGHT Torch, lantern ³ ³ WEAPON Sword, staff, bardiche, halberd, whip ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The APPEARANCE CHANCE field is the percentage chance that an item will appear in a store on any given day, and the dice roll which determines how many of this item a shopkeeper will get in that day. This field has a specific format, and it MUST be entered like this: (i.e. the "%," and the "." must be present within this field when you enter it. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ (Percent chance)%, (Dice roll). ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ EXAMPLE: 25%, 1d3. means that there is a twenty-five percent chance that the store owner will get this item in, and that he will have one, two, or three to sell that day. The large ENGRAVING UPON ITEM field holds any additional details about the appearance of the item that you wish the player to know about. This is shown when the item is examined, and can be anything you would like, including text written upon the item, or any description concerning marks, dents, or enchanted glows. 3.3 CREATING MONSTERS ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ This is the screen that is draw when you edit a monster: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [°°°°] (°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°, Opponent) - Level: °°. Experience: °°°°°°°°° Hit points: 0 of °°°°°° Armor class: °°° To Weapon: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Attack verb: °°°°°°°°°° To hit: °°° °°°°°+°°° Attack pause: °°° Aggressive? ° Mobile? ° Gold roll: °°°°°° Random appearance in zone: °°° Desription: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° The first input field is the NAME field, which holds (yep, you guessed it) the name of the monster. This is the word that LEGENDS references when it is looking for a monster that a player is attacking. This means that if a player types ATTACK OGRE, LEGENDS will search for the monster with the name Ogre. The second field field, displayed between brackets, is the alignment of the monster. This new feature allows you to create monsters that are both good and evil. It is important to remember that evil monsters will only attack good players or monstesr, and good monsters will only attack evil players or monsters. The RACE field usually identical to the name of the monster. This field holws the race that the monster belongs to. This can be anything you like, such as "Dragon" or "HUMANOID." This field is used because there are weapons that can be designed to slay certain races of monsters, such as a Mace of Slay Gnoll. This sword does double damage against any monster that has a race as Gnoll. Once again, I recommend that you keep the race field equal to the name field. The LEVEL field holds the monster's experience level. This is the equivalant of the skill level that a player can reach. This value can range from 1 to 999. The higher the number, the more skilled the monster is, and the easier chance the monster will have to successfully hit an opponent during battle. The EXPERIENCE field represents the amount of experience a player receives every time they successfully damage the monster. For example, a Chimera has an experience value to 213. LithiumGodSlayer attacks the Chimera, inflicting 15 damage. His experience is raised by 213 points. The more powerful the monster, the higher this value should be. The MAXIUM HIT POINTS field stores the hitpoints that the monster receives every time they are regenerated. This is also the amount of damage that a monster can take before it is killed. Stronger monsters have a large number in this field, weaker monsters have a significantly lower value. The ARMOR CLASS field determines how difficult it is to hit this monster. I recommend values between 25 to -10. The higher the number, the easier it is for a player to successfully hit the monster. Once the numbers reach zero or lower, the monster becomes such that it is highly unlikely that a player will hit the monster without using some sort of magical weapon. The TO WEAPON field is used simply for a brief description of the weapon that you have armed the monster with. This can be anything you like, but should be creative, and have some sort of tie-in with the monster you have created. This can range from "Claws" to "A long sword." The ATTACK VERB field holds a verb which adds a bit of color to the combat descriptions in LEGENDS. This verb stands for the type of attack that the monster does when they attack any player. It must end in a letter "s." ÚÄÄ COMMON ATTACK VERBS ÄÄ¿ ³ claws breathes ³ ³ strikes slashes ³ ³ thrusts bites ³ ³ slices spews ³ ³ gazes ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The TO HIT field is the bonus to the monster's attack roll. This value works in addition to the LEVEL field, to determine if the monster will hit an opponent when it attacks. This higher this number, the easier it is for the monster to successfully hit a player. If this value is negative, the monster will have a harder time hitting players. The higher the monster's level, the smaller the number that will be required here. The adjacent field is the DAMAGE field which holds dice roll that damage is calculated from. This data MUST be entered in a specific format: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ (Number of times to roll) d (Maximum value of a single dice roll) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ FOR EXAMPLE: 1d16 will roll a sixteen-sided dice once. OR: 2d12, which would roll a twelve-sided dice twice. This can be any combination, although I recommend that the first number be less than six for fast execution. Other examples: 1d100, 2d5, 4d8, 2d20, etc. The field directly after DAMAGE is the DAMAGE ADJUSTMENT field. This value is added to the monster's total damage done. This value could also be considered the lowest possible damage a monster could inflict. EXAMPLE: A Chimera has a 1d16+2 for damage. The lowest value it could inflict would be 3 (1+2) and the highest would be 18 (16+2). The AGGRESSIVE? field determines whether or not your monster will begin combat on their own. You can make your monster aggressive by answering True to this field. Likewise, a False in this field makes your monster passive. An aggressive monster does not wait to be attacked. It will begin attacking the first thing it sees. A non-aggressive monster will wait around in a room until it is attacked, and then it will continue to attack anyone it finds until it is killed or it is calmed with a spell. The MOBILE? field, once again a logical field, determines if your monster will move around from room to room. If you answer true, your monster will be moved daily. Otherwise, your monster is a sentinal, that will guard the room it was created in until it is killed. The GOLD ROLL field holds the dice roll that is used to determine how much gold a player will receive when they kill this monster. I usually recommend something like 1d200, 1d50, or 2d200. These values will offer players a large supply of gold to purchase things with. If this field is blank, the monster will never carry gold. The RANDOM APPERANCE IN ZONE field represents the zone number that this monster is free to appear anywhere within. If you do not have a zone, enter 0 into this field, and once your monster is killed, they will not return. If you need a zone, see your game master. The rooms that are in the zone that a monster can wander in is defined when the room is created. The final field is the DESCRIPTION of the monster. The message that you enter into this field is shown when the room description is displayed. This field should be used to describe the appearance of the monster, but there have been some creative uses of it before. 3.4 CREATING TRAPS ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ A trap is defined as anything that happens to a player when they push, pull, rotate, twist, turn, or slide an item. A trap can do a wide variety of things, and is very flexible, adding spice and mystery to a game. A trap is not openly described within a room description, and if any explanation of the trap is required, one must do it within the room that you are in. A trap does not need anything to be active. For istance, you can say that there is a switch on the wall in your room description and then place a trap upon the switch, but you do not have to create a new item called switch in your room. That makes traps very easy and quick. When you type CREATE TRAP and press return, LEGENDS will draw this screen: Command set: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Noun: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°° PLAYERS->°°°°°°°°°° Dice roll: °°°°°°+°°°°°° Display as seen by player: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Display as seen by players in the room: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Loop to command prompt: ° The COMMAND SET field holds all the possible commands that the player can use to invoke this trap. It is a small field, and can hold about three different commands at any one time. Each command must be in UPPER CASE, and must also be surrounded by periods at both the front and the back of the command. LEGENDS will understand any command within this field, as long as it has the periods around it. *It does not have to be an existing command from the LEGENDS parser, either!* For example, if I were creating a trap that is activated when a player pulls on a rope in my room, I would enter this: .PULL. Or, if I were creating a trap that is activated when the player turns a small dial, I would enter this: .TWIST.TURN.ROTATE. Or, what if I wanted to make a door that opened when a player said a special word into the air while standing at the base of the door -- I would enter this: .SAY. *LEGENDS also allows you to specify a trap to run automatically every round by allowing you to put the word .AUTO. in the COMMAND SET field. Make sure that you do not use the LOOP field (see below) in conjunction with the AUTO field unless the trap moves a player out of the room, or you have designed the trap to run automatically as a death trap. The NOUN field holds the name of the pseudo-item that LEGENDS will look for in the player's command to determine if they are interacting with this trap. For instance, in the above definition for COMMAND SET, I mentioned a trap that was activated when the player turned a small dial. The NOUN for that trap would be DIAL. The field at the far left of the next line represents the effect the trap will have upon the player who triggers it. This can be one of three things: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ADD, SUBTRACT, or REPLACE ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The ADD feature will add whatever outcome the trap has to the value that you specify next. This is probably the least used of the three features, but could be used if a trap heals the player, or gives them back spell points. The SUBTRACT feature will subtract whatever outcome the trap has to the value that you specify next. This is a very common setting for a trap that inflicts damage upon a player, or that steals something from the player like spell points or experience. The REPLACE feature will automatically set a player's attribute to whatever value that is specified next. This is used to create traps that teleport players to another room, steal their gold, or instantly kill them, or set their experience to a specific amount. The PLAYERS-> field represents what attribute of the player that this trap will effect. This can be a wide variety of things, but a trap can only effect one at a time. This field can effect: Ú Setting ÄÄÄÄ Area of effect on player ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Notes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ HPOINTS Player's current hitpoints Damage ³ ³ SPOINTS Player's current spell points ³ ³ LOCATION Player's location Teleportation ³ ³ GOLD Player's gold ³ ³ EXP Player's experience ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The DICE ROLL field holds the dice that are rolled when this trap is triggered. If you want a random value to occur every time this trap is activated, you must enter a value in this field. This value must be entered in a specific format: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ (Number of times to roll) d (Maximum value of a single dice roll) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ FOR EXAMPLE: 1d16 will roll a sixteen-sided dice once. OR: 2d12, which would roll a twelve-sided dice twice. The field directly to the right of the "+" is the ADJUSTMENT field which serves two purposes. First, if there is a value in the DICE ROLL field then this value is added onto the outcome of the dice. Secondly, if you do not have a value in the DICE ROLL field, then this value is used automatically and does not happen randomly. The DISPLAY AS SEEN BY THE PLAYER field holds the display that the player seens when the trap activates. This message should reflect exactly what the player sees. If you would like the amount that the trap randomly generates to be displayed within the description, you must place a "%D" where you want the outcome to appear. For instance, if you were making a trap door that the opens and drops the player into another room, you might enter a description like this: A trap door opens beneath you and you plunge into darkness ... Another example would be if the player presses a button that sends a shock through the player, you might enter something like this: You press the button and receive a shock, which inflicts %D damage. In the place of the %D, LEGENDS will automatically put the value that the trap rolls for damage to the player. The DISPLAY AS SEEN BY THE PLAYERS IN THE ROOM holds the description that the other people in the room will see when one player activates the trap. This field can also display the amount of damage done, by way of putting in a "%D" within the description. It is important to remember that LEGENDS automatically appends the player's alias (who triggered the trap) to the beginning of the description before anyone else sees it. For instance, going back to the trap door that I mentioned about, you might enter this description for what the players see: falls through a trap door. If GeoffreyPhoenix presses the button that opens the trap door, the other players in the room will see: GeoffreyPhoenix falls through a trap door. The LOOP field is designed to hold a True or a False. This field determines whether or not LEGENDS will loop back to the command prompt (thus skipping all of the command parsing routines) once a trap is triggered. This is only useful in certain situation, but come in most handy if the trap that loops is one that changes the character's location. *DO NOT define a trap to LOOP if it does not move the player out of the room with the trap. If the trap is LOOPed, the player (or demigod) will become trapped in the room, forced to be effected by the trap. Once you have entered the final description, you will be asked if you would like to save your work. Answering no will delete the trap, and answering yes will save it and activate it. ÛÛ Copyright (C) January, 1993 by Jeffrey D. Hoffman. All Rights Reserved. ÛÛ